Frédéric Forestier

Frédéric Forestier

Nacimiento : 1969-04-28, Paris, France


Frédéric Forestier


Les Bodin's en Thaïlande
Christian Bodin y su madre Maria Bodin se embarcan en una aventura por la Tierra de las Sonrisas. Se encuentran con muchos personajes estrafalarios y enfrentan varios obstáculos a lo largo de su viaje en Tailandia.
Les Bodin's en Thaïlande
Christian Bodin y su madre Maria Bodin se embarcan en una aventura por la Tierra de las Sonrisas. Se encuentran con muchos personajes estrafalarios y enfrentan varios obstáculos a lo largo de su viaje en Tailandia.
Loin de chez moi
19-year-old Morgane puts her studies on hold and moves to Amsterdam to work as an Au Pair for a French family. Eager to stretch her wings and experience new things, the young girl throws herself into her new job taking care of two young children. But Morgane's parents are worried about their daughter's delicate health and the unforthcoming nature of her beguiling employers. The young girl is rattled by the uneasiness that reigns over the eerie house where the family lives, and soon discovers that their last Au Pair disappeared in strange circumstances. All alone in a foreign land and unable to speak the language, Morgane finds herself sinking into a trap. She'll have to fit together all the pieces of the puzzle fast, to save her own skin.
Il était une fois à Monaco
Mehdi lives with his mother in the suburbs of Paris. He plays poker online. After a lucky strike he decides it is time to risk it all in Montecarlo.
The Loophole
Since his family left Bristol, Charlie can only rely on Granny, his grandmother, recently widowed. Disillusioned by their lifestyle, they have to face their loneliness.
Mon Poussin
Vincent, 18 years old, is dumped by Elina. It is his first love, it is the end of the world! His parents decide to take matters into their own hands and will try everything to make him forget this girl: he will have to follow them in a loving detoxification of which they will imagine the program ...
Mon Poussin
Vincent, 18 years old, is dumped by Elina. It is his first love, it is the end of the world! His parents decide to take matters into their own hands and will try everything to make him forget this girl: he will have to follow them in a loving detoxification of which they will imagine the program ...
Stars 80
Die-hard fans of the 1980s, Vincent and Antoine run a company that supplies doubles of faded stars throughout the whole of France. What starts out as a promising business venture ends up as a calamity when Vincent and Antoine have over forty engagements booked but no one to attend them. They then have a brainwave. Why not get in touch with the real stars of the 1980s and persuade them to make a comeback? Why make do with an imitation when you can have the real McCoy?
Astérix en los Juegos Olímpicos
En el pequeño pueblo de los irreductibles galos no sólo se persigue a los romanos y a los jabalíes, también se persigue el amor. Alafólix, joven guerrero intrépido y romántico, enamorado de la sublime princesa griega Irina, osa desafiar a Brutus, un soldado romano que también aspira a conquistarla. Ambos se enfrentarán en los Juegos Olímpicos por la mano de Irina. Astérix, Obélix y Alafólix, gracias a la poción mágica de Panorámix, van superando todas las pruebas con la intención de darle una buena lección a César.
Astérix en los Juegos Olímpicos
En el pequeño pueblo de los irreductibles galos no sólo se persigue a los romanos y a los jabalíes, también se persigue el amor. Alafólix, joven guerrero intrépido y romántico, enamorado de la sublime princesa griega Irina, osa desafiar a Brutus, un soldado romano que también aspira a conquistarla. Ambos se enfrentarán en los Juegos Olímpicos por la mano de Irina. Astérix, Obélix y Alafólix, gracias a la poción mágica de Panorámix, van superando todas las pruebas con la intención de darle una buena lección a César.
The Do-Gooders
Three former bank robbers are meeting after 25 years...
El embolao
Tras una redada, el peligroso Moltes es arrestado por la policía. Una vez en prisión, conoce a un celador, al que entrega un boleto de la bonoloto.
Who Is Bernard Tapie?
This documentary tells two stories simultaneously: it's a profile of Bernard Tapie, a wealthy man who rises and falls spectacularly in French society and may be on the rise again; and, it's a look at Marina Zenovich's fascination with Tapie, behaving oddly in spite of her awareness that she's being irrational. Politicians, athletes, friends, companions, and journalists comment on Bernard's charm, his rise to prominence in sports and politics, and his subsequent trouble with the law. Zenovich becomes fixated on her need to interview Tapie, becoming virtually a stalker in her quest.
Chantaje nuclear
Un grupo de terroristas ha puesto en jaque la estabilidad de Estados Unidos. Amenazan con utilizar armas nucleares contra Washington a menos que el Presidente de Estados Unidos se suicide ante las cámaras de televisión. Sólo un militar, infiltrado entre los terroristas, podría evitar la catástrofe.
Chasse gardée
Flanked by their two children, Simon and Adélaïde decide, like many Parisians today, to leave their two-room apartment for a quieter and more comfortable life in the country. They are seduced by a house in the middle of nature: space, a vegetable garden, a wood adjoining their garden and above all villagers who welcome them with open arms. A dream come true! But the young couple was soon to be disillusioned: the wood was actually a hunting ground for big game! Although the hunters are friendly, they are not willing to give up their territory, making Simon and Adélaïde's dream of the countryside a living hell. But true to their reputation, our Parisians are not going to let them do it.