Stéphanie Dumesnil


El paciente
Tras despertar de un coma, lo único que quiere Thomas es averiguar qué le pasó a su familia. Pero la verdad es muchas veces tan sombría como la mente humana…
Pierre & Lescure
Journalist, columnist, creator of the show Children of Rock, boss of Universal Studios, founder and president of Canal +, president of the Cannes film festival … Pierre Lescure has multiplied helmets throughout its existence. It is on this rich life that the latter agreed to return to the documentary Pierre & Lescure directed by his former colleague, Maxime Switek
I Am Jonas
Cuando Jonas tenía 14 años, conoció al carismático pero misterioso Nathan. Además de guiarlo en su sexualidad, Jonas pronto enfrenta algo oscuro e incluso peligroso acerca de su nuevo amigo. Ahora, un adulto atractivo y sexualmente seguro, los recuerdos todavía lo persiguen. Tratando frenéticamente de juntar las piezas faltantes, Jonas está decidido a romper las cadenas del pasado y finalmente liberarse.
Performed at Madrid's historic Teatro Real in 2018, Ivor Bolton conducts Benjamin Britten's opera based on Lytton Strachey's 1928 Elizabeth and Essex: A Tragic History. In her repeated clashes with the Earl of Essex-a longtime favorite of the queen who was ultimately put to death for treason-Elizabeth I is depicted as flawed and vain, human and sympathetic.
Claus Guth's exciting 2017 staging of Handel’s "Rodelinda" at Madrid’s Teatro Real, featuring Lucy Crowe and Bejun Mehta as Rodelinda and Bertarido, with conductor Ivor Bolton. After the successes of "Giulio Cesare" in 1723 and "Tamerlano" in 1724, Rodelinda completes the trilogy of Handel’s great opera seria masterpieces. The work was composed in 1725 using Nicola Francesco Haym’s libretto, a work inspired by Antonio Salvi’s earlier libretto which had been itself adapted from Pierre Corneille’s tragedy "Pertharite, roi des Lombards". Rodelinda thus brought one of the most glorious compositional periods in the Handel’s career to a close, about a decade after his arrival in the British capital. Mixing romantic storytelling and political intrigue, Handel produced one of his most beautiful scores, a true operatic tour de force.
Les vendredis d'Apostrophes
40 years of "Apostrophes". Hours and historical meetings, Pierre Assouline has composed an anthology of the best extracts presented in the form of a primer, which he had commented on by a surprised Bernard Pivot.
Rue des Roses
It’s Father’s Day and Mehdi is impatient to see his daughter. He now lives a perfect life with boyfriend Axel, but will his precocious princess accept Axel?