John Tordoff

John Tordoff

Nacimiento : , Rochester, Kent, England, UK


John Tordoff


Another Life
John Ellis
A woman is wrongly accused of murdering her husband in Edwardian London. Just before the outbreak of World War I, Edith Graydon married her boyfriend Percy Thomson. He survives the war but theirs is not a happy marriage. She doesn't really love him and he feels it every day. He's also possessive and their daily life is a constant battle. She meets and falls in love with Frederick Bywaters, her sister's one-time boyfriend. They have a long affair and her desperate attempts to get either a formal separation of divorce from her husband falls on deaf ears. They are at their wits end and Bywaters decides to do something about it. On a dark evening when Edith is walking with her husband, Bywaters stabs him to death. Edith is charged with murder along with Bywaters and both are found guilty. She claims her innocence right up until the day they are both executed by hanging in 1923. Based on a true story.
Parting Shots
Father of the Bride
Harry Sterndale, a failed photographer, is given a diagnosis of cancer and told that he has only three months to live. After thinking things over, he decides that since he is dying anyway, he will kill or destroy all the people that ever crossed or hurt him during his life - after all, he will be dead anyway long before he can come to trial and get his just desserts from society. Harry hires an assassin to finish himself off in style, and even has time to fall in love with Jill. However, there's just one small problem with Harry's master plan - the cancer diagnosis is totally inaccurate and now he's got a hitman on his trail and several policemen wanting to talk to him about some murders...
Alicia y el Espejo Mágico
Railway Guard
Alicia está mirándose en el espejo de su dormitorio cuando, repentinamente, lo atraviesa y entra en un mundo de fantasía. El País del Espejo es un gigantesco tablero de ajedrez, donde la vida se ha convertido en un juego; Alicia, ahora un peón blanco, ha de cruzar el tablero y así transformarse en Reina. Bajo las enseñanzas de la malhumorada Reina Roja, Alicia emprende el fantástico viaje y conoce los personajes más divertidos y estrafalarios, viviendo extraordinarias aventuras.
Un falsificador de cuadros está a punto de abandonar su profesión cuando recibe un encargo multimillonario para reproducir un Rembrandt. Tras realizar un trabajo perfecto, sucede algo terrible
An episodic meditation on a woman's breast - from feeding to cancer.
Robin Hood: príncipe de los ladrones
Robin Hood regresa a su país de origen, cansado tras haber pasado los últimos cinco años luchando en las Cruzadas. A su vuelta se topa con el terror de la población ante el gobierno déspota del hermano Juan del rey Ricardo Corazón de León, un tirano que está en el poder, aprovechando la ausencia de éste. El guerrero, ante esta situación, jura defender a los pobres y para ello se une a las bandas de proscritos que han tomado el bosque de Sherwood como su único hogar libre.
Las manos de un asesino
El profesor Moriarty está haciendo de las suyas en Londres con espías por todas partes, y sólo Sherlock Holmes puede averiguar qué está tramando y cómo detenerlo.
The Gourmet
Ghost Tramp
A rich old gourmet that has decided to taste all there is of exotic meals has already tried the most, even human flesh, when he gets a tip from a rich midget. The midget had tasted everything out of this world, and even something not of this world. In other words, a ghost. The gourmet gets very interested and the midget gives him the info that is needed. And once he has found a haunted place, all he has to do is wait for the ghost to turn up so he can have the most exotic meal in his career as a feinschmecker.
Gran bola de fuego
Cockney Porter
Aproximación biográfica al mito del rock and roll Jerry Lee Lewis. Se narran sus comienzos como cantante, sus grandes éxitos -con sus espectaculares actuaciones donde quemaba el piano- y cómo cayó en desgracia cuando se casó con una prima suya de sólo trece años.
Sin pistas
Mr. Andrews
El Dr. Watson busca a un actor que interprete a Holmes, pero sólo encuentra a uno que es mujeriego, bebedor y vago. Aunque celoso de la atención que recibe el falso detective, deberá contar con él porque pronto llega un caso: el robo de las planchas de la casa del tesoro del reino Británico.
Henry IV Part 2
Francis Feeble
The death of King Henry the Fourth and the coronation of King Henry the Fifth.
Lady Oscar
Oscar François de Jarjayes was born female, but her father insisted she be raised as a boy as he had no sons. She becomes the captain of the guards at Versailles under King Louis XVI and Marie Antonette. Her privileged, noble life comes under fire as she discovers the hard life of the poor people of France. She is caught up in the French Revolution, and must choose between her loyalty and love.
Julius Caesar
Cinna the Poet
The assassination of the would be ruler of Rome at the hands of Brutus and company has tragic consequences for Brutus and the republic.
Doctor Who: Colony in Space
Alec Leeson
When the Master steals the Time Lords' secret file on the Doomsday Weapon, they grant the Doctor a temporary reprieve from his exile on Earth to deal with the crisis. He and Jo arrive on the planet Uxarieus and become enmeshed in a struggle between an agrarian colony and a powerful mining corporation.
Treasure Island
Bill Taylor / Ben Gunn
Based on Robert Louis Stevenson's novel.
Billy, el embustero
Youth in Wimpy Bar (uncredited)
Billy es un joven provinciano al que le gusta soñar despierto. Trabaja como oficinista en una funeraria, pero su gran anhelo es ser guionista de un famoso humorista inglés. Billy es un desastre tanto en el amor como en el trabajo, porque dedica todo su tiempo a soñar.