Adriana Zanier

Adriana Zanier

Nacimiento : 1987-04-27, Malagueño, Argentina


Adriana Zanier is an animator and filmmaker born in the city of Malagueño, Córdoba. She has a degree in Film and Television from the UNC. She is one of the members of Muchas Manos Films.


Adriana Zanier


Trinchera de ideas
Editorial Manager
Investigating for her university thesis, a young student discovers the clandestine printing press built underground by PRT militants in the early 70s in Córdoba. As she explores the space filled with marks from the past, her perspective transforms as she discovers the motivations that led these young people to embark on this factory of socialist ideas.
Camera Operator
In an opressed world, a bunch of workers will start a revolution.
da Vinci project
Camera Operator
After two weeks of living together, students from the Dante Alighieri and Castelfranco schools must learn about Leonardo da Vinci and participate in a model contest based on the figure of the Florentine polymath.
da Vinci project
After two weeks of living together, students from the Dante Alighieri and Castelfranco schools must learn about Leonardo da Vinci and participate in a model contest based on the figure of the Florentine polymath.
Invasión, tres meses después.
Camera Operator
Una invasión extraterrestre, una madre y su hija en peligro.
Invasión, tres meses después.
Una invasión extraterrestre, una madre y su hija en peligro.
Instant Madness
Art has reached a new level. The latest happening trend includes extreme violence and mutilation. Thus, a Photographer gathers in his studio two men and a woman: who seek death in the pantheon of art.
El Gran Vairitosky
El Gran Vairitosky es el cortometraje que abre Historias Breves IX. Stopmotion realizado en Córdoba, Argentina.
El último fernet
Camera Operator
(PM13) Ante la inminencia del apocalipsis, cuatro amigos deciden que van a pasar juntos esa última noche cumpliendo con el ritual que los ha mantenido unidos por años, jueves de por medio comen un asadito, PASE LO QUE PASE; durante el mismo aflorarán cuentas pendientes que no pudieron saldar, en un clima de jolgorio y dramática algarabía. Ideal para comprender los efectos colaterales de la testosterona vencida.