1945. The International Military Tribunal begins its work in Nuremberg. A huge number of people from all over the world come to the trial, which will later be called the Trial of the Century: the city is crowded with journalists, lawyers, translators, witnesses and many participants and employees of the process.
Oleg is a suburban guy, he has been into boxing since childhood, now together with his friend Lyokha they work in a car repair shop on the Kanonersky island, where they live your average Russian life. He is saving for a round-the-world trip, making plans until a training session cuts his life into the “before” and “after” parts.
Oleg is a suburban guy, he has been into boxing since childhood, now together with his friend Lyokha they work in a car repair shop on the Kanonersky island, where they live your average Russian life. He is saving for a round-the-world trip, making plans until a training session cuts his life into the “before” and “after” parts.
Chernóbil: Abyss es el primer gran largometraje ruso sobre las consecuencias de la explosión de la central nuclear de Chernóbil, cuando cientos de personas sacrificaron sus vidas para limpiar el lugar de la catástrofe y evitar con éxito un desastre aún mayor que podría haber convertido una gran parte del continente europeo en una zona de exclusión inhabitable.
Belogorie vive un momento de paz y tranquilidad. El mal fue vencido e Ivan está disfrutando de su fama junto a su familia, sus amigos y el maravilloso mundo moderno que le ayuda a vivir de manera confortable. Por suerte, tiene una espada mágica para pasar de un mundo a otro, para coger algunas cosas de vez en cuando. Pero cuando el mal reaparece y la existencia del mundo mágico está en peligro, Ivan tendrá que enfrentarse a los enemigos para que la paz regrese a Belogorie.