Georges Claisse

Georges Claisse

Nacimiento : 1941-01-11, Paris, France

Muerte : 2021-11-15


Georges Claisse
Georges Claisse


Las vidas de Marona
Solange's Grandpa (voice)
Marona, una perrita inocente y empática, recuerda la vida que ha compartido con diferentes amos, a los que ha amado incondicionalmente.
Cherry on the Cake
lo psicanalista
Amanda believes men are too complicated and has lost faith finding the perfect one. Her friend and a psychoanalyst have a plan how to make her fall in love. She insists that Amanda not stay home alone on New Year's Eve, and only gets her way after swearing that all the other guests will be couples, except for Maxime, a gay colleague. But Maxime leaves at the last minute to join his lover in Amsterdam, and Antoine, recently separated from his wife, arrives alone at the party.
Le Temps du silence
Filmdirector Sautet
Esta película que retrata la vida de la popular actriz Romy Schneider.
Monsieur Léon
During the Occupation, a kid is taken in by his old grandfather, wrongly considered a collaborator.
Malabar Princess
Gardien du refuge
Tom es un niño de 8 años que decide buscar a su madre, desaparecida en un glaciar del Mont-Blanc 5 años antes. Su abuelo se convertirá en pieza fundamental de esta búsqueda, que terminará desvelando uno de los enigmas más inquietantes de la historia reciente de la aviación: el paradero del Malabar Princess, un avión que se accidentó en las montañas hace 50 años. (FILMAFFINITY)
Porté disparu
Twenty years after his disappearance and while everyone believes him dead, Jacques returns home incognito under the name Laurent Dupas. He finds his wife Hélène, who has remarried Eric, a bank manager. They all look happy. But behind this idyllic family picture lies a mystery.
Mr. Humbert
Jean-Louis is an naive, amiable orphan who spent his life with his elderly and very strict grandfather. Jean-Louis was a 25-year old virgin when a free-spirited young Parisian woman was temporarily stranded in his village after a bus broke down. She left him a changed man, and she also left a match book from a fast food restaurant called Fast Burger. Soon after his grandfather passes away, the innocent rube Jean-Louis hops on his bike and embarks upon a quest to Paris to find this enigmatic woman. But he is not prepared for the size of Paris, and instead ends up working at a Fast Burger outlet himself. Jean-Louis is a simple soul and freely expresses himself without guile. For some reason this endears him to the staff and management; soon he has been promoted into the upper echelons of the company. One day he meets a rather ditzy Metro security guard, Henriette, who is also at sea in the big city. The kindred spirits click and a sweet romance ensues.
The Voice
The tale of two lovers spending time in Rome when, suddenly, in a restaurant, the man believes he recognizes the voice of a woman he once loved... remembrances and dreams of past love ensue.
Traces of an Amorous Life
The professor
What is love? In how many forms can it manifest itself? 14 short episodes about love, spanning generations of answer.
Corps perdus
Rafael Braun
Set in Buenos Aires. A man is called upon to identify and evaluate an unfinished and enigmatic painting thought to be the work of the famous painter, Bax. Slowly he finds himself enmeshed in the mysteries of its identification leading him slowly to murder, insanity and death.
The Hostage of Europe
Thomas Reade
On the island of Saint Helena, a prisoner Napoleon resisted allies who, through the voice of the English governor, Hudson Lowe, tried to humiliate him, break him, poison him in the figurative sense of the word, and perhaps literally.
Tiempo de matar
Año 1936. El ejército italiano invade Etiopía. El teniente Silvestre sufre una infección dental y se dirige al hospital más cercano, pero su vehículo tiene un accidente que lo obliga a seguir a pie. Por el camino, coincide con una joven etíope a la que viola y mata involuntariamente. Cuando llega al hospital y se entera de que padece lepra, aterrorizado, intenta escapar de Etiopía.
Rodrigo de Castro
Last feature film of Stanislav Barabas
Last feature film of Stanislav Barabas
La brute
Henry Teral
Un muchacho sordomudo es acusado de haber cometido un brutal asesinato.
Hovering Over the Water
Laura Rossellini, a widow from Rome, vacations on the Algarve coast one hot summer. One day while sunbathing, she finds a wounded man named Robert drifting in the surf on a rubber raft. She takes him home, and, after he is revived, learns his story. As they talk, their mutual attraction grows, until a group of armed men suddenly arrive looking for Robert.
Rendez-vous manqués
Albert Latham
To relieve her boredom, a lonely woman embarks on adventures that turn out to be disappointing.
A Song for Europe
Steven Dyer, an executive working for a giant multinational drugs company, decides to report his employer for breaches of Common Market trading regulations. One night in Basle, Switzerland, he leaves his home to post a letter, the start of a nightmare journey that leads to terrible consequences for his life, his career and for his wife and children.
Le mauvais oeil
Con la sangre de otros
German Colonel at Meurice Restaurant
Durante la II Guerra Mundial, en el París ocupado por las tropas alemanas, Helene duda entre el amor a su novio Jean, que trabaja para la resistencia, y el administrador alemán Bergmann, que intenta ganarse su afecto.
After a life of emotional and professional upsets, Alex finds himself headwaiter in a chic Parisian restaurant. Well into middle age, divorced but still very much a ladies’ man, he has one great ambition: to open an amusement park by the sea. One day, an old flame, Claire, suddenly re-enters his life. For Alex, the fires of love are easily re-kindled, but Claire has another man in her life…
Charles and Lucie
Charles and Lucie, an old and poor couple, inherits a luxurious house in the South of France.
De Dunquerque a la victoria
Karl Wessel
Un grupo de amigos celebran una cena que tiene un carácter anual. Pero no cuentan con el comienzo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, que los separará en distintos bandos. Unos estarán en el ejército aleman, otros combaten junto a la resistencia. Acabada la guerra, sólo tres de los amigos acuden a su cita anual.
Les grands moyens
L'adjoint du commissaire
The sweet elderly aunt and her two nieces survive the vendetta killing of their whole family because they are out picking flowers at the time. Undaunted, the aunt, a tough old Corsican, tracks down and kills all but one of the men who wiped out her kinfolk.
Los Locos de la Guerra
Hauptmann Frohmann
En 1944, un joven soldado francés se ve envuelto contra su voluntad en las operaciones estadounidenses previas a la Liberación.
Death of a Guide
Philippe Falavier
Le dessous des cartes d'une partie de whist
Marmor de Karkoel
Adapted from Les Diaboliques by Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly.
The day he is released from jail, Serge is expected by four killers sent by Count Charles Varèse assigned to make him confess where he has hidden the jewels stolen during his last stickup. On the other hand the police inspector who arrested him offers him protection on condition he gives him the same piece of information. Serge refuses and is about to be tortured by Varèse's henchmen when Michel, a friendly hood, comes to his rescue. His friendship will result in... a heap of corpses! —Guy Bellinger
Raphael or the Debauched One
1830, somewhere in France. Aurore is a young, beautiful and virtuous widow. She meets Raphael, a man of leisure, a debauchee. Raphael is obsessed by the death, and wait for it by chasing women and drinking. He first tries to seduce her, but is impressed by her and gives up. But Aurore felt in love with him, and tries not to look as inacessible. A romantic drama, with dispair, cynism, disgust for life and love.
La muñeca y el bruto
El violonchelista Gaspard vive tranquilamente en una gran casa de campo con su hijo y sus tres sobrinas. Un día, tiene un accidente con un Rolls-Royce conducido por Felicia, una joven bella, rica y temperamental. Ella, ofendida en su amor propio por la indiferencia que muestra Gaspard ante sus encantos, decide seducirlo, pero él no está dispuesto a que una mujer invada su apacible vida.
No iremos más al bosque
A finales de 1944, en el bosque de la Woëre, al norte del Mosa, un grupo de maquis viven refugiados en el bosque. En ocasiones se une a ellos una joven que les hace de enlace. Un día unos soldados alemanes desertores del ejercitonazi se refugian en el bosque, el jefe de los maquis duda en acogerlos, pero por unanimidad de sus compañeros se plega a ello.
La noche de los generales
Rommel's Orderly (uncredited)
En Varsovia, durante los primeros días de la ocupación alemana, en 1940, una prostituta es salvajemente asesinada. Un testigo afirma que el asesino ha sido un general alemán, al que no vio el rostro, pero sí el uniforme. El mayor Grau es el encargado de investigar el caso. Sin embargo, sólo tres generales en Varsovia carecen de una coartada. Los tres generales se verán implicados en el asesinato de la prostituta. Todas las investigaciones apuntan a que ha sido un alto cargo del ejército y el caso queda archivado hasta que la justicia descubre al verdadero psicópata.
¿Arde París?
Intern with Monod (uncredited)
En agosto de 1944, las tropas americanas están a punto de liberar París. Mientras tanto, Hitler ha ordenado a uno de sus generales que mantenga el control sobre la ciudad o que la destruya. Fresco histórico sobre la liberación de París por las fuerzas aliadas. Impresionante reparto con guión de Coppola.