Catherine Mouchet

Catherine Mouchet

Nacimiento : 1959-08-21, Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine, France


Catherine Mouchet (born 21 August 1959) is a French actress. She studied at the Conservatoire de Paris, following the courses of Jacques Lassalle and Claude Régy. Her performance in the film Thérèse, directed by Alain Cavalier, won her the César Award for Most Promising Actress for 1987. Having been acclaimed for her appearance in Thérèse, she next appeared in Claude Goretta's Si le soleil ne revenait pas in 1987, and then devoted herself to theatre for a time. She appeared in works by Luigi Pirandello, (Vêtir ceux qui sont nus), and Alfred de Musset, (Les Caprices de Marianne), amongst others, and directed La Petite dame with Claude Guyonnet in 1992. She returned to the screen in Jean-Pierre Mocky's Bonsoir 1993, and in Louis and Xavier Bachelot's short film La Plante. On television she appeared in the saga Jalna, directed by Philippe Monnier from the books of Mazo de la Roche, and Le blanc à lunettes, directed by Édouard Nierman, from a Georges Simenon novel. She then studied for a degree in philosophy. She returned to the screen and played supporting roles in two Olivier Assayas films, Fin août, début septembre and Les Destinées sentimentales. She appeared in Pierre Jolivet's My Little Business, for which she received a nomination for the César Award for Best Supporting Actress, and Philippe Harel's 1999 Extension du domaine de la lutte, an adaptation of Michel Houellebecq's controversial breakthrough novel Whatever, in which she played a psychoanalyst. She played a prostitute in Patrice Leconte's Rue des Plaisirs. She continues to appear in a wide variety of roles in both auteur films and popular comedies, and for both first time directors and established talents. In October 2008 Mouchet appeared at the Théâtre National de Strasbourg in Jean Magnan's "et pourtant ce silence ne pouvait être vide", based, like Jean Genet's The Maids, on the Papin sisters murders in 1933. Source: Article "Catherine Mouchet" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Catherine Mouchet


No One's Missing
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De Gaulle
Mlle Potel
París, junio de 1940. La pareja De Gaulle se enfrenta al colapso militar y político de Francia. Charles de Gaulle se une a Londres mientras Yvonne, su esposa, se encuentra con sus tres hijos en el camino del éxodo.
Doctor Ronssin
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The Great Mystical Circus
The story of five generations of the Austrian-Brazilian Knieps family, from the inauguration of their family-owned Great Mystical Circus in the 1910s up to the early 21st century, following both the family and the circus from their prime through to their decadence.
Cambio de reinas
Madame de Ventadour
Después de muchos años de confrontación, los tesoros de España y Francia están vacíos. En 1721, el regente de Francia traza un ambicioso plan con objeto de inaugurar una era de paz y prosperidad que sanará las economías de ambas naciones: su intención es tender una sólida red de alianzas matrimoniales en la que envolverá a cuatro niños de edades muy diferentes que nada saben de traiciones y juegos de poder…
Marvin o la bella educación
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Va, Toto!
The Innkeeper
An elderly woman discovers an adolescent wild boar on her doorstep and decides to adopt the beast as her last -- and most beloved -- child.
Los fantasmas de Ismaël
Le médecin soins intensifs
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The Poisoning Angel
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In 1800, Brittany is on its knees, overwhelmed by the regime in place and by the omnipotent clergy. It founders in an economic slump without end in sight and, in the middle of all this, a young, suffering girl pushes back as best she can. She is known as the "Poisoning Angel," an isolated child, mistreated by life and rocked by morbid thoughts. She will become one of the world's most notorious serial killers and will sow death, perhaps merely to be looked at and loved.
Looking for Her
Mme Kubiak
Elisa, on a verge of divorce, leaves Paris with her son Noe to settle in her hometown of Dunkerque to find the biological mother who gave her up for adoption 30 years before.
My Friend Victoria
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Aged eight, Victoria spends a night in the home of a wealthy white family; years later, she encounters them again and her life is changed forever.
El monje
Abandonado en su nacimiento a las puertas del Convento de los Capuchinos, Ambrosio (Vincent Cassel) es educado por los Hermanos. Se convierte en un predicador admirado por su fervor y temido por su intransigencia, él se cree protegido y libre de toda tentación. La llegada de un misterioso novicio removerá sus certezas y le llevará por el camino del pecado.
Comment va la douleur?
Family Tree
When Frédérick, the patriarch of the Alsatian Muller family, is conspicuously absent from his son Charles' funeral, Frédérick's surviving son and his granddaughter, raw from their loss, await an explanation. Once revealed, Frédérick's reasons and the painful secret Charles harbored for years threaten the foundations of the entire family.
The Other Dumas
Caroline Maquet
Alexandre Dumas, at the height of his career, takes Auguste Maquet, his chief literary collaborator or 'ghost writer' ten years his junior, to meet a young unknown admirer, Charlotte Desrives. The two men are at the summit of their artistic collaboration for they have just published "The Count of Monte Christo", "Queen Margot" and "The Three Musketeers". If it's Maquet who writes the majority of the texts, both the honours and fame go to Dumas.
In Your Arms
Louis was adopted when he was just a baby. Now sixteen-year-old Louis wants to know where he comes from. He therefore heads south to find the mother he's never known. Totally thrown by this unexpected visit, Solange rejects the child she never desired. Louis will nevertheless do everything he can to make her accept him.
Two Worlds
The librarian
A French tradesman travels in time and liberates an oppressed tribe in another world.
Madame Irma
Brigitte Gillon
Francis, who is in his forties, manages the French subsidiary of an American high-tech company. But the shareholders suddenly decide to close it. Depressed by the idea of being unemployed and the prospect of losing his second wife, Francis decides to consult a fortune-teller. The experience is a real eye-opener for him and the start of a new career: He pretends to be a fortune teller himself and turns into Madame Irma. How to explain that to his wife Clotilde?
A Summer Day
Mickaël's mother
The sudden death of a teenager during a soccer match puts a small community completely off-balance.
Coup de vache
An old man bequeaths his fortune to a television host, much to the chagrin of his own family.
Writer of O
Young Dominique Aury
Published in Paris in 1954, Story of O was an immediate bestseller and literary scandal: an elegantly written S&M fantasy that had all the hallmarks of being an autobiographical account by the pseudonymous Pauline Réage. In 1994 Dominique Aury, a mild-mannered, dowdy editor for France’s prestigious Gallimard press, revealed her authorship. Pola Rapaport explores Aury's inspiration, recreating the world of '50s literary Paris and setting it against dramatic sequences that bring the infamous book to life. The author as well as various French intellectuals expound on the thorny relationship between sexuality and power, submission and freedom, liberation and non-being.
Nature contre nature
Ms. Oudinot
Sébastien Chantoux, a psychoanalyst, decides to move to the Creuse. Adapting little by little to the local customs, he joined "Troc'en Creuse", an association that promotes exchange between individuals. He proposes, within this framework, psychoanalysis sessions.
Ella es uno de nosotros
Cristina sabe ir de compras, llevar la casa, trabajar de secretaria en una empresa, ir a comer a a casa de sus padres, apuntarse en una auto-escuela… Lo de todo el mundo. Lo que ocurre es que quizás lo hace todo con excesivo ahínco… demasiado a fondo. Se toma todo demasiado a pecho, como se suele decir. No consigue hacer las cosas de manera relajada como los demás. Los demás se adaptan al mundo y ella no. Ni siquiera se atreve a decir a sus padres que vive sola y se inventa una historia con el chico que le enseña a conducir. Por eso, cuando Patricia, la encargada de la agencia de colocació,n le habla con amabilidad, interesándose por su caso, parece como si recobrara confianza en la vida…
Small Cuts
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The Repentant
Alice, das Zimmermädchen
A mysterious woman, dressed in black and carrying a small suitcase, arrives in Nice and tries in vain to get a job in a luxury goods shop. She ends up in a plush hotel where a solitary middle-aged man, engages her to be his companion. They introduce themselves - she is Charlotte, he is Paul. Both are reluctant to talk about their past; both need someone to make their present predicament more tolerable. Unbeknownst to either of them, Charlotte is being followed by another man, who seems intent on revenge...
Love Street
Corren los años 40 cuando Petit Louis, el "manitas" de "Le Palais Oriental", una casa de citas que está a punto de cerrar, busca un hombre que haga feliz a Marion, una bella prostituta que trabaja con él y de la que está perdidamente enamorado, pues es consciente de que él nunca podrá atraer y tener a una mujer tan llamativa y atractiva. Pero la tarea no es nada fácil; Marion es una chica muy particular, y no se conforma con cualquier cosa. Entonces, cuando ya está a punto de desistir, conocen a Dimitri Josco, quien parece que puede ser al fin el candidato defintivo, pero con Marion nunca se sabe... y con el pasado de Dimitri, tampoco.
The Pornographer
Olivia Rochet
Jacques es un director de cine pornográfico que recapacita sobre su vida cuando se da cuenta que el mundo de lo "erótico" ha cambiado completamente y que él no es capaz de capturar la pasión en la pantalla como lo hizo en el pasado. Un polémico film por sus fuertes escenas de sexo explícito.
Hors Service
The accountant
Ils sont cinq tueurs. Francis, le chef, Louis le parano, Victor, l'accro aux series tele, M'sieur, fan de tamagochi et Marchand, dont la femme est la seule certitude. Elle le croit representant en chaussures. Jusqu'au jour ou elle decouvre la verite. Une discussion plus qu'orageuse suit, au cours de laquelle il lui balance un coup de poing d'une telle force qu'elle tombe dans le coma. Marchand est effondre. Il acquiert la conviction que, s'il se rachete, elle se reveillera. Il decide non seulement de raccrocher mais encore de sauver ses hypothetiques victimes.
Du côté des filles
A suburban pavilion, garden gnomes, a bloody scene. Break between Fred and Liza. As happiness never comes alone, Carole, emerges, announces to Liza that she is pregnant with Fred. Liza takes the kid in a wagon stolen from Fred.
J'ai tué Clémence Acéra
A man's wife has disappeared; her diary gives the police detailed account of their sexual life.
Mortal Transfer
The maths teacher
Michel, a psycho-analyst, falls asleep while listening to his patient Olga, a kleptomaniac and a sexual pervert, tell him how she likes her husband beating her. When he wakes up, he finds Olga having been choked to death. He now has to deal with a body, with Olga's rich husband who thinks she stole money from him, and with all his patients' insanity that haunts him.
Los destinos sentimentales
Pauline y Jean se conocen durante un baile en Barbazac (Charente) y se enamoran apasionadamente. Ella tiene veinte años, él es un pastor protestante casado, padre de familia y resignado a su fracaso matrimonial. Sin embargo, a partir de entonces los amantes harán caso omiso de las presiones de la puritana sociedad protestante en la que viven.
La danse des asperges sarrasines
Robert doesn't look up to much in his prisoner's suit. But when needs be, Robert also knows how to be a prince. And when it comes down to it, who else would dare to stand up to the horde of Saracen asparagus?
la psychologue
It is a story of a depressed, isolated man stuck in a tedious but well-paying programming job.
My Little Business
A wood worker is trying hard to make his company survive every day... But a fire in his workshop leaves him in a lot of trouble when he realizes his insurer was swindling him - he does not have any insurance... That's when a crazy idea grows in his mind - he will need all his friends and their different talents to make it work...
Finales de Agosto, Principios de Septiembre
Attachée parlementaire
Adrien va a morir. La enfermedad, latente desde hace tiempo, se hace visible y ya no puede ocultársela a sus amigos. El vacío que provocará su ausencia comienza a hacerse sentir, especialmente para Gabriel, uno de sus amigos más íntimos.
Le blanc à lunettes
Having first lost his wife then his job as a tweed tailor, Alex Ponttin has devised a novel way to keep himself in touch with society. He admits himself into people's homes, by pretending to be a relative or an official, and persuading his victims to give him a night's free board: He finds at first a lunch at the horrible couple Dumont, where a thief follows him for a robbery. Alex spent an evening in front of TV at Marie, mother of seven children. He runs from Marie to find an evening and a new bed at the home of charming but shy lesbian Caroline and her funny lover Gloria. To save her inheritance, Caroline - accused for her homosexuality by her horrible sister Catherine - tells her aunt Amélie, that Gloria is her secretary and Alex her lover. So Alex has to present himself nude in Caroline's bed. He saves Carolines inheritance. The police officers investigating the case are so terminally stupid that Alex has little chance of being arrested.
If the Sun Never Returns
Isabelle Antide
The residents of a remote Swiss mountain village come to believe an ancient oracle in this drama taken from the novel by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz. With news of the Spanish Civil War on the radio, the people begin to believe the sun will not return and the world will be forever darkened.
A través de la figura de la monja francesa Teresa Martin (1873-1897), se plantea la posibilidad de la santidad en la vida cotidiana, sin necesidad de fenómenos sobrenaturales. Teresa Martin ingresó en la orden de las carmelitas de Lisieux, donde tomó el nombre de Teresa del Niño Jesús. Murió a los veinticuatro años de edad. Fue canonizada en 1925.
Toni, en famille
Toni is raising her five children alone. A full-time job. She also sings in the evening at bars. Tony has talent. She recorded a hit single. But that was 20 years ago. Today, as her two eldest children prepare to go to university, Toni wonders: what will she do when all of her offspring have left home? At 43, is there still time to take control of your life?