Renato Rascel

Renato Rascel

Nacimiento : 1912-04-27, Turin, Italy

Muerte : 1991-01-02


Renato Rascel


La profesora lo enseña todo
El adolescente Stefano cae perplejo ante la despampanante profesora que llega a sustituir a la anterior.
Una Sonrisa, Una Bofetada y un Beso en la Boca
(archive footage)
Esta película antológica del cine italiano pretende recoger algunos aspectos del periodo comprendido entre 1947 y 1962. No solo desde un punto de vista estético sino también por la crítica y discusión sobre el gusto y en ocasiones, sobre las costumbres de la época. Grandes nombres como Marcello Mastroianni, Sofía Loren, Vittorio Gassman, Giulietta Massina, Ana Magnani, etc... aparecen en las más famosas escenas del cine italiano coo :"Pan, amor y fantasía", "El signo de Venus", "El gato pardo", etc... se suceden una detrás de otra, los mejores besos, las mejores escenas de amor, las escenas más divertidas en una ciudada selección que hará las delicias de los espectadores.
Comisaria de guardia
Un nuevo comisario debuta en la brigada nocturna, pero entra con mal pie: una adolescente ha desaparecido y una prostituta ha sido apuñalada. Acompañado de una compañera de ésta, recorre la noche y va conociendo a la diversa fauna que pulula por las calles.
Narratore (voce)
The film was directed by Giuliano Cenci with assistance from his brother Renzo. During production, Carlo Collodis grandchildren Mario and Antonio Lorenzini were consulted. The subtle movements made by fidgeting children whilst speaking or under scrutiny were incorporated into Pinocchios movements, particularly when he lies to the Fairy with the Turquoise Hair over the fate of his gold coins. For the design of the Fairy, Italian portrayals of the Blessed Virgin Mary in art were used as starting points.
The film was directed by Giuliano Cenci with assistance from his brother Renzo. During production, Carlo Collodis grandchildren Mario and Antonio Lorenzini were consulted. The subtle movements made by fidgeting children whilst speaking or under scrutiny were incorporated into Pinocchios movements, particularly when he lies to the Fairy with the Turquoise Hair over the fate of his gold coins. For the design of the Fairy, Italian portrayals of the Blessed Virgin Mary in art were used as starting points.
I racconti di Padre Brown
Padre Brown
Dario Barbieri
To satisfy his wife, an elderly man has to have a penis transplant and is willing to pay a lot to do so. Three men are selected who for different reasons are forced to accept but giving up manhood can be more complicated than expected.
El secreto de Santa Vittoria
Bombolini es el alegre borracho local del pequeño pueblo italiano de Santa Vittoria, en los últimos días de la II Guerra Mundial. Cuando llega la noticia de que el gobierno fascista ha caído, es él quien sube a un deposito de agua para desarriar su bandera. Este gesto espontáneo hace que la gente coree su nombre y el ayuntamiento fascista le tome por el nuevo líder del pueblo. Así, se rinden a él y le nombran nuevo alcalde. Bombolini sabrá aprovechar la ocasión y cuando llega la noticia de que los alemanes en retirada pasarán por Santa Vittoria para expoliarlos de su cosecha anual (más de un millón de botellas), pergeñará un plan para ocultar el preciado licor.
Delirio a due
Follie d'estate
il sognatore
Questi fantasmi
The Orderly
Remigio De Acutis
Colonels, majors, lieutenants: all of them live in the same building. Some of them have a wife or children or none, but everyone has his orderly. Major Penna is harassed by Osvaldo's mother. Lt. Martucci gets involved in the love affair between Antonio, his orderly, and Lauretta.
The Last Judgment
Gran reparto para una comedia italiana en la que una poderosa voz procedente del cielo anuncia el día del Juicio Final. Las reacciones de la población ante este acontecimiento serán muy diversas.
Manos arriba
Renato Micacci
Un inocentón policía italiano es encargado por la Interpol del traslado a Italia desde París de un astuto y peligroso gángster.
Enrico '61
Italian comedy teleplay.
Il corazziere
Urbano Marangoni
In fascist Italy, Urbano Marangoni aspires to become Corazziere, like his late father, but it is a dream destined not to come true because of his short stature.
The Bear
A mild-mannered zookeeper has to contend with his tyrannical boss and a talking lovesick bear.
Little Girls and High Finance
A low level official and a prostitute both try to commit suicide and fail, afterwards he becomes a pimp and the prostitutes take over the country.
Un militar y medio
Nicola Carletti
Después de treinta años en América, Nicola vuelve a Italia, su patria, donde es reclamado por el ejército al ser considerado prófugo. Un hombre de cincuenta años convertido de buenas a primeras en simple recluta, con los contratiempos que esto le ocasiona en su profesión (representante de unas “maravillosas” pastillas) y enfrentado a un “terrible” brigada que, naturalmente, se toma aquello muy en serio.
Ferdinand I King of Naples
The story of "King Lazzarone" Ferdinand I of Bourbon whose pastime was to neglect the government and disguise himself as a poor man and turn to the infamous city premises in search of love adventures. With the De Filippo brothers to complete.
Agárrame ese vampiro
Un pobre infeliz se incorpora a trabajar en un hotel regentado por su tio, pero desconoce que este, es un milenario vampiro.
Agárrame ese vampiro
Baron Osvaldo Lambertenghi
Un pobre infeliz se incorpora a trabajar en un hotel regentado por su tio, pero desconoce que este, es un milenario vampiro.
Policarpo, calígrafo diplomado
Policarpo De Tappetti
La acción se centra a finales del siglo XIX. Policarpo De Tappetti es un calígrafo que trabaja a las órdenes de Don César Pancarano de Rondò. Desde hace muchísimos años, Policarpo busca un ascenso y un aumento de sueldo que nunca llegó, y, por lo que parece, nunca llegará. Cierto día, Jerónimo, el hijo de Don César, conoce a Celeste, la hija de Policarpo, y se enamora de ella. Policarpo ve en esa relación la solución a sus aspiraciones en el trabajo, y hace todo lo que está en su mano para que dicha relación fructifique. Don César, que presume de ser Conde, ve con muy malos ojos que su hijo se vea con una chica de tan diferente posición social, y hace justamente todo lo contrario... (FILMAFFINITY)
Rascel Marine
Original Music Composer
During WW2 a platoon of marines fights the Japanese on a little island in the Pacific Ocean. On the island there is a hut where old Taikiki lives with his two daughters. The two opposing armies soon forget about war and concentrate on winning the girls' hearts.
Rascel Marine
Caporale Ronny Rascel
During WW2 a platoon of marines fights the Japanese on a little island in the Pacific Ocean. On the island there is a hut where old Taikiki lives with his two daughters. The two opposing armies soon forget about war and concentrate on winning the girls' hearts.
Move and I'll Shoot
Renato Tuzzi - il professore
Renato Tuzzi, a primary school teacher, is a shy man, unable to be respected by the turbulent kids.
Las siete colinas de Roma
Pepe Bonelli
After having a fight with his girl friend, Marc follows her to Rome to try and win her back. On the train he meets a girl who is on her way to stay with her uncle. He gives her a lift to her uncle's, but they discover he has gone to South America. So as she has nowhere else to go, she stays with Marc and his cousin, which inevitably leads to romance.
Don Gregorio (uncredited)
El joven Rafael debe acudir al pueblecito de Pollena, donde vive su anciana abuela Sabela, que ha reclamado su presencia ya que al parecer se encuentra muy enferma. A su llegada Rafael descubre que su abuela está perfectamente, y que todo ha sido un truco para poder hablarle de un proyecto: el plan de Sabela es casar a su nieto con una muchacha de buena familia. Pero a Rafael el plan no le convence. Al año siguiente se estrenó la secuela, "Sabela vuelve al ataque".
Renato / Renatino - il suo figlio
Renato and Gedeon have just opened a nightclub in a disreputable area of New York, triggering the hostility of Gionata, a gang leader and owner of the nightclub across the street. Helped by the hoods of his gang, Gionata uses a couple of tricks to try and ruin his competitors. To begin with, he induces his friend Barbara, a vamp, to perform in a hot number in Renato and Gedeon's joint, so that the police intervene and close the club. The move fails, so Gionata decides to have Renatino, Renato's son, kidnapped by his men, which proves another flop. To make matters worse for Gionata, Michaela, his own daughter, has fallen in love with Renato, and sides with him and his partner...
The Monte Carlo Story
Única película como director de Samuel Taylor, autor de la obra teatral en la que se basó Sabrina, de Billy Wilder, y coguionista de Vértigo. Describe a la aristocracia europea de Montecarlo.
I pinguini ci guardano
These Phantoms
Pasquale Lojacono
A young husband is persuaded to move his new bride into an old palace that is supposedly haunted.But the so called ghost is really the bride's former lover who is stalking her on the premises.
Rosso e nero
Gran varietà
Il comico
A musical comedy divided into five segments: Mariantonia, Cuttica, Il Fine Dicitore, Fregoli and Il Censore.
Alvaro piuttosto corsaro
Alvaro hunts for a treasure, of which he owns only half the map.
El matrimonio
Dmitry Marinin, il 'generale'
Tres historias sobre el matrimonio. Un hombre rico contrae matrimonio con una chica. Un capitán se enamora de una viuda. El anfitrión de un convite es confundido con un general.
Attanasio cavallo vanesio
A jockey buys his favorite horse.
Piovuto dal cielo
A pickpoket falls in love with one of his victims.
Ho scelto l'amore
A satire of the Cold War, Italian style. Soviet flunkey Boris Popovitc is sent on a goodwill mission to Rome, where he is to deliver a symbolic dove of peace to a group of WW II freedom fighters. Somehow, Boris winds up in Venice minus the dove. As he searches up street and down canal for the missing bird, he meets and falls in love with luscious flower-girl Maria.
Ho scelto l'amore
Boris Popovic
A satire of the Cold War, Italian style. Soviet flunkey Boris Popovitc is sent on a goodwill mission to Rome, where he is to deliver a symbolic dove of peace to a group of WW II freedom fighters. Somehow, Boris winds up in Venice minus the dove. As he searches up street and down canal for the missing bird, he meets and falls in love with luscious flower-girl Maria.
La passeggiata
La passeggiata
Original Music Composer
La passeggiata
El alcalde, el escribano y su abrigo
Carmine De Carmine
De Carmine es un gris escribano que trabaja en el ayuntamiento. Sus compañeros se ríen de él, es torpe, el alcalde le trata a la baqueta y además su abrigo es un harapo con un agujero enorme. Con sus ahorros de años decide hacerse un abrigo nuevo que le transforma el carácter, gana popularidad y se atreve a ir a la fiesta de Nochevieja a casa del secretario general y bailar en ella con Caterina, la amante del alcalde. Pero al salir, se lo roban...
L'eroe sono io
A historical farce about Napoleon.
Half a Century of Song
Diversos sketches sobre personajes relacionados con la música, siguiendo canciones de la época.
Il bandolero stanco
A comedy centered on the character of Pepito. It is an Italian western made before the Spaghetti western era and it is at the same time a parody of the western genre.
Love I Haven't... But... But
Gina tries to commit suicide by jumping into the river but is saved by Teodoro, an innocent young man. Antonio, Teodoro's brother, tries in every way to seduce her.
Io sono il capataz
Uguccione / Rascelito Villa
Confunden a un joven con un peligroso revolucionario y es enviado de inmediato a Parazuela, donde se pone al frente de las tropas rebeldes.
Beauties on bicycles
Il figlio del meccanico
Desaventuras en tren, coche y bicicleta de dos bailarinas que van a Bolonia donde se halla la compañía de revista de Totò.
Figaro qua... Figaro là
Don Alonzo
In the 18th century, Figaro the Sevillian barber is likely to be arrested because he operates his shop on Sundays, which is forbidden.
Maracatumba... ma non è una rumba!
rag. Filippo De Bellis
Pazzo d'amore