Production Executive
It is a documentary feature film that deals with a curious phenomenon of nature in the Sierras de Tandilia (Argentina) and that includes La Piedra Movediza, where apparently a system of connections is woven between the different lithic elements of the area, forming a ritual landscape . The director of the documentary goes into this hypothesis to elucidate if there may be megalithic constructions related to the stars in the Tandilia System or if the location of the stones is simply the product of a chance of nature.
It is a documentary feature film that deals with a curious phenomenon of nature in the Sierras de Tandilia (Argentina) and that includes La Piedra Movediza, where apparently a system of connections is woven between the different lithic elements of the area, forming a ritual landscape . The director of the documentary goes into this hypothesis to elucidate if there may be megalithic constructions related to the stars in the Tandilia System or if the location of the stones is simply the product of a chance of nature.
It is a documentary feature film that deals with a curious phenomenon of nature in the Sierras de Tandilia (Argentina) and that includes La Piedra Movediza, where apparently a system of connections is woven between the different lithic elements of the area, forming a ritual landscape . The director of the documentary goes into this hypothesis to elucidate if there may be megalithic constructions related to the stars in the Tandilia System or if the location of the stones is simply the product of a chance of nature.
It is a documentary feature film that deals with a curious phenomenon of nature in the Sierras de Tandilia (Argentina) and that includes La Piedra Movediza, where apparently a system of connections is woven between the different lithic elements of the area, forming a ritual landscape . The director of the documentary goes into this hypothesis to elucidate if there may be megalithic constructions related to the stars in the Tandilia System or if the location of the stones is simply the product of a chance of nature.
Largometraje documental sobre Gustavo Cerati, dirigido por el cineasta colombiano Felipe Restrepo.
Largometraje documental sobre Gustavo Cerati, dirigido por el cineasta colombiano Felipe Restrepo.
Largometraje documental sobre Gustavo Cerati, dirigido por el cineasta colombiano Felipe Restrepo.
Un retrato documental sobre una abuela colombiana de noventa y tres años. La película se centra en los días previos al cumpleaños de Doña Julia en la cotidianidad de su casa y en el instante en que su familia se reúne en torno a ella para celebrarlos. A través del documental nos adentramos en su mundo: su relación con el paisaje que la circunda, con sus seres queridos, muertos y vivos, y con su propia historia de vida.
Production Manager
A visual incursion into the troubled psyche of a young boy whose unstable and manipulative mother committed suicide in front of him.