Production Manager
Production Manager
Production Manager
In a remote Slovak village in the closing days of World War II, a schoolteacher and his young wife find a wounded Russian parachutist in their front yard just as the Germans are coming in to occupy their village. As his wife readily becomes involved with anti-Nazi partisans, the schoolteacher collaborates with the Germans in fear.
Production Manager
Production Manager
Little Honzík tries everything he can in order to join the team for Spartakiada Games.
Production Manager
A young Czech boy is freed from a concentration camp and now is working for the army against the Germans.
Production Manager
A movie about Czechoslovak border guards trying to arrest the famous escapee called "King of the Sumava".
Production Manager
Production Manager
Production Manager
A comedy based on the novel of Jaroslav Hašek's The Good Soldier Svejk happens during the World War I. I Dutifully Report: In the introduction to the second part of the film adaptation of Hašek's novel The Good Soldier Švějk presents his main character Josef Švejk. With the distinctive traditional Czech cartoon character of a soldier Svejk, this time you meet on the way to the front and eventually right in the firing line. You can look at his famous train events, and also probably the most famous episode of the novel, Švejk's Budějovice anabasis. Don't miss the scene with the secretly bought cognac, the episode with Svejk as a fake Russian prisoner of war, including the court scene, and the scene in which lieutenant Dub is caught in a brothel. Despite the criticism, Steklý's adaptation is undoubtedly the most famous and memorable at present.
Production Manager
Versión cinematográfica de la famosa novela satírica inacabada del escritor checo Jaroslav Hašek, publicada en 1921 y 1922, que narra la historia de las aventuras de un veterano soldado checo llamado Josef Švejk durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. La historia comienza con el asesinato del archiduque Francisco Fernando. Švejk es detenido en la taberna por un agente de la policía secreta y acaba en un manicomio, pero finalmente es puesto en libertad. Presume de haber sido declarado oficialmente idiota y manifiesta un patriótico entusiasmo por la guerra y la monarquía austro-húngara. Posteriormente es reclutado en el ejército. Su forma especial de atender a las órdenes de sus superiores y la forma de ejecutarlas deja dudas en el espectador acerca de su posible estupidez o sabiduría...
Production Manager
Production Manager
Production Manager
Cooperative members are harvesting crops, trying to get new water piping installed and preparing to plough away the field boundaries in autumn. Local kulak Voznica (Vladimír Repa) doesn't like any of this so he forces sexton Kodýtek (Vlasta Burian) to help him sabotage their efforts.
Production Manager
Year of the Revolution 1848
Production Manager
Production Manager
A young doctor and a group of injured are hiding in an underground shelter and are liberated by Soviet soldiers.
Production Manager
Production Manager
Production Manager
Production Manager