Iara Rodriguez Vilardebó


Every Sunday
“Every Sunday” follows a group of Filipino domestic workers in Cyprus getting ready for a beauty pageant organised by their local community. The organizers and the participants use it as an opportunity to gather once a week - their only day off - as well as to redefine their position as migrant working women in Cypriot society and reclaim their individuality. Meanwhile, an unprecedented case of a serial killer targeting foreign female workers and their little daughters comes to the surface. With 4 of the victims being Filipino, the community, including the pageant’s participants and organizers, come together to react to the crime and pay their respects to the victims.This documentary examines gender, race, class and power relations that permeate Cypriot society, through a celebration that empowers the migrant working woman but also the horror these crimes and the institutional gaps that have allowed them.
Perro and his grandmother fear for their homeland in southern Nicaragua, an area which is threatened by the planned construction of the 300-km-long "El Gran Canal". The documentary accompanies the silent and nature-loving boy amidst the inevitable farewell to his old life in the jungle and his new beginnings in the city.
Años Luz
Making-of documentary for Lucrecia Martel's Zama. Tracks director Manuel Abramovich's attempts to get Martel to let him film her in production.
Ensayo de Despedida
Mi mamá murió hace diez años y no me acuerdo casi nada de ella. En la necesidad de armarme una historia para poder despedirme nace el documental, en una búsqueda que toma la forma de un ensayo personal con una narración por momentos más cercana a la de un cuento de ficción.
Three firefighters try not to fall asleep while waiting for a fire to make them leave the barracks. "Incendio / Rescate" watches closely, in an almost dreamlike way, these characters who spend their time waiting for the opportunity to become heroes.
El cielo de los animales
Una competencia de peluquería canina. Todos compiten para lograr la mejor versión de sus mascotas.