Ugo Giacomozzi


El ángel blanco
Tras el trágico desenlace de la primera parte, "I figli di nessuno", Guido (Amedeo Nazzari) decide divorciarse, pero antes de que esto suceda, su mujer y su hija mueren en un accidente. Algunos años después, Guido conoce a Lina (Yvonne Sanson) de la que se enamora.
Las dos huerfanitas
En el umbral de la Revolución, dos hermanas adoptivas, Henrietta y Louise Girard, se enfrentan a las dificultades de la vida. La primera es secuestrada por un noble malvado y celoso de su sobrino, la segunda, ciega, está siendo explotada y obligada a mendigar por una prostituta.
Vuelve a mi vida
Roberto y Giacomo son dos primos que se encuentran en disputa por la herencia de un viejo tío, y además están enamorados de la misma mujer, Susanna (Yvonne Sanson), que se casa con Roberto (Amedeo Nazzari). Giacomo (Franco Fabrizi), vago, jugador y malvado, conspirará para destruir la felicidad de su primo y Susanna...
Pan, amor y fantasía
Antonio Carotenuto, un subteniente de los carabineros se enamora de una guapa y salvaje muchacha de un pequeño pueblo del Abruzzo, Maria Pizzicarella "la Bersagliera". Entre los admiradores de María está el cabo Pietro Stellati, pero es demasiado tímido para declararse a la muchacha. Maria le corresponde y está decidida a conquistar al joven a pesar de sus escarceos con el maduro subteniente. Además, la comadrona del pueblo, Anna, está enamorada de Antonio, aunque tiene razones para ocultarle sus sentimientos.
I'll See You on the Balcony
La cajera de un café de Nápoles consigue probar con la compañía de avanspettacolo que para en su café. De la noche a la mañana, se convierte en una famosa cantante...
El Capitán Fantasma
Uno de los más famosos almirantes de la flota del rey es culpado de alta traición y ejecutado. Su hijo, capitán de la armada, seguro de que su padre no fue un traidor, emprende una lucha a muerte contra los enemigos ocultos que han manchado el honor de su familia.
Jolanda, the Daughter of the Black Corsair
Collected at the age of two, under extreme conditions, by a company of Gypsies, Jolly grew up among them, together with the man who accompanied her.
Noi due soli
A man and his girlfriend struggle to find some time for themselves.
I tre corsari
The castle of the counts of Ventimiglia is conquered by the spanish Van Gould, who kills the count and sends his three sons in the Antilles. The ship is attacked by pirates and the three brothers are liberated. They decide to join the pirates to have revenge on Van Gould, who has also moved to the Antilles on the command of the viceroy.
La presidenta
Cobette, cantante y bailarina de opereta, actúa en una pequeña ciudad de la cual quieren expulsarla por su conducta y actuación escandalosa. Cuando un puritano juez cierra su espectáculo, se vengará implicando a las autoridades en escándalos amorosos.
Roma a las 11
La historia de cinco chicas, de entre las 200 que se presentan a la convocatoria de un anuncio para un modesto puesto de secretaria, en una lluviosa mañana en Roma. (FILMAFFINITY)
Il bivio
After the war, Aldo and his men became gangster. But now the times are changing and Aldo decides to became a policeman to help better his men in crime. He meets Giovanna and falls for her. But he begins liking his new job and after their first robbery, Aldo tries to leave his old accomplices...
Behind Closed Shutters
Sandra busca a su hermana desaparecida, de la que se acaba de enterar que ejercía la prostitución.
È arrivato il Cavaliere
Un grupo de personas sin hogar acaban por instalarse en una especie de solar que sirvió como refugio antiaéreo durante la guerra. Pero el propietario del terreno está planeando construir allí una casa para su hija y su marido.
The White Line
Following World War II, the Allies designate that an unidentified town in the Trieste area as being partly Yugoslavian and partly Italian. A white line of demarcation splits the town in half and the townspeople are given just a short time to decides on which side of the line they will live. This leads to the dividing of homes, friends, families and the church and tensions run high.
A woman takes her ill husband's place in a smuggling ring and steals the heart of his partner.
The Outlaws
Turi, having returned to Sicily from abroad, learns that his sister Maruzza is the lover of Cosimo Barrese, a militant of the Movement for the Independence of Sicily, who, abandoned by everyone, has become a bandit. The two would like to get married, but life as an outlaw seems an insurmountable obstacle. Turi asks for revenge on the bandit who has dishonored the family and uses a shady and devious lawyer to drive him into a trap.
Quel fantasma di mio marito
Gianni Alberti is a journalist who is sent to Palestine. He decides to fake a fatal accident so he can then return home as a hero. But things don't turn out as planned, Gianni end up coming back to Italy, but only as a ghost.
En nombre de la ley
Un joven juez es enviado al pequeño pueblo siciliano de Capodarso. Su misión será aplicar la ley en una comunidad acostumbrada a regirse por las reglas de la mafia y a vivir en un estado permanente de inseguridad. Sin embargo, pronto tropezará con la corrupción y la falta de colaboración por parte de los vecinos.
Totò al Giro d'Italia
El profesor Casamandrei (Totò) participa como miembro de un jurado en un concurso de belleza, donde se enamora de Doriana (Isa Barzizza), a la que le pide matrimonio. Ella le pregunta que si sabe andar en bicicleta, él dice que no. La respuesta: "Me casaré con usted cuando gane el Giro de Italia". Casamandrei estará dispuesto a vender su alma al diablo para poder ganar la popular competición ciclista... (FILMAFFINITY)
Difficult Years
Aldo Piscitello, a minor government clerk, is forced in 1934 to join the Fascist party. When the war comes, he finds himself able only to talk ineffectually in secret against Mussolini, even as his own son Giovanni is sent into battle. By the end of the war, Aldo has found the courage to stand up for his beliefs, but by then it is too late.
Caballero misterioso
El caballero Casanova trata de salvar el honor de una dama que ha sido asesinada por los hombres de una malvada condesa.
Lost Youth
In impoverished post-war Rome, a gang of young thieves is lead by Stefano, the son of an illustrious professor. The police suspects that the criminals are actually university students; inspector Mariani, a young World War II veteran, enrolls and tries to find out more. He falls for a pretty fellow student, Luisa, but she is the sister of the gang leader...
L'ebreo errante
Matthew, a rich nationalist Jew and a contemporary of Jesus, regards the latter as an obstacle in this struggle to free their people from the Roman yoke by means of revolt.
Il passatore
The story of the most infamous bandit in Romagna, who robbed from the rich to give to the poor.
Vivir en paz
Corre el año 1944 en una aldea remota de Umbria. A pesar de la guerra, el campesino Tigna (Aldo Fabrizi) lleva una vida tranquila junto a su mujer, su padre y sus sobrinos. Es un hombre que hace todo lo posible para llevarse bien con todo el mundo, con el médico socialista, con el cura, con el secretario del Partido fascista y también con Hans, el cabo alemán que tras pasar por allí su compañia lo dejaron al cuidado de un depósito. Un dia mientras sus sobrinos están por el bosque buscando unos animales que se les han escapado, encuentran a dos Americanos (uno de ellos herido) que han escapado de un campo de concentracion, su sobrina los lleva a escondidas a casa de su tio. (FILMAFFINITY)
El bandido
Después de luchar en el extranjero durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Ernesto regresa a Italia y se encuentra con su casa destruída, su madre muerta y su novia desaparecida. Poco después, conoce a una fascinante mujer que lo introducirá en el mundo de la delincuencia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Down with Misery!
The two drivers Giovanni and Gaetano are friends. Gaetano, bold and ruthless, thrives in the black market, while Giovanni, who is a naive and fundamentally honest worker from the North of Italy, cannot get any profit and his wife, an energetic and talkative Roman woman, can't help blaming him for his poor business skills. Returning from a trip to Naples, he brings home a little hungry orphan, Nello. At first Giovanni's wife doesn't want the boy, but then she begins to like him. The little boy does whatever he can to help the family. Nello's father, who everybody thought to have died during the war, finds his little son and, being a rich business man, he employs the good and generous Giovanni. Meanwhile the former friend Gaetano is caught by the police and convicted for his illegal trades.
La freccia nel fianco
Started in the summer of 1943 by Lattuada and , the because of the war that raged in Italy at the time, the shooting was interrupted several times only to stop for good in September of the same year. It only resumed after the war, in the spring of 1945, but with Mario Costa as the director instead of Lattuada. It was eventually released in September 1945 with only Lattuada billed as the director. Similarly, the film was started with Vittorio Gassman in the role of Brunello, but when the shooting resumed in 1945 he was replaced by Leonardo Cortese
If I Was Honest
The nephew of a wealthy nobleman, convicted for a forged check, is replaced in prison by a poor engineer. From the exchange of people derives a chain of misunderstandings and messes that ends out well.
The Little Adventurers
During the Ethiopian war, thirteen boys embark clandestinely on a merchant ship bound for Africa. Following the shipwreck, they are castaway on a desert island...
Under the Southern Cross
Venice Film Festival 1938
Mister Max
Vittorio De Sica, heir to a large sum of money and owner of a newspaper vending stall, makes enough money out of his business to take a vacation at a fashionable resort. He is given a cruise ticket by an aristocrat who is an old school friend, and is mistaken for the aristocrat when he uses a camera that has his friends name on it. Assia Noris plays a maid who falls in love with him because of who he is and not who others think he is. Happy ending comes when De Sica marries Noris, who is more real than the pampered society belles he has been partying with.