Albert Malinovský


On a cold February morning, 12-year-old Niki and his family arrive at the Kharkiv metro station to take shelter from the terrifying war raging outside. For Niki's family, daylight is synonymous with mortal danger, and the boy is not allowed to leave the station premises, living under the constant glow of their neon lights. While aimlessly wandering around the abandoned cars and full platforms, Niki meets Vika (11), and a new world opens up to him. As their bond strengthens, the children find the courage once again to feel the sun on their faces.
107 Mothers
Executive Producer
Lesya has committed a crime of passion which brings her a seven-year sentence in one of Odessa’s women’s correctional facilities. She has just given birth to her first child, and now she is entering a world populated only by women: inmates, nurses and wardens, women of all ages, wives and widows, daughters, sisters, pregnant women, and women with children too. If not for the color of the uniform, it would sometimes be hard to tell who is who.
Executive Producer
La Iglesia Católica atraviesa un momento complicado en Checoslovaquia a principios de los años 80. El régimen comunista amenaza con destruir la institución y la somete a un estricto control, por lo que se ve obligada a aceptar ciertas restricciones relacionadas con la libertad de creencias y de expresión. El clérigo está dividido entre la "iglesia de las catacumbas", que mantiene el contacto con el Vaticano y con la prensa occidental, y la "jerarquía eclesiástica", que coopera con las fuerzas del poder y está representada por sacerdotes pertenecientes a la asociación "Pacem in Terris", cuya vida se extendió en el país desde 1971 hasta 1989. Este es el contexto en el que los jóvenes seminaristas Michal y Juraj tienen que decidir si mantenerse fieles a su vocación e idealismo o arrodillarse ante las presiones de la policía secreta.
Incomplete thoughts and fragments of dialogue, diverse music interrupted by rushes and glitches, and the seemingly confused, unanchored camera, create a disturbing, philosophical reflection on the limits of anthropocentric thinking.
Stratený domov
The Sound Is Innocent
Production Manager
As if directing a science-fiction film, Johana Ožvold dissects the story of electronic music. From the pioneer sound engineers working behind the Iron Curtain, through the French avant-garde composers, up to the post-modern creators of digital sonic artefacts, the first-time filmmaker summons an abstract landscape that is haunting and yet achingly beautiful. A voice appears from old television screens forgotten in the maze of some futuristic archive where past and future seem to coexist in a complex and multi-layered way.
Punk je hned!
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Production Manager
Nina tiene 12 años. Sus padres se están divorciando y el mundo se está derrumbando ante sus ojos
Nina tiene 12 años. Sus padres se están divorciando y el mundo se está derrumbando ante sus ojos