Frédéric Vitoux


Robinson Crusoe
La clásica historia de Robinson Crusoe, un hombre que es arrastrado a una isla desierta después de un naufragio.
Sin familia
Vitalo Pedrotti es un artista callejero que se apiada de Remi, un niño supuestamente huérfano que fue abandonado por su madre. La mujer es una condesa que tuvo un romance con un soldado prusiano.
Sweet Idleness
This movie depicts the two years that young Stendhal spent in Italy. Stendhal, that time still known simply as Henri Beyle, is living the life of a wanderer, looking for a direction in his life, meeting famous Rossini and falling in love with young widow Giuseppina. A story of love, betrayal and an analysis of women and men's minds and souls.
Massacre of Pleasure
Assistant Director
A police officer attempts to shut down an illegal girls-for-drugs operation (American version).
Massacre of Pleasure
A police officer attempts to shut down an illegal girls-for-drugs operation (American version).