Carl Davis

Carl Davis

Nacimiento : 1936-10-28, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA


Carl Davis is an American music composer and conductor for film and television. He is the driving force behind the reinvention of the silent movie for this generation and has written the score to some of the most loved and remembered British television dramas. He is a conductor and composer of symphonic works, as well as a notable writer for the ballet.


Carl Davis


Composing Napoleon
An Interview with Carl Davis
Florence Foster Jenkins
Orlando Adams
Narra la historia real de Florence Foster Jenkins, una mujer que, al heredar la fortuna de su padre, pudo cumplir su sueño de estudiar para ser soprano. El problema era que carecía de talento, pero la gente acudía a sus recitales para comprobar si de verdad era tan mala cantante como decían los críticos.
The Understudy
Original Music Composer
A perennial understudy takes matters into her own hands to achieve fame at any price.
The Understudy
Executive Producer
A perennial understudy takes matters into her own hands to achieve fame at any price.
An original documentary from Turner Classic Movies, Garbo offers an intimate look at the life and career of the movies' most luminous, reclusive and mystifying star. A portrait of Garbo the woman is drawn through interviews with biographers and admirers, plus many of the friends, relatives and associates who came closest to penetrating the lonely star's veil of solitude.
Original Music Composer
An original documentary from Turner Classic Movies, Garbo offers an intimate look at the life and career of the movies' most luminous, reclusive and mystifying star. A portrait of Garbo the woman is drawn through interviews with biographers and admirers, plus many of the friends, relatives and associates who came closest to penetrating the lonely star's veil of solitude.
Promoted to Glory
Original Music Composer
An alcoholic falls in love with a Salvation Army captain who is trying to help him.
Drama musical ambientado en el siglo XIX. Narra la rivalidad entre dos artistas londinenses: Gilbert y Sullivan, guionista y compositor respectivamente. Gilbert (Broadbent) es un auténtico caballero. Sullivan (Corduner), en cambio, es casi un libertino. Durante años, los dos trabajaron juntos deleitando al público con sus populares óperas cómicas. Pero, en 1884, al no contar su última obra con el apoyo de la crítica, las diferencias entre ellos salieron a flote. Sullivan quiso dejar a Gilbert para componer música más seria; pero ambos estaban obligados contractualmente a hacer un nuevo trabajo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Goodnight, Mister Tom
Original Music Composer
We're in an English village shortly before Dunkirk. "Mr. Tom" Oakley still broods over the death of his wife and small son while he was away in the navy during WWI, and grief has made him a surly hermit. Now children evacuated from London are overwhelming volunteers to house them. Practically under protest, Mr. Tom takes in a painfully quiet 10-year-old, who gradually reveals big problems.
Le radeau de la Méduse
Original Music Composer
Iranian Iradj Azimi directed this French historical drama re-creating events depicted in the famous 1819 painting The Raft of the Medusa by Jean Louis Andre Theodore Gericault (1791-1824). The ill-fated voyage of the frigate Medusa begins when it departs Rochefort for Senegal in 1816. After striking a sandbar off the African coast, 150 civilians row safely to shore, but Captain Chaumareys (Jean Yanne) orders 140 soldiers and sailors onto a raft (minus supplies) and has it cut loose. Only 14 survive from the 140, creating a scandal back in France. Gericault (Laurent Terzieff) later talks to three of the survivors while researching his painting. Work on this film began in 1987, but sets destroyed by Hurricane Hugo caused delays, so the film was not completed until 1990. However, it then remained undistributed until an incident in which writer-director Azimi slashed his wrists in front of French Ministry of Culture officials.
El pico de las viudas
Original Music Composer
Irlanda, años 20. Sobre una colina con vistas al pueblo de Kilshanon se extiende un grupo de casas propiedad de un grupo de mujeres ricas y viudas. La líder de la comunidad es la señora Counihan, que ha enterrado a dos maridos y es madre del mimado Godfrey, el más codiciado soltero de Kilshanon. A la colina llega una nueva viuda que perturbara la sencilla y anodina vida de la comunidad.
Genghis Cohn
Original Music Composer
In the midst of World War II, Nazi officer Otto Schatz declares the execution of Jewish music-hall comedian Genghis Cohn. Many years later, Otto is comfortably retired into the life of a highly respected police commissioner, and is investigating a series of murders when he encounters the ghost of Genghis Cohn. The haunting turns into a taunting, and before he knows it, Schatz is slowly driven mad as he is lured into a trap.
Original Music Composer
Liberation cuenta la dramática historia de la batalla librada en dos frentes durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial: la campaña aliada para liberar a Europa y la campaña genocida de Hitler contra los judíos. El documental de la Segunda Guerra Mundial utiliza imágenes de películas, emisiones de radio y música de época recopilada de archivos de todo el mundo. Entretejidos a lo largo de la película están las fascinantes historias de los judíos de Europa: historias inolvidables de tragedia, coraje, resistencia y supervivencia. La liberación comienza en 1942, cuando Adolf Hitler aún estaba en el apogeo de su poder y los aliados comenzaron a imaginar una invasión de Europa por canales cruzados.
El proceso
Original Music Composer
Adaptación a la gran pantalla de "El proceso", la prestigiosa novela de Frank Kafka. (FILMAFFINITY)
D.W. Griffith: Father of Film
Original Music Composer
Part of the "American Masters" series; this documentary shows the career of filmmaking pioneer D.W. Griffith
Northern Ballet's A Christmas Carol
Original Music Composer
Sentido de la historia
Original Music Composer
Jim Broadbent interpreta al vigésimotercer Earl de Leete, un envejecido patriarca de una respetada familia británica que narra su retorcida biografía delante de la cámara. (FILMAFFINITY)
El crucifijo de sangre
Original Music Composer
En la década de 1850, en la India, se comete un asesinato en torno a un increíble tesoro, y cuatro militares británicos firman un pacto de secreto. En 1887, una maldición parece pesar sobre ellos, y Sherlock Holmes habrá de investigar.
The Black Velvet Gown
In the 1830's in northern England, Riah Millican, a widow with three children, takes a job as housekeeper to a reclusive former teacher, Percival Miller. Miller makes Riah the gift of a black velvet gown, and even educates her children. But when Riah discovers the reason behind Miller's gifts, she vows to leave his house, but Miller has a hold on her, even after his death, when he leaves his house to her on the condition that she never marry. Riah's daughter, Biddy, grows up and becomes a laundress in a large house where her education keeps her from fitting in and makes her a target. But it also catches the eye of a son of the house, and with Miller's legacies, Biddy may yet find her way to happiness.
Echoes That Remain
Original Music Composer
Echoes That Remain combines hundreds of rare archival photos and previously unseen film footage with live action sequences shot on location at the sites of former Jewish communities in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland and Romania. The film's production team spent over a year of research in archives around the world collecting film footage and photographs to help dramatize the folk stories, parables, and anecdotes. Playing an important role in the film are a series of evocative images from the famed photo biographer of Eastern European shtetl life, the late Roman Vishniac.
La resurrección de Frankenstein
Original Music Composer
Siglo XXI. Partiendo de ciertos experimentos con un nuevo tipo de arma, que provoca fisuras espacio-temporales, se decide enviar a un científico al siglo XIX, a Ginebra. Allí conoce al doctor Frankenstein, que ha fabricado una terrible criatura, y también a una angelical escritora de diecinueve años llamada Mary Shelley, que escribirá la historia del doctor y su creación.
La vida secreta de Ian Fleming
Original Music Composer
The Secret Life of Ian Fleming follows the exciting life of a dashing young Ian Fleming, the mastermind behind the highly successful James Bond books and movies.
The Yellow Wallpaper
Original Music Composer
A woman goes slowly mad as she is confined to a room for weeks on end by her husband.
Harold Lloyd: The Third Genius
A film about the career and methods of the master silent comedy filmmaker.
Somewhere to Run
Original Music Composer
Teenagers Sarah and Debbie run away from home and find themselves on the streets of London.
El arcoiris
Adaptación de la novela de D.H. Lawrence. Una mujer joven se ocupa de su a su manera personal de las pruebas y experiencias de la adolescencia y la juventud en la Inglaterra de principios de 1900.
El arcoiris
Original Music Composer
Adaptación de la novela de D.H. Lawrence. Una mujer joven se ocupa de su a su manera personal de las pruebas y experiencias de la adolescencia y la juventud en la Inglaterra de principios de 1900.
Original Music Composer
Esta es la verdadera historia del caso Profumo, el escándalo sexual que hizo tambalear los cimientos del Reino Unido en 1963, en plena Guerra Fría. Todo comenzó en el momento en que Christine Keller, una bella bailarina, entra en contacto con las más altas esferas de la sociedad británica gracias a su íntima amistad con el famoso osteópata, Stephen Ward. En una de las fiestas del partido conservador conoce a John Profumo, Secretario de Estado para la Guerra, con el que comienza una relación furtiva. Los problemas surgen cuando el MI5 descubre que la muchacha mantiene una relación paralela con un agregado militar de la embajada soviética.
The Girl in a Swing
Original Music Composer
A London art broker goes to Copenhagen where he requires the services of a secretary fluent in Danish, English, and German. He falls deeply in love with the woman, despite the fact that he knows virtually nothing about her. She insists on not being married in a church, and after they are married, some bad things from her past begin surfacing in subtly supernatural ways, and he must find the best way to deal with them without destroying their relationship.
Journey's End
Original Music Composer
A British Company in the WWI trenches await an inevitable German attack in this 1988 adaptation of R.C. Sherriff's play.
A Song for Europe
Steven Dyer, an executive working for a giant multinational drugs company, decides to report his employer for breaches of Common Market trading regulations. One night in Basle, Switzerland, he leaves his home to post a letter, the start of a nightmare journey that leads to terrible consequences for his life, his career and for his wife and children.
A Song for Europe
Original Music Composer
Steven Dyer, an executive working for a giant multinational drugs company, decides to report his employer for breaches of Common Market trading regulations. One night in Basle, Switzerland, he leaves his home to post a letter, the start of a nightmare journey that leads to terrible consequences for his life, his career and for his wife and children.
El Rey David
Original Music Composer
Designado como futuro rey por el profeta Samuel, el joven David vence con su honda al amenazador gigante Goliath. Pero el rey Saul, celoso del nuevo héroe, le quiere quitar la vida y le hará la guerra durante largo tiempo.
George Stevens: A Filmmaker's Journey
Original Music Composer
Biography of the legendary filmmaker directed by his son.
The Pickwick Papers
Original Music Composer
The Pickwick Papers is a twelve-part BBC adaption of The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens, first broadcast in 1985. It starred Nigel Stock, Alan Parnaby, Clive Swift and Patrick Malahide, with narration spoken by Ray Brooks.
Original Music Composer
Biography of Russian physicist & dissident Andrei Sakharov focuses on his first acts in his civil rights.
Reto al destino
Melodrama deportivo que narra la historia de Bob Champion, un jockey que consiguió ganar el Grand National pese a sufrir un grave cáncer.
Down in the Valley
Original Music Composer
Short opera. A boy falls in love with a girl after an Appalachian prayer meeting, but her father wants her to go to the dance with a local shyster who the father thinks will bail him out of his money troubles instead.
The Weather in the Streets
Original Music Composer
Passion comes calling when a man suffering through an unhappy marriage in 1920s England runs into first love.
Original Music Composer
Macbeth and his wife murder Duncan in order to gain his crown, but the bloodbath doesn't stop there, and things supernatural combine to bring the Macbeths down.
Schoolgirl Chums
Original Music Composer
In the 1930s, Alison starts a new boarding school and becomes embroiled in a sinister plot to dethrone the royal family of Bosnovia.
Home Sweet Home
Original Music Composer
Three postal workers and their dysfunctional families interact over cups of tea and Sunday dinner.
1982. A shop worker saves money all year for a holiday in France, using a magazine as guide to the mode of dress and manners of behaviour she thinks expected of a wealthy woman.
Praying Mantis
Original Music Composer
A middle-aged professor's young bride and his assistant plan to commit a double murder disguised as a "Crime Passionel", but discover too late that one of their intended victims has become a fellow conspirator.
La mujer del teniente francés
Original Music Composer
Inglaterra, 1867. Charles Smithson y Ernestina se comprometen poco despues de conocerse, pero piensan casarse muy pronto. Un día, paseando por los acantilados, Charles ve a una joven vestida de negro en el malecón del puerto. Ernestina le dice que se trata de Sarah Woodrof, conocida como "la mujer del teniente francés", porque años atrás tuvo una relación amorosa con un oficial francés que luego la abandonó. Charles se hace amigo de Sarah y, al verla tan desvalida, decide tomar medidas para garantizarle un futuro digno y fuera del alcance de las habladurías.
Staying On
Original Music Composer
A british colonel and his wife decide to remain in India after the departure of the British raj in the 1940s.
Speed King
Original Music Composer
Biopic of Malcolm Campbell, detailing his tumultuous life and extreme drive as he attempts to break the world speed records on land and water.
Birth of the Beatles
Original Music Composer
The early days of the Fab Four are traced from their bleakest hours as unknowns on Penny Lane in Liverpool to their triumph on "The Ed Sullivan Show."
Brecht and Co
Original Music Composer
Brecht's company of actors tells the story of Bertolt Brecht: his theatre, plays, poetry and his life.
The Light Princess
Original Music Composer
Based on a short story by George MacDonald, a princess experiences constant weightlessness.
The Kiss of Death
Original Music Composer
Trevor es un muchacho extremadamente tímido que trabaja en una funeraria. Siempre sale con su amigo Ronnie y la novia de éste, Sandra. Sandra le presenta a Trevor a su amiga Linda. A Linda le cuesta mucho convencer a Trevor de salir juntos, pero finalmente logra llevarlo a una discoteca. Pero Trevor no baila, y entonces Linda baila con Ronnie.
Your Man from Six Counties
Original Music Composer
When his father becomes a bomb victim, Jimmy leaves Belfast for his uncle’s farm in remote west Ireland. But even here there are links to the past.
The Paradise Run
Original Music Composer
Johnny has joined the army because he likes canoeing, but ends up in a war-torn city and is compromised into helping the enemy. However, desertion will not be a solution, and he finds himself more distressed than ever.
The Naked Civil Servant
Original Music Composer
Story of the life of Quentin Crisp, an Englishman who was brave enough to live his life according to his own style even in the hostile days of WW2.
Yo, viernes
Original Music Composer
Inspirada en "Robinson Crusoe", la famosa novela del escritor inglés Daniel Defoe. El narrador de la historia es "Viernes". Los días de soledad de Robinson Crusoe (Peter O'Toole) tocan su fin, cuando un indígena (Richard Roundtree), único superviviente de un rito tribal, aparece en la isla. Crusoe le da el nombre de "Viernes", y lo toma a su servicio como criado. Como pertenecen a culturas radicalmente distintas, los conflictos cotidianos entre ambos son inevitables: Robinson pretende que Viernes aprenda y adopte sus costumbres, pero el nativo no puede ni quiere olvidar sus orígenes. Sin embargo, se da perfecta cuenta de que para sobrevivir en el extraño mundo del hombre blanco, no tendrá más remedio que actuar con astucia y cumplir, aunque sea aparentemente, sus normas.
Original Music Composer
Ambientada en un futuro próximo. Como consecuencia de un movimiento ecuménico (Concilio Vaticano IV), la Iglesia católica se ha unido a otras religiones y ha eliminado gran parte del dogma original del catolicismo. Un grupo de monjes irlandeses se rebelan contra esta situación y reaccionan volviendo al pasado: empiezan a decir la misa en latín y a actuar según el dogma católico tradicional. Así las cosas, Roma decide enviar a un representante (Martin Sheen) para que investigue lo que está ocurriendo
The National Health
Original Music Composer
Peter Nichols adapted his own hit play to the screen, based on his experiences in hospitals. A riotous black comedy that's as timely today as ever, it contrasts the appalling conditions in a overcrowded London hospital with a soap opera playing on the televisions there. In an ingenious touch, the same actors appear in the "real" story as well as the "TV" one, thus blurring the distinctions even further. Jack Gould directs such outstanding British actors as Lynn Redgrave, Colin Blakely, Eleanor Bron, Jim Dale, Donald Sinden, Mervyn Johns, and, in only his second film, Bob Hoskins. The renowned Carl Davis composed the score.
Original Music Composer
Armitage es el director de una compañía de productos químicos que está a punto de producir un gas que causa incapacidad temporal. Los militares lo codician, pero también un grupo japonés. Tanto Armitage como madame Greenfly contratan detectives en la misma agencia para robárselo mutuamente...
Up the Chastity Belt
Original Music Composer
A funny thing happened to Lurkalot, serf to Sir Coward de Custard, on the way to Custard Castle. Lurkalot sells lusty love potions and rusty chastity belts in the market place, but on this day Sir Graggart de Bombast arrives to sack the castle, and to get the lovely Lobelia Custard in the sack! Lurkalot must help Custard cream the knight in pining armour...
El monstruo
Original Music Composer
Adaptación de "El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde" a cargo de Amicus Productions, la hermana de la Hammer. Aquí Christopher Lee interpreta al doctor Marlowe, un científico que ha desarrollado una droga intravenosa para liberar sus inhibiciones internas. Pero su efecto es tan potente que surge una nueva personalidad, un ser malvado llamado Blake, que se vuelve más monstruoso (física y mentalmente) con cada transformación.
Praise Marx and Pass the Ammunition
A Marxist-Leninist expelled from the British Communist Party joins the Revolutionary Party of the Third World, sleeps around, and attempts to rethink his place within the revolution after the events of the 1968 May uprising in Paris.