Megan Elizabeth Barker

Megan Elizabeth Barker


Megan Elizabeth Barker
Megan Elizabeth Barker


The woman wonders what her neighbors are doing to deserve so many gifts from the gods. Stone blessings pile up on their altar while the woman receives so few. She has offered those same gods her food, time, and love. What more do they want? Do they want sex? Or something more? Perhaps a bit of flesh?
The Girl on the Mountain
Evelyn Ward
Cuando un ermitaño que habita en el bosque encuentra a una chica muda deambulando sola entre los árboles, decide protegerla de las fuerzas malignas que quieren acabar con sus vidas.
A Slice of Chicago Romance
Riley Juliato
In Evanstown, a suburb of Chicago, Romanos & Juliatos, two pizza places, have competed for the town’s business for years. When both restaurants hand over the reins to the next generation—Riley and Sarah —after Pizza Den, a new pizza chain moves into town, the new bosses struggle to continue the rivalry after they begin to fall for one another.
Mentiras perfectas
Rachel Collins
Cuando Rachel cumple 16 años, sus padres le organizan una fiesta. Su tía tiene algo importante que decirle. Finalizada la fiesta, su cadaver aparece. Rachel tratará de averiguar por qué fue asesinada.
Miedo a volar
Obsesionado con un apuesto estudiante, un instructor de vuelo trastornado intenta destruir a las personas de su vida y hacer que se enamore de ella.
Love at the Lodge
Emma, an uptight attorney planning for a big promotion, finds herself stranded at an isolated retreat and falling for the care-free owner Liam who's in jeopardy of losing his lodge to her firm.
Killing Kate
When Kate makes the decision to leave the family, shooting Johnny in the process, she becomes a target. With each step, she takes her power back and, as she rises, her pursuers discover that killing Kate is not as easy as it seems.