Evgeniia Rylova


La hermosa fantasía del propósito final
19-year-old Floreal is suddenly forced to face a past he tried very hard to overcome. A past that involves his eccentric grandmother Amanqay and a power stone she left behind.
Amor y Asfixia
Post Production Supervisor
Amor y Asfixia explora la relación entre el cuerpo y la danza a través del amor. La danza se convierte en un vehículo para mostrar las diferentes fases del amor. Consta de tres escenas que buscan desmontar ciertos estereotipos sociales vinculados al cuerpo de la mujer y su papel en la danza. Amor y asfixia es un cortometraje que experimenta con el cuerpo humano para iniciar una discusión más amplia.
Director of Photography
Two young men break into a family house in order to change the family point of view about sexuality. As this doesn't works, they decide to use rather violent methods.
Puesta en Escena
Director of Photography
An actor is called for the project of an odd director in which there is only one condition: filming in one go while staying always in character.
Supper's Ready
Director of Photography
During Buenos Aires 60's two wealthy couples gather together in what would be their last supper.