La femme de ménage
Un buen día, Lily consigue la herencia de un tío moribundo, se lesiona la espalda durante unos ejercicios amorosos un tanto moviditos, y por la mañana es abandonada por su novio, que se va con una atractiva colaboradora. Impactante situación, por llamarlo de alguna manera... Pero Lily, respaldada por sus dos amigas y la portera, prepara su contraataque en todos los frentes. Un solo objetivo: recuperar a su novio. No repararán en medios: un cambio de look total, un régimen dietético infernal, sabotaje y guerra psicológica para eliminar a la rival... Pero al final de esta larga batalla, les esperan algunas sorpresas..
Amélie Winberg
Having first lost his wife then his job as a tweed tailor, Alex Ponttin has devised a novel way to keep himself in touch with society. He admits himself into people's homes, by pretending to be a relative or an official, and persuading his victims to give him a night's free board: He finds at first a lunch at the horrible couple Dumont, where a thief follows him for a robbery. Alex spent an evening in front of TV at Marie, mother of seven children. He runs from Marie to find an evening and a new bed at the home of charming but shy lesbian Caroline and her funny lover Gloria. To save her inheritance, Caroline - accused for her homosexuality by her horrible sister Catherine - tells her aunt Amélie, that Gloria is her secretary and Alex her lover. So Alex has to present himself nude in Caroline's bed. He saves Carolines inheritance. The police officers investigating the case are so terminally stupid that Alex has little chance of being arrested.