Lucia Zotti

Lucia Zotti


Lucia Zotti


La trenza
Sigue a tres mujeres, Smita, Giulia y Sarah, de diferentes partes del mundo, que nunca se han conocido pero a las que les une algo íntimo y único.
A Starry Sky Above the Roman Ghetto
The past interlaces with the present: the discovery of a mysterious yellowed photograph depicting a little girl will lead Christian and Jewish students to search for the truth. They undertake a journey through the memory of a painful past that is hard to forget, such as the memory of the raid on the Jewish ghetto of Rome.
18 regalos
Una madre embarazada que sufre un cáncer terminal deja 18 regalos sentimentales para que su hija no nata reciba cada cumpleaños hasta la mayoría de edad.
Mamma Nando
Two lovers are stuck in stale relationships due to lean finances. But when one is duped into thinking he's suddenly rich, he takes very drastic action.
Everything Everything Nothing Nothing
Cetto and its city council were arrested, but in prison the conspiratorial former mayor makes no earning name as the gratitude of the powerful secretary. These decide to replace some MPs mysteriously killed precisely with Cetto and two other characters: Rodolfo Favaretto and Frengo Stop
Elizabeth's Aunt
Historia de una joven llamada María y del designio divino que cambió para siempre su vida y la historia de la humanidad. Relata su vida en Nazaret, su compromiso con su esposo José, la visita del Ángel Gabriel, un embarazo milagroso y el arduo camino al que ella y José tuvieron que hacer frente desde Nazaret hasta Belén para dar a luz al hijo de Dios.
Paradox Effect
An innocent woman is forced to confront a dangerous kingpin who has kidnapped her young daughter and is holding her for ransom. She teams up with a corrupt Interpol agent, whose son is also being held hostage, to rip off various criminals to raise the ransom to save their offspring. Together they have one hour to save their families from the wrath of bigwig.