Lucienne Legrand

Lucienne Legrand

Nacimiento : 1920-07-18, Douai, Nord, France

Muerte : 1987-10-22


Lucienne Legrand
Lucienne Legrand


The Party 2
A young French teenage girl after moving to a new city falls in love with a boy and is thinking of having sex with him because her girlfriends have already done it.
Un pequeño romance
Daniel es hijo de un taxista de París, y el padre de Lauren es el jefe de una multinacional americana en Europa. Ambos adolescentes acaban de descubrir el amor. Julius St. Toran, un viejo diplomático inglés, les cuenta a los chicos que para que el amor sea eterno es preciso ratificarlo con un beso bajo el veneciano Puente de los Suspiros.
Out of It
Bank client
The lawyer is visiting a prison to meet with a violent criminal who has been condemned to death. During the visit, things turn bad, there is a riot where prisoners escape and the criminal escapes taking a lawyer hostage.
El teléfono rosa
Levêgue's Secretary (uncredited)
Un maduro industrial de provincias francés recibe un inesperado obsequio: una call-girl pagada para seducirle, cortesía de una importante empresa americana.
Emilienne is an elegant and seductive study of a ménage-a-trois based on the novel by Claude Des Olbes. Nouky, a young artist, shows up at Emilienne's art gallery with her portfolio of erotic sketches. Emilienne is greatly impressed, unaware that this fledging talent is the mistress of her husband Claude. When Emilienne is invited to pose nude for Nouky, she too falls for the young artist's seductive charms. Thus Nouky makes herself the center of a sexual triangle that will change the lives of Claude and Emilienne forever...
L'amant de Madame Vidal
La baronne
Madame Sans-Gêne
Madame de Talhouet
Catherine Hubscher, laundress, saves the life of an Austrian nobleman with the complicity of her fiancé, Sergeant Lefebvre, the day when royalty collapses. And then the years pass ... Become Marshal of the Empire and Duke of Danzig, ex Sergeant Lefebvre always has for wife Catherine, the ex laundress; and this, in spite of the efforts made by the Emperor Napoleon to have him divorced, the Emperor blamed him strongly for the lack of distinction of Catherine. Faced with the Marshal's refusal, Catherine was summoned to the Emperor's house and the dialogue between them lacked heat to say the least, until the former lieutenant Bonaparte recognized in Maréchale Lefebvre, Catherine the laundress, who once , gave him credit for his laundering debts.
Tres amigos, sus mujeres... y los otros
La femme du malade
Drama sobre un grupo de amigos y sobre los valores de la vida: amistad, matrimonio, trabajo. (FILMAFFINITY)
El veredicto
The swinger motorist
Teresa Leoni (Sophia Loren) es la desconsolada viuda de un hombre al que siempre se la ha señalado como un importante gánster, un capo de la mafia con importantes negocios en vida e influencia ilimitada durante sus años en vida. Cuando su hijo André (Michel Albertini) es acusado de asesinato en primer grado, la reputación de su padre le precede lo que al pobre joven le asegura una sentencia de culpabilidad. En un acto tan desesperado como inconsciente, Teresa secuestra a Nicole Leguen (Gisèle Casadesus), la esposa del juez que dictará la sentencia de su hijo.
Cómo destruir al más famoso agente secreto del mundo
François Merlin es un escritor que acaba de tener mucho éxito con su última novela. El protagonista es Bob Saint Clair, un espía muy astuto, inteligente y seductor, justo lo que a François le gustaría ser; el resto de los personajes se basan en la gente que rodea al escritor. Así, se fija en Christine, una guapa estudiante de París, para crear el personaje de Tatiana, la ayudante del héroe que vive con él mil peripecias.
Prêtres interdits
Mère de Françoise
El tren
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). En mayo de 1940, tras la invasión de Francia por el ejército alemán, Julien huye con su mujer embarazada y su hija adolescente. Ciertas circunstancias los obligan a viajar en trenes diferentes, pero con el mismo destino. En el tren, Julien conoce a Anna Kauffman, una joven alemana de origen judío que también huye de los nazis. Ambos se enamoran, aunque saben que su amor acabará cuando el tren llegue a su destino. Aunque él no sabe qué hacer, ella no duda en marcharse cuando Julien visita a su esposa en el hospital donde ha dado a luz. En 1943, la Gestapo francesa solicita la presencia de Julien para que reconozca a Anna, que ha sido detenida. (FILMAFFINITY)
El silencioso
Tras sufrir un accidente en Londres, un reputado científico soviético es secuestrado por el servicio secreto británico, que finge su muerte. De él pretenden conseguir los nombres de los agentes dobles que trabajan para los rusos. En realidad, el científico es Clément Tibère, un francés obligado a trabajar para los soviéticos años atrás. Los británicos le prometen una nueva identidad y un futuro tranquilo en Francia, pero él sabe que la KGB no descansará hasta matarle. (FILMAFFINITY)
Tratamiento de shock
Lise de Riberolle
Hélène Masson es guapa, inteligente y rica gracias a su empresa de ropa femenina. Pero tiene 38 años y se siente cansada por su ritmo de vida y temerosa ante los primeros signos de envejecimiento. Siguiendo el consejo de su mejor amigo, Jérôme, decide acompañarlo al exclusivo Instituto de Talasoterapia de los doctores Devilers y Bernard, situado en un lugar idílico junto al océano. Los ricos clientes del Instituto acuden para beneficiarse del nuevo descubrimiento de los doctores: un preparado a base de células animales capaz de obrar el milagro del rejuvenecimiento. Sin embargo, Hélène empieza a sospechar que algo terrible sucede en el Instituto cuando aparece el cuerpo de Jéròme destrozado entre las rocas y percibe que los trabajadores inmigrantes del centro desaparecen sin dejar rastro.
Ella, yo y el otro
Aunt Sylvia (uncredited)
Rosalie, una mujer divorciada con una hija pequeña, divide su tiempo entre su familia y César, el hombre del que cree estar enamorada. Cuando Rosalie conoce a David, su plácida vida se verá alterada por su incapacidad para elegir entre los dos hombres.
Dear Louise
Louise lives alone and seems to like it that way. She has been through a divorce and the recent death of her mother. Recently, she has moved to Annecy, a moderate-sized city, to take work as a schoolteacher. She encounters a much younger man, Luigi, an Italian who is down on his luck. Though he moved to France to find work, he was robbed of his money and papers and is stranded. When he helps her bury her dogs, which her neighbour has poisoned for barking, their relationship grows to a new level.
Le rouge est mis
la dame du garage
Louis Bertain, propietario de un garaje respetable por el día, es el jefe de una banda de delincuentes conocidos por la noche. Cuando un atraco sale mal, el hermano más joven de Bertain, Pierre, es el principal sospechoso de haberlos vendido a la policía. Después de todo, él había sido interrogado por la policía y, posteriormente, había sido puesto en libertad. Cuando finalmente es capturado por el comisario Pluvier, Louis descubre que ha sido traicionado, no por Pierre, sino por otro miembro de su banda... (FILMAFFINITY)
Lord Rogue
Paris 1847. A British Lord, Lord Henry Seymour, is famous for his eccentricities. The aristocracy disapproves of his frequenting of the dregs of society and his support of destitute people. On the other hand, his good looks attract beautiful women like Virginie, the star of the Prado, and Anna Risomonti, a fair Italian opera singer. As for Henry, he has designs on young but willful Chantereine, a young singer-actress. But Don Juan soon turns into Romeo and true love unites the couple. Unfortunately, Henry's life is thrown awry by fellow aristocrats, among whom Harel, his sworn enemy, who reveals the secret of his birth.
La Hongroise (uncredited)
Con la ayuda de cuatro protectores, uan joven parisina se convierte en una famosa cantante de cabaret. Ella se casa con un príncipe ruso, pero luego tiene otros amores hasta que un pintor suicida le da una hija.
Count of Bragelonne
Raoul De Bragelonne must uphold his musketeer father's legacy in the face of court intrigues from Cardinal Mazarin.
La condesa de Castiglione
La condesa de Castiglione fue considerada la mujer más bella del mundo. Una de las más célebres amantes de Napoleón III. Llegó a París con 19 años, pues su primo Cavour, primer ministro del rey Víctor Manuel II de Cerdeña y Piamonte, la induce para conquistar a Luis Napoleón III, con el propósito de conseguir el apoyo del soberano francés a la causa piamontesa.
Vuelven los mosqueteros
Adaptación de la primera parte de la archifamosa novela de Dumas. En esta versión los elementos cómicos predominan sobre los dramáticos. D'Artagnan, con la ayuda de sus amigos Athos, Porthos y Aramis y su incondicional Planchet, tendrá que defender la reputación de la reina, la española Ana de Austria, frente a las turbias intrigas del Cardenal Richelieu y sus colaboradores, Rochefort y la peligrosísima Milady de Winter.
Tuesday's Guest
When Charles learns that his wife and her lover want to poison him, he thinks of killing both of them.
L'inconnu d'un soir
Edith, a young orphan, is exploited as a waitress and bullied by her adoptive father. But she has a dream: she wants to become a star. One day the Orient Express, which never stops at the little station across the café she works in, is forced to pull up due to a technical incident. And out of a carriage gets ... a company of dancers, who start rehearsing before Edith's amazed eyes. She meets the director of the company, handsome dancing star Harry Belmont, who takes an interest in her beauty and in her natural talent. When she leaves her obnoxious father for Vienna, Harry is absent. She nearly gets seduced by a libidinous man but, after a narrow escape, she gets a job from Treberg, the owner of the restaurant she had dined in. Treberg finds her there, hires her as a dancer and the pair soon meets tremendous success. A star is born but, realizing that he comes second to her, he prefers to vanish.
After Love
Betrayed by his wife, a teacher proceeds to have an affair with a young and pretty student. The two women both find themselves expecting a child. The girl dies during childbirth. In a spirit of revenge and to keep his real son, the scorned husband exchanges the babies.
Women's Games
The agency À Votre Service has the reputation of meeting all needs. This is what Stanislas observes when his uncle replaces his mistress with a fiancée provided by the agency.
Los niños del paraíso
La première jolie théâtreuse
París, 1820. Dos jóvenes artistas, Baptiste Debureau y Frédéric Lemâitre, debutan en el teatro de los Funámbulos y entablan amistad. Un día, Garance, una misteriosa y atractiva mujer, irrumpe en sus vidas. Mientras que el tímido Baptiste no se atreve a declararle su amor, Frédéric la convierte en su amante. Sin embargo, al estar implicada en una serie de crímenes, la mujer desaparece.
Coup de tête
A sporty and chivalrous young man creates, with some comrades, a society whose goal is to protect honest people against rogues. He finds himself thrown into unforeseen adventures, at the end of which he will discover love.
L'aventure est au coin de la rue
A rich young man, Pierre Trévoux, has a desire for adventure and boasts of his courage. While he is staying with friends in the countryside, his hosts, to play a trick on him, organize a fake burglary, but he discovers the hoax. When he returns home, he finds his house broken into. Convinced that the game continues, he does not understand that he is dealing with real gangsters. His recklessness allows him to rout the criminals.
L'appel du bled
A famous singer and a settler love each other. She lives only for her home and the child she is expecting. At birth, she suffered an accident and could no longer be a mother. Desperate, she wants to leave her husband but the war breaks out and he is missing. She faces, courageously, alone the life of the bled.
Prince Charming
Rosine, who spends her time as a model, has to deal with the advances of a disreputable young man.
As her neighbor Rémi Courmont has told her off for making his ears bleed with Ravel's Bolero, a music piece she plays at full volume all the time, Anne-Marie decides to get even with him. She sets up a hoax with the complicity of her friend Catherine, who agrees to post as Remi's mistress to embarrass him. Just then, Niquette, Rémi's real lover, resurfaces.
Miss Bonaparte
Cora Pearl, a demi-mondaine under the Second Empire, falls in love with a legitimist while she is the mistress of Jérôme Bonaparte, the cousin of Napoleon III.
Bearer Check
Returning from America where he received a large inheritance, Alaric would like to have a wedding before returning to the family home where his sister, who is as cantankerous as she is uncompromising on principles, awaits him. He asks a “porter” from the station who looks like him to replace him.
Ici l'on pêche
A painter has his daughter brought up by a couple of innkeepers who run an establishment on the edge of the water with the sign: Here we fish. Having grown up, she refuses to join him and prefers her adoptive parents.
Paris Romance
Georges Gauthier is an electrician who lives with his mother and his sister Madeleine. He is the son of a womanizing singer who made his mother miserable. For all that, Georges is attracted to show business all the more as he falls in love with Jeanne, the daughter of singer Lormel. Georges is spotted by Cartier, the manager of the Folies Concert and makes his debut as a singer under the assumed name of Jean Papillon.