Romain Waterlot


Flores del otro patio
In northern Colombia, a group of queer activists use their extravagance to denounce the disastrous exploitation of the largest coal mine in Colombia through performative actions.
Un pequeño mundo
Assistant Editor
Cuando Nora ve a Abel siendo intimidado por otros niños, se apresura a protegerlo advirtiendo a su padre. Pero Abel la obliga a permanecer en silencio. Atrapada en un conflicto de lealtad, Nora finalmente intentará encontrar su lugar, dividida entre el mundo de los niños y el de los adultos.
Letter to Theo
Assistant Editor
The filmmaker Théo Angelopoulos died on January 24th, 2012, knocked down by a motorbike on the set of his final film. In his unfinished film, he was telling the destinies of the victims of the Greek crisis. The list of victims of the crisis has only grown longer, this destitution echoing another that Théo had sensed was coming: that of the massive arrival of refugees who find themselves trapped in Greece by the closure of the borders. Yet citizen resistance is being organized and fights every day to bring those in danger of obliteration out of the shadows. Ironically, the ambulance supposed to come to his rescue broke down because budgetary restrictions had made it impossible to maintain the vehicle. The crisis itself killed Théo. This is a letter addressed to him in the form of a film.