Franck Dubosc

Franck Dubosc

Nacimiento : 1963-11-07, Le Petit-Quevilly, Seine-Maritime, France


Franck Dubosc


Perro y Gata
A cat and a dog escape their cages in the airport, their owners must work together to recover their prized pets.
Noël Joyeux
Vincent Barand
Tomorrow is Christmas at Vincent and Beatrice Barand's house. Vincent is happy, it's his favorite day. Unfortunately, the whole family cancels at the last minute. Result: no children, no grandchildren... While Beatrice is looking forward to this intimate evening, he is overwhelmed and can't imagine a Christmas together. So he decides to go to a retirement home to invite a lonely resident to join them and share the Christmas spirit. Monique, 85 years old and obsessed with death, arrives... soon followed by Jeanne, a former prison guard with no filter. For all four of them, this December 24th promises to be as explosive as it is unexpected!
Le Petit Blond de la casbah
Nouveau départ
How to survive without mum
Cuenta la historia de Antoine que opta por quedarse en casa para cuidar a sus hijos tras su despido. Los roles se han invertido durante 2 años y su energía comienza a disminuir ante las demandas de su familia.
1h30 Max
Max's wife gives birth during his live TV special.
The Grand Restaurant IV
For this new year, Pierre, the director of the Grand Restaurant is thinking big to try to get the famous star from the famous Michalon guide! And for that, he settles at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. Pierre faces an unscrupulous culinary critic, who will offer him a dubious deal: to dismiss his historic chef in exchange for this famous star. Will the manager of the Grand Restaurant accept?
Barbacoa de amigos 2
Un grupo de amigos se prepara para celebrar alegremente en Grecia el cincuenta cumpleaños de Yves, uno de la banda. Pero la anulación del vuelo les obliga a cambiar de planes y viajar al Finistère, en Bretaña, a la mansión familiar de Yves, que les ha vendido un retrato maravilloso de la Bretaña: casas de piedra antigua, páramos fascinantes, playas de arena fina y endiabladas fiestas bretonas. En Bretaña hay de todo, pero todo bajo la lluvia.
Rumba terapia
La historia de un padre que hará todo lo posible para conectarse con su hija.
Rumba terapia
La historia de un padre que hará todo lo posible para conectarse con su hija.
Rumba terapia
La historia de un padre que hará todo lo posible para conectarse con su hija.
Ducobu 4 President
Ducobu is elected president of the school, much to Léonie and Latouche's despair!
Corriendo hacia ti
Original Film Writer
Gianni es un seductor en serie, pero su vida está destinada a cambiar cuando conoce a Chiara, una bella mujer parapléjica.
Le Bêtisier du 31
Franck Dubosc
Famielle Martin
Internet humor star Thomas the Lama gets out of hand in a video. He becomes the target of all haters and his life falls apart. To win back his girlfriend and his audience, he decides to go meet his 10 biggest detractors to see if they can say, face to face, what they write on his page - Each meeting promises to be epic.
La Dernière Partie
Christophe Maquet will receive the Legion of Honor. But he learns that his father, seriously ill and extremely diminished, with whom he has been angry for years, has decided to organize "his departure" on the very day of his ceremony. Shocked by the news but suspecting his father of knowingly stealing his day of glory, Christophe decides to spend 3 days with him to attempt a final reconciliation.
La Dernière Partie
Christophe Maquet will receive the Legion of Honor. But he learns that his father, seriously ill and extremely diminished, with whom he has been angry for years, has decided to organize "his departure" on the very day of his ceremony. Shocked by the news but suspecting his father of knowingly stealing his day of glory, Christophe decides to spend 3 days with him to attempt a final reconciliation.
Camping : histoire d'un succès
Self - Actor
The film "Camping", directed by Fabien Onteniente in 2006, with Franck Dubosc, Gérard Lanvin and Mathilde Seigner, was a popular success. Here is a look back at this adventure, from the filming to its reception by the public. This documentary lifts the veil on the ingredients that have made "Camping" a cult fiction and intergenerational. Franck Dubosc, Mathilde Seigner, Antoine Duléry, Michel Laroque, Elie Semoun, Gérard Jugnot, Claude Brasseur and Mylène Demongeot talk about the behind-the-scenes experience. Close
¿Quién es quién?
Una mañana, los Morel se despiertan con un gran problema. ¡Descubren que sus mentes se han intercambiado y que cada uno de ellos está atrapado en el cuerpo de otro miembro de la familia! Chacha, de 6 años, está en el cuerpo del padre, el padre en el cuerpo de su hijo adolescente, el hijo en el cuerpo de la hermana mayor, la hermana mayor en el cuerpo de la madre y la madre en el cuerpo de Chacha... ¿Te has perdido? Ellos también. Y esto es solo el principio.
Le grand show des humoristes - Spécial couples
On a Saturday night during lock down, a group of very good friends go online to share a virtual aperitif. Suddenly, one of them is attacked and kidnapped live by an unknown man in front of his friends who watch helplessly from behind their screens. They soon discover that this mysterious stranger knows all their worst secrets, which he intends to bring to light one after the other.
Le grand show des humoristes
Mamá se va de viaje
Antoine Mercier
Antoine, director de recursos humanos de una gran tienda de bricolaje, está en camino de convertirse en el número 1 en su caja. Este es el momento en que su esposa, Isabelle, elige tomar un descanso y un poco de aire fresco para cuidarse. Antoine se encuentra solo teniendo que administrar la casa y sus cuatro hijos. Rápidamente es superado por los acontecimientos.
Franck Dubosc - Fifty / Fifty
Cédric Saint Guérande
Since his sensational arrival at the head of the 20 Hours, Cédric Saint Guérande, known as "CSG" is THE favorite presenter of the French. His insolent audiences stoke the jealousy even within La Grande Chaîne which he is the undisputed star. His thirst for power is limitless, which displeases the new president of the chain. The war is declared between the two men for the great pleasure of CSG. Power games, networking, manipulations and low shots: the fight will be merciless, and the outcome necessarily spectacular. Welcome to the media circus games.
All Inclusive
Jean-Paul Cisse
Colocado por su prometida en el aeropuerto, Bruno vuela solo durante una semana en un club de vacaciones Todo Incluido en el Caribe. Las malas noticias nunca llegan solo, tendrá que compartir su habitación con Jean-Paul Cisse, eterno soltero muy invasor.
Sobre Ruedas
Jocelyn es un hombre de negocios exitoso, ligón y un mentiroso compulsivo. Cansado de sí mismo se encuentra, a pesar de todo, seduciendo a una joven y bonita mujer haciéndose pasar por un discapacitado. Pero todo cambia el día en que ésta le presenta a su hermana en una silla de ruedas.
Sobre Ruedas
Jocelyn es un hombre de negocios exitoso, ligón y un mentiroso compulsivo. Cansado de sí mismo se encuentra, a pesar de todo, seduciendo a una joven y bonita mujer haciéndose pasar por un discapacitado. Pero todo cambia el día en que ésta le presenta a su hermana en una silla de ruedas.
Sobre Ruedas
Jocelyn es un hombre de negocios exitoso, ligón y un mentiroso compulsivo. Cansado de sí mismo se encuentra, a pesar de todo, seduciendo a una joven y bonita mujer haciéndose pasar por un discapacitado. Pero todo cambia el día en que ésta le presenta a su hermana en una silla de ruedas.
Sobre Ruedas
Jocelyn es un hombre de negocios exitoso, ligón y un mentiroso compulsivo. Cansado de sí mismo se encuentra, a pesar de todo, seduciendo a una joven y bonita mujer haciéndose pasar por un discapacitado. Pero todo cambia el día en que ésta le presenta a su hermana en una silla de ruedas.
Mentalistes : dans la tête des stars
20 sketches, une vie
La Folie Disneyland Paris : L'Anniversaire des 25 ans du Parc
Boule & Bill 2
Le Père de Boule
Historias de una indecisa
Le pasteur
¿Patatas fritas o ensalada? ¿Amigos o más que amigos? ¿Izquierda o derecha? La vida está hecha de pequeñas y grandes decisiones. El gran problema de Juliette es que es totalmente incapaz de tomar la más mínima decisión. Incluso con 40 años, aún depende de su padre y de sus dos mejores amigas para que lo decidan todo en su nombre. Pero el día en que conoce a Paul y a Étienne (ambos encantadores y únicos), Juliette empieza a temblar. Esta vez, nadie podrá elegir por ella.
Juste pour rire fait son show
Les Têtes de l'emploi
Stéphane Martel
Stéphane, Cathy and Thierry are the best employees of the Employment Agency of their city. But their results are so good that the agency will have to close because of a lack of unemployed. The three colleagues then have the crazy idea of creating unemployment to save their job.
Jamel et ses Amis au Marrakech du Rire 2016
Camping 3
Patrick Chirac
Like every summer, our friends, the Pics, Jacky and Laurette, Gatineau, recently divorced from Sopie, and Patrick Chirac, ever true to form, get together at the Blue Waves camping grounds. This year, Patrick has decided to try car sharing. Believing that he'll travel through France alone with Vanessa, he finds himself accompanied by three young Dijon inhabitants: smooth-talking Robert, good-looking Benji and loudmouth José. Of course, after car sharing Patrick is forced to try out bed sharing...
La Folle Histoire de Camping
Los visitantes la lían en la Revolución Francesa
Gonzague de Montmirail/François de Montmirail
Godofredo de Miramonte y su fiel sirviente Delcojón se ven proyectados en una época de profundas convulsiones políticas y sociales: la revolución francesa, concretamente en el período de terror. En ese momento de grandes peligros, los descendientes de Delcojón, revolucionarios convencidos, confiscan el castillo y todos los bienes a los descendientes de Godofredo, aristócratas arrogantes huidos cuya vida pende de un hilo.
Pensión completa
François y Charlotte dirigen juntos un hotel junto al mar pero su relación matrimonial no va bien. Esta situación, ya complicada, va a explotar el día que aparece Alex, el primer marido de Charlotte, que todo el mundo creía que murió en el devastador tsunami de 2004.
Jamel et ses Amis au Marrakech du Rire 2015
Éric and Patrice have been friends since high school. Over the years, they have both taken very different paths: Éric has become a hedonist, has a string of girlfriends and is always on the look out for a new one; Patrice has become a monogamous father with a very ordered life. After a drunken evening, the two childhood friends find themselves cast back into 1986, when they were 17 years old. This return to the past is a dream opportunity to try to change the path their lives will take. What will they do with this second chance?
Gad Elmaleh - Le Big Show
Franck Dubosc - À l'état sauvage
Like a lion too old, Franck Dubosc breaks the bars of his golden prison to flee to the end of the world far from trouble ... Until he misses everything. Once again wild, it is too late to return, but early enough to draw any conclusions, about the not-so-bad world.
At 9:00, Laurent receives a worrying text message. 9:01, his mobile's stolen. 9:30, his son disappears. 10:00, his house burns down. 10:15, his wife leaves him. 10:30, his company goes bankrupt. 11:00, he's in custody. The day's got off to a bad start.
Jamel et ses Amis au Marrakech du Rire 2014
Barbacoa de amigos
Por su quincuagésimo cumpleaños, Antoine recibe un regalo muy desagradable: un ataque al corazón. A partir de ese momento, va a tener que empezar a ser más cauteloso. Pero Antoine ha pasado toda su vida siendo cauteloso; cuidando su salud, su dieta y dedicándose con esmero a cuidar de su familia y amigos. Ahora Antoine quiere cambiar las cosas. Y hace precisamente eso... cambiar su vida y la de aquellos que le rodean.
Alex is in love with Sandra since childhood but has never dared approach her.He asks Antoine, a lonely writer to help him seduce her, because in his time he was the only one to conquer the heart of the mother.
Jamel et ses Amis au Marrakech du Rire 2013
Boule & Bill
Papa Boule
Buddy is an abandoned young cocker spaniel waiting dejectedly in his cage for a kind, new owner to adopt him. Suddenly, Billy, a little boy whose hair is as red as Buddy's, appears. It's love at first sight and the beginning of a great friendship. But for Billy's parents, this is where the trouble begins.
Un gran equipo
David Léandri
Patrick, una antigua estrella de fútbol, ve cómo a los cincuenta años ha fracasado estrepitosamente en su intento de dar un nuevo giro a su vida. Sin empleo, alcohólico y arruinado, ya no tiene ni siquiera el derecho de ver a su hija. Obligado por un juez a encontrar un empleo estable, su única salida es ir a una pequeña isla bretona para entrenar al equipo de fútbol local. Si ganan los próximos tres partidos reunirán el dinero suficiente para salvar de la bancarrota a la industria de la isla, en la que trabaja la mitad de la población. El obstáculo que debe superar Patrick es enorme: transformar a los pescadores en futbolistas casi profesionales. (FILMAFFINITY)
Plan de table
Ocurre un imprevisto durante una boda y los invitados son reacomodados de manera casual en las mesas, pero esta nueva disposición traerá consigo malentendidos y consecuencias inesperadas.
10 jours en or
Marc Bajau
Cuando un despreocupado soltero se ve a cargo de un niño, los dos emprenden un viaje por carretera que cambiará sus vidas.
Tout sur Jamel
Welcome Aboard
Rémy Pasquier
Isabelle, HR of a large cruise company, made the mistake of choosing her boss as a lover. Before embarking on the maiden voyage of the new flagship of the fleet, though, he decided to disembark from their relationship! Some women take their revenge by poison, firearm, or slander. Isabelle chooses Remy a flamboyant, unemployed ne'er-do-well who flunked out in life on land, but after all is said and done, might have better luck at sea... She recruits him as leader of her plot and on this Palace of the Seas, Remy will first prove to be the worst nightmare of the CEO and Richard, the Cruise Director...then, little by little, he will change his life and that of all those who cross his path...
The Marquis
Thomas Gardesse
Thomas Gardesse, a traveling alarm systems salesman, is arrested for a minor offense and sentenced to six months imprisonment. To win the respect of his fellow inmates, he claims he is "The Marquis," a brilliant robber whose identity has remained a mystery. Two weeks before his release, an armed robber named Quentin Tasseau helps him escape and takes him to Manila so he can take part in a robbery whose mastermind requires the talents of the Marquis.
Franck Dubosc et Stéphane Rousseau - Permission accordée
Franck Dubosc and Stéphane Rousseau, after triumphing in Montreal and Nantes, throw the ropes at the Zenith in Paris for an exceptional show extended many unpublished sketches and their best TV drama. Accompanied many artists including Florence Foresti, Patrick Timsit, Anthony Kavanagh, Elie Semoun, Jonathan Lambert and Elisabeth Buffet they lead us to a hilarious show which links two hours, unpublished sketches, parodies and dances ...
Camping 2
Scenario Writer
Jean-Pierre Savelli is a forty-something employee of an insurance company in Clermont-Ferrand who finds himself facing a mid-life crisis. When his fiancée Valérie decides to put their relationship on hold, he changes his holiday plans and heads for the Flots Bleus camping site near Arcachon. Jean-Pierre had been hoping for peace and calm. Instead he meets Patrick Chirac and his entourage of inveterate holidaymakers...
Camping 2
Jean-Pierre Savelli is a forty-something employee of an insurance company in Clermont-Ferrand who finds himself facing a mid-life crisis. When his fiancée Valérie decides to put their relationship on hold, he changes his holiday plans and heads for the Flots Bleus camping site near Arcachon. Jean-Pierre had been hoping for peace and calm. Instead he meets Patrick Chirac and his entourage of inveterate holidaymakers...
Camping 2
Jean-Pierre Savelli is a forty-something employee of an insurance company in Clermont-Ferrand who finds himself facing a mid-life crisis. When his fiancée Valérie decides to put their relationship on hold, he changes his holiday plans and heads for the Flots Bleus camping site near Arcachon. Jean-Pierre had been hoping for peace and calm. Instead he meets Patrick Chirac and his entourage of inveterate holidaymakers...
Camping 2
Patrick Chirac
Jean-Pierre Savelli is a forty-something employee of an insurance company in Clermont-Ferrand who finds himself facing a mid-life crisis. When his fiancée Valérie decides to put their relationship on hold, he changes his holiday plans and heads for the Flots Bleus camping site near Arcachon. Jean-Pierre had been hoping for peace and calm. Instead he meets Patrick Chirac and his entourage of inveterate holidaymakers...
Franck Dubosc - Il était une fois...
De sa naissance à sa rencontre avec Véronique, en passant par ses premières amours, les années disco, ses premiers pas sur scène, Franck Dubosc revient sur sa vie et ses amours...
Regis Deloux
A maths teacher acquires the power to travel into movies to save the woman of his dreams and bring her back to her correct film.
Les petites annonces la suite de la suite
Various Characters
Les petites annonces d'Elie - L'essentiel
Various Characters
Didier Travolta (Franck Dubosc) is a 40-year-old disco music fan who has no job, lives with his mother, and has a son he hasn't seen for a while. The mother of his son refuses to send him their son for the holidays unless he can offer him a real vacation, not just going to bars of the French port city of Le Havre. As the jobless Didier has no money, the only way he can see his son is by winning a dance contest organized by his friend Jackson (Gérard Depardieu), with the prize a vacation to Australia for two.
Scenario Writer
Didier Travolta (Franck Dubosc) is a 40-year-old disco music fan who has no job, lives with his mother, and has a son he hasn't seen for a while. The mother of his son refuses to send him their son for the holidays unless he can offer him a real vacation, not just going to bars of the French port city of Le Havre. As the jobless Didier has no money, the only way he can see his son is by winning a dance contest organized by his friend Jackson (Gérard Depardieu), with the prize a vacation to Australia for two.
Didier Travolta
Didier Travolta (Franck Dubosc) is a 40-year-old disco music fan who has no job, lives with his mother, and has a son he hasn't seen for a while. The mother of his son refuses to send him their son for the holidays unless he can offer him a real vacation, not just going to bars of the French port city of Le Havre. As the jobless Didier has no money, the only way he can see his son is by winning a dance contest organized by his friend Jackson (Gérard Depardieu), with the prize a vacation to Australia for two.
Astérix en los Juegos Olímpicos
En el pequeño pueblo de los irreductibles galos no sólo se persigue a los romanos y a los jabalíes, también se persigue el amor. Alafólix, joven guerrero intrépido y romántico, enamorado de la sublime princesa griega Irina, osa desafiar a Brutus, un soldado romano que también aspira a conquistarla. Ambos se enfrentarán en los Juegos Olímpicos por la mano de Irina. Astérix, Obélix y Alafólix, gracias a la poción mágica de Panorámix, van superando todas las pruebas con la intención de darle una buena lección a César.
Elie annonce Semoun, la suite de la suite
Various Characters
Franck Dubosc - Les Pour Toi Public 2
Muppets TV
Self - Guest (13)
Muppets TV is a French television series featuring the Muppets, which first broadcast over TF1 on October 29, 2006 and aired its last episode on December 31 of the same year.
Les Galas Juste Pour Rire:  Un monde sans femme
Les Galas Juste Pour Rire:  Un monde sans femme
Host / Various Characters
Scenario Writer
Plastic surgeon Michel Saint-Josse is on his way to Spain where he hopes to spend a stress-free holiday in a luxury hotel with his teenage daughter Vanessa. When his car breaks down near a camping, Michel accepts the offer of help from an extrovert gigolo camper named Patrick Chirac. Whilst their car is being repaired, Michel and Vanessa agree to stay in Patrick’s well proportioned tent, not knowing that, thanks to a series of mishaps, it will be their home for several days...
Patrick Chirac
Plastic surgeon Michel Saint-Josse is on his way to Spain where he hopes to spend a stress-free holiday in a luxury hotel with his teenage daughter Vanessa. When his car breaks down near a camping, Michel accepts the offer of help from an extrovert gigolo camper named Patrick Chirac. Whilst their car is being repaired, Michel and Vanessa agree to stay in Patrick’s well proportioned tent, not knowing that, thanks to a series of mishaps, it will be their home for several days...
Franck Dubosc - Romantique
Franck Dubosc
Show recorded on November 27 and 28, 2004 at the Olympia. Franck Dubosc is single! He was dumped by his fiancée Véro and so, it made him romantic. However, he didn't cheat on her just once... It was not cheating, but comparing!
Iznogoud: El infame
Le chambellan du Calife
El gran Iznogoud, visir de Califa, es un manipulador con un objetivo en mente: convertirse en Califa reemplazando al Califa Haroun El Poussah. Con la ayuda de su leal ayudante, Dilat Larath, está dispuesto a todo para conseguir lo que quiere...
La Nuit du rire II à l'Olympia
Last Chance Saloon
Léo Melvil
Tres amigos desde la adolescencia, dos chicas y un chico, siguen compartiendo sus intimidades ya cumplidos los treinta años. Su objetivo es estabilizar su vida y conseguir la felicidad.
Les petites annonces d'Elie - La suite...
Various Characters
Elie Semoun - Elie annonce Semoun, la suite...
Various Characters
After 3 years of absence, here is the sequel! A multitude of old characters revamped (Mikeline, Mr Patello Spanish version, The eh brothers, Rodriguez Father and Piss) and new ones even more crazy (Stéphane Moustachate hair stylist and Gerard the carpet cutter, The barbeque touring club of France).
Franck Dubosc - Les Pour Toi Public
Elie Semoun à l'Olympia
Show recorded at the Olympia on May 31 and June 1, 2002. List of sketches: - Entrée - La maison de retraite - Laetitia - Kevina - Flash permis à points - Mélanie - Ramirez - Michel - Le questionnaire de sondage (Toufik) - Flash permis à points - Flash permis à points - Le comique - Le trompeur - Blatini (L'enterrement) - Flash permis à points - Dame pipi (Mikeline) - Le chantier de Mr Semoule - Chanson "Emma".
Les petites annonces d'Elie - L'intégrale
Various Characters
Elie Semoun - Elie annonce Semoun
Various Characters
Franck Dubosc - J'vous ai pas raconté ?
Influence Peddling
Maxime and Gerard are a couple of white-collar criminals condemned to 5 years in prison. Sandrine Athan, an honest and principled young police officer, is assigned the banal task of escorting them to the nearest prison in Melun. Things get complicated when killers try to knock them off. Meanwhile, they must contend with strikes which have paralyzed the country and make travelling a nightmare. Added to this mess are the prisoners' many botch escape attempts. All these complications turn a simple transfer into a hellish adventure.
Les Parasites
Franck, le type dans la voiture
Oulage has it all planned: New Year's eve, at the stroke of midnight, he'll finally kiss Brigitte, the girl he's madly in love with. That'll be the moment, because Brigitte is having a costume party. Oulage has it all planned—except for the fact that Brigitte has also invited a gang of truly parasitical friends: an old girl friend who never leaves Brigitte's side, a manic-depressive police officer, a paranoid psychopath, a cannabis-addict suffering withdrawal pains, a stunning Cuban woman on the prowl for immigration papers, and many others who do everything to ruin Oulage's life.
Charité biz'ness
TV Presenter
Two friends organize a fake solidarity concert in order to seize the recipe. But their amateurism leads to many misunderstandings.
Honorin et l'enfant prodigue
In 1930, Honorin, the mayor of a small village, receives a visit from a young girl claiming to be his child.
Elie et Dieudonné - Une certaine idée de la France
Un joueur de Tatane
Justice de flic
A gangster, whose younger brother has been forced into prostitution by a rival gang, tracks down the criminals with the help of his girlfriend. Bloody accounts will be settled under the eye of a sadistic commissioner.
À nous les garçons
Two best friends fall in love with the same boy.
La Famille Zappon
Oliver Duchenne
Directed by Amar Arhab, Fabrice Michelin. With Christian Sinniger, Viviane Marcenaro, Marius Colucci, Sibylle Blanc.