Funeral Goer
GOOD GRIEF is a dark comedy about eight estranged friends who return to their childhood hometown in order to attend the funeral of their best friend, comic artist Cory Burns. The film explores the unique qualities and dysfunctions of these friends who, even before they unpack their bags, discover they each have become a stark contrast to their nostalgic childhood that Cory based his comic on.
Set Decoration
En su primer especial de comedia tras sus problemas de salud, Sarah Silverman comparte divertidas anécdotas y tristes verdades sin cortarse un pelo.
A young couple's road trip vacation turns into a perilous search for the truth when the wife grows suspicious of her duplicitous husband -- and an explosive mystery with far-reaching consequences begins to unravel...
Bus Passenger
Casi un año después del brutal asesinato de una joven del pueblo, aún sin resolver, aparece un muchacho desnudo cubierto de sangre a las puertas de la oficina del sheriff de Shallow Valley. Gotas de sangre fresca siguen goteando de un misterioso cuchillo que el muchacho sujeta firmemente en su mano. El mismo cuchillo que Jack intentó arrebatar de las manos del asesino de la joven hace ahora doce meses