Oscar-nominated filmmaker Joe Berlinger travels the globe with legendary windsurfer and pioneering waterman Robby Naish, a 24-time world champion whose quest to master the world's longest waves unexpectedly reveals his vulnerabilities as a competitor, mentor and father. THE LONGEST WAVE transcends the action sports genre by capturing obstacles outside of the legendary athlete's professional life in an intimate, cinéma-vérité style, revealing Naish balancing the pursuit of excellence at sea with the demands of life's complications on land.
Remake del film de 1980 "El lago azul". Dos adolescentes acaban en una isla, después de un accidente durante un viaje escolar a Trinidad. Dean, un vago solitario en la escuela secundaria y Emma, una estudiante perfecta, exploran y aprenden no sólo el uno del otro, sino que también aprenden sobre sí mismos.