Juan Fernández G.


Bedtime Stories: Blissing Deal
A fictional story is never as good as a real one: the waking up, the commute, a corny choice to name a boat on which to travel. The little things that make us who we are. After chatting for 18 months, Isaak and Sabah dive into a compelling conversation about life, dreams and fears, on a non-fictional short film that shows how intimacy can happen for two strangers – who are not really strangers, after all.
Bedtime Stories: Minha Luta (I Miss You)
When the night comes and there's only dark, we can hear the heart speaking louder than words. Alone in his bed and immersed in the absence of his lover, a man speaks to no one, begging for another night together. He surrenders to a nocturnal delirium which will fill his room and his head, and which he is willing to live it fully — at least until the morning rises.
Un virus nunca es bienvenido. Pero si llega, es mejor hacerle sitio. Consumido por la culpa, Miguel ha estado intentando mantener a Evaristo a salvo y sin reocupaciones lo mejor que pudo, pero supo que no podía esconderlo más cuando oscuros pensamientos empezaron a invadir sus sueños. Buscando la ayuda mística de un péndulo, ambos amantes entran en un peligroso juego de preguntas que les revelará su intimidad más indeseable. En un día pasarán juntos desde el miedo a la enfermedad, la sutil perdida de la inocencia y la complicidad que surge de la verdad profunda.