Lejla Pajić


The White Fortress
One Night Stand Girl
What could be a beautiful fairy tale for some - boy meets girl - could also be the beginning of a horror film for Faruk. The young man is crushed between the dark world of his criminal cousins in Sarajevo and the discovery of love. The film powerfully visualises and contrasts a harshness and tenderness experienced and dreamed.
The film points to the problem of the emergence of organised prostitution within a society that culminates in periods of economic and social crisis. After gaining their wealth, some of the leaders found themselves in high positions especially in state institutions and administrative structures.
The Factory
Five uniquely moving films about motherhood—bubbling up in the grocery store, the cemetery, or even a car ride—come together in this omnibus film set in Sarajevo.
Anka, 12, and Yelena, 45, know each other from the neighborhood grocery store where they spend their day, one inside, the other outside. One evening, an unexpected visit provokes an incident that both women will suffer from.