Josef Vaculík

Nacimiento : 1920-07-13,


Raspberry Coctail
Story of a high-schooler who fails to gain a place at university and necessarily finds herself having to take a job behind the counter at a buffet.
A New Boy Started Today
In his feature debut, Dneska přišel nový kluk (A New Boy Started Today) from 1981, the director Vladimír Drha set the tone for a number of Czech films, which critically depicted the state of society from the perspective of young protagonists. Although, Drha primarily found scope for his work in television, he returned to the world of a “working youth” in his second film Mezek (The Mulish Victor, 1985) – albeit following him from the point of view of an educator. NFA.CZ
El Cuento de Juan
Script Editor
Este animado relato del valiente John y la bella Marie trata del amor entre el muchacho pobre y la frágil hada. John va por el mundo guiado por tres espíritus, los cuales le ayudan en su viaje, le dan consejos en momentos difíciles y prueban su carácter. La historia vuelve a contar la historia de cómo la búsqueda de dos amantes y encontrar entre ellos y sus aventuras en la superación de las trampas establecidas por las fuerzas de la magia y los malos antes de que puedan reunirse con la ayuda de la magia.
Nekonečná – nevystupovat
Two somewhat crazy friends Milan (Milan Lasica) and Julo (Július Satinský) resolve to have a peaceful holiday in an old guard house that Julo has bought from his uncle. But in the early hours of the very first morning they are woken up by the loud sound of a trumpet. It is the severe supervisor of a nearby recreation center forcing the children out of their beds and out to exercise drill. To protect themselves from the children, Milan and Julo put up signs saying "private property". The first to disturb their privacy is the supervisor's little granddaughter Miluska, who uses their shed as her gingerbread house. The children in the camp are disgruntled, the supervisor's program bores them, and so they make up all sorts of other things to do.
Město mé naděje
Oddechový čas
O moravské zemi
Všichni proti všem
Škaredá dědina
Zločin v Modré hvězdě
Affairs of my Wife
Zlatá svatba
Svatba bez prstýnku