Lucinda Bruce


The Faceless Man
Emily is a recovering cancer survivor of three years. Faced with her fear of getting sick again, her best friend Nina plans a weekend away. Six friends venture out to a country holiday house to party over a weekend. Cut off from the rest of the world they soon learn the inhabitants are unsettling red neck individuals who terrorize and humiliate travelers. At the same time a para-normal monster seen as the faceless man haunts the house pushing the friends to their limits.
Amor a la carta
Assistant Editor
Una ejecutiva es enviada a un pequeño pueblo a renovar la imagen de un restaurante como parte de una adquisición estratégica. Pero el restaurante resulta estar en su pueblo natal, el cual no ha visitado en años, y su dueño es su amor adolescente.
Perros y prejuicios
Assistant Editor
Buscando la dirección en la vida, Elizabeth tiene la oportunidad de mostrar a su perro en una lujosa exposición canina en Nueva York. El juez, Donovan Darcy, se muestra como aristocrático y grosero, y una cadena de malentendidos se desarrollan durante la competencia, lo que complica su atracción el uno al otro.
The Starlight Heist
It's 1949. Marco Dejardin (36) is a waiter at the bustling Starlight Room. He’s handsome, funny, and compassionate. But he lets people walk all over him. All Marco really wants is to marry Elizabeth and create a life together. But he has crippling numbness and stabbing pain in his hands from a degenerative condition. He’s been putting away for a surgery to save the use of his hands, and storing the cash in the company safe. But when Marco needs the money, his bosses can’t pay him out. They’re overextended and need the loot to pay the mob. So aided by his fiancé, Marco decides to rob the safe during the New Year’s Eve party, and take back his surgery fund. Otherwise, he’ll become permanently crippled when his bosses use his savings to pay off the mob.