Sakari Karjalainen


Gemelo siniestro
Sound Editor
La peor pesadilla de todos los padres es solo el comienzo de la terrible experiencia de Rachel, ya que después de un trágico accidente, ella y su esposo Anthony deciden mudarse al otro lado del mundo para concentrarse en su hijo gemelo sobreviviente, Elliot. Lo que comienza como un tiempo de curación y aislamiento en el campo finlandés se convierte en una batalla desesperada por el alma de su hijo cuando una entidad que dice ser su hermano gemelo muerto se apodera de Elliot, lo que coloca a Rachel en un viaje diabólico para descubrir la horrible verdad. sobre su hijo gemelo.
Fram – Forward
Sound Designer
Why do we do incredibly difficult things that have no practical application? Is there a parallel between geographic and artistic exploration? Fram is a documentary and travel film about two friends journeying to the end of the earth, in order to make a dance film in the arctic wilderness of Svalbard. En route, they explore the history of our ideas of the Arctic, along with the grand questions of life, art and our place in the world. Sharing their love of discovering new geographic and artistic frontiers, choreographer-dancer-filmmakers and outdoor enthusiasts Thomas Freundlich and Valtteri Raekallio take the viewer on an engaging journey to a place where few have been and even fewer have danced.
Sound Editor
A quiet staircase of an ordinary office building. Two colleagues, Markku, an older accountant, and Eeva, younger HR manager are heading down the stairs, one after another. It turns out that earlier that day, Eeva has had to tell Markku that he has been fired from the company after many years. Markku is bitter and full of rage. Then something unordinary happens.