Danièle Delorme

Danièle Delorme

Nacimiento : 1926-10-09, Levallois-Perret, Hauts-de-Seine, France

Muerte : 2015-10-17


Gabrielle Danièle Marguerite Andrée Girard (9 October 1926 – 17 October 2015), known by her stage name Danièle Delorme, was a French actress and film producer, famous for her roles in films directed by Marc Allégret, Julien Duvivier or Yves Robert. Delorme was born in Levallois-Perret, Hauts-de-Seine, one of four children to the well-known painter, poster-maker and theater-designer André Girard and his wife Andrée (nee Jouan). Girard maintained a studio in Venice in 1936–37 and in Manhattan in 1938. Back in France he was not called up in 1939. After the Battle of France, M. Girard removed to Antibes, then a free-zone and set up a network which provided recruiting and spying work for the French resistance. It was during this time that young Delorme began her acting career. In 1940 at the age of 14 Delorme began acting and played a series of minor roles before she began acting in film. Two years later, owing to her father's contacts, she was able at 16 years old (at the time using the name Danièle Girard) to secure a bit part in The Beautiful Adventure (La Belle aventure (1942)). Two years later director Marc Allégret again used Delorme, this time in a large role. This time she performed on the stage name she would use for the rest of her career, Danièl Delorme. One story developed that she took the name in order to hide from the Gestapo her relationship to her father. But the suggestion came from character actor Bernard Blier, who performed with her in her second film to take the name from the heroine of Victor Hugo's play Marion Delorme. (Delorme would co-star with Blier two decades later in the philosophical courtroom criminal drama, The Seventh Juror (Le septième juré (1962)). During the first decade of her career Delorme played delicate, demure, bright young women, roles for which she was physically fitted. Her first husband, Daniel Gélin, who also performed in The Beautiful Adventure, said she had "the face of a little girl, an upturned nose with passionate nostrils, the lips of a child, the body of a woman and a certain way about her that turns heads." Richard W. Seaver of the New York Times described her as "a winsome wisp of an actress, with her soft smile and grey eyes." These features finally landed her a breakthrough role in Miquette et sa mère (1949). Also notable was her performanace as femme fatale in Julien Duvivier's Voici le temps des assassin (1956) (Deadlier Than the Male in the US and Twelve Hours to Live in the UK), co-starring with Jean Gabin. In 1960 Delorme joined more than 140 intellectuals, teachers, writers and celebrities in signing a manifesto supporting the right of French conscripts to refuse military service in Algeria. As a result, the French government on 28 September issued a ban against all signatories from appearing on state-run radio or television or in state-run theaters. At the same time the information minister said that another cabinet order was in preparation that would deny government funding to any film project in which any signatory appeared. ... Source: Article "Danièle Delorme" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Danièle Delorme


La jaula dorada
Maria y Jose Ribeiro viven desde hace treinta años en una pequeña portería en un buen barrio parisino. Esta pareja de inmigrantes portugueses son queridos en el barrio entero, pero cuando surge la posibilidad de volver a Portugal, nadie quiere dejarlos marchar. Pero ¿qué quieren ellos?
Just Like Brothers
Since Charlie is no longer there, the lives of Boris, Elie, and Maxime have been torn apart. These three men, who have nothing in common, all shared one thing: their love for Charlie. One loved her like a sister, one loved her like the woman of his dreams, one loved her like a friend. Except that Charlie is dead and none of them - not Boris, an accomplished businessman, not Elie, a night owl scriptwriter, and not Maxime, still living at home with his mother - know how to deal with it. But because she asked them to do so, they abruptly decide to undertake a journey together, heading for Corsica and the house that Charlie loved so much. Except that here they are stuck in a car together for over 500 miles. It's going to be a long journey. Boris, Elie and Maxime, three men, three generations, no affinity. But by the time they arrive at their destination, they will have realized one majorly important thing: Charlie has changed their lives forever.
À l'abri des regards indiscrets
January 1st 2002. 1st day of Euro currency. The window of a cash dispenser is lifting up on a square, in Paris. 23 amazing characters will be meeting each other there, all along this very particular day...
Nómadas del viento
Associate Producer
Ambicioso documental sobre la migración de las aves, un viaje que recorre más de 40 países. 4 años de trabajo y más de 140 personas contribuyeron a la creación de un singular estudio, no sólo de las diferentes aves migratorias y sus patrones migratorios, sino del ecléctico, espectacular y sorprendente planeta en el que vivimos. Estuvo nominado al Oscar al mejor documental.
Fall Out
Mrs. Germaine
This film is an adaptation of Jean Amila's novel Le Boucher des Hurlus. The story, set in the aftermath of the war, is about Michel, a young man orphaned in this manner. He lives with his mother until she collapses under the wave of vituperation from the women in her community, who consider her murdered husband to have been a traitor. When he is sent to an orphanage, he discovers that many of the children in it are there for the same reason he is. Michel decides to escape his captivity and kill the general who ordered his father's death. He and the other children like him are able to get away from the orphanage, in the course of their journeys, they tour the grim battlefields of the recent war. Together, they return to Paris, determined to exact their revenge.
Sleeping Waters
When Denis returns from Cambodia, his mother tells him that his father has disappeared, apparently a runaway. But the mystery reigns around this case. Denis decides to see Eva again, the woman who encouraged him to leave France, but the young woman also disappears. Little by little, he finds himself trapped by the mystery of her disappearances.
L'été 36
In 1936, the life of the inhabitants of a Breton manor is disturbed by the arrival of workers on vacation.
Qu'est-ce qui fait courir David ?
David, un cineasta judío de treinta años, está trabajando en un guión de tintes autobiográficos. Su novia, Anna, con quien vive, encuentra su historia muy narcisista.
Jean Genet: Entretien avec Bertrand Poirot-Delpech
Break of Day
A perfect summer divertissement, the very rare Break of Day is based on the quasi-autobiographical novel by Colette, a serene, sometimes joyous meditation in which the novelist puzzles through the state in which she found herself, an older woman, traduced and misused in love, fearing that she would never be wanted again. Instead of obsessing on loss, she insists, one must accept it; at a certain age one must recognize the limits of human relationships and transfer one's attentions to nature.
La golfilla
François tiene 20 años y ha secuestrado a la pequeña Mado, de once, llevándola al sórdido granero en el que vive. Ni la viola ni pide dinero por su rescate. Lo más extraño es que ella podría intentar fugarse, pero no lo hace. ¿Qué sucede? ¿Por qué el secuestrador parece inofensivo y la secuestrada parece estar segura y tranquila? Cada uno intentará dar al otro un poco del inmenso amor, dulzura y ternura que anida dentro de ellos...
Martin and Lea
A loving couple Martin and Lea have some problems with each other too.
La mujer que llora
En una aislada casa en los Alpes franceses, Dominique llora cuando Jacques vuelve tras una larga ausencia. Ella llora y se deprime, tal vez por que se da cuenta de que esta vez no se trata de una infidelidad fugaz. Dominique se derrumba, sin poder apoyarse en nadie, ni siquiera en su adorado hijo. Lo que es peor, se aterroriza al darse cuenta que empieza a odiar al niño. Nada la puede calmar, y se convierte en una situación que la asusta más y más...
La Barricade du Point-du-Jour
Dentro de cien años todos calvos
Marthe Dorsay, Etienne's wife
Cuatro amigos insatisfechos en plena cuarentena cronológica. Bouly, el "donjuan" del grupo, separado de su mujer y a punto de contraer matrimonio con otra separada, tan bien provista de hijos como él mismo, se ve atropellado por la llegada de su ex mujer y del ex marido de su amante. Etienne, el más reposado de los camaradas, teme haber sido engañado por su mujer, Marthe, y empieza a espiarla. Daniel, el homosexual, descubrirá en su naturaleza una nueva vía de relación amorosa, y Simon, siempre cercado por su madre, tendrá que recurrir a la seducción de sus clientes en su propio consultorio médico. Secuela de "Un elefante se equivoca enormemente". (FILMAFFINITY)
Pardon Mon Affaire
Marthe Dorsay
En un día por lo demás normal, Étienne, un hombre felizmente casado y un buen padre, ve algo que lo detiene en seco: una hermosa mujer con un ondulante vestido rojo. Mucho después de que ella haya dejado su visión, su recuerdo continúa rondando su mente. Se enamora instantáneamente de ella e intenta todo para conocerla mejor. Ayudando a Étienne a atrapar a su escurridiza dama de rojo están sus tres torpes amigos, que tienen aventuras secretas y/o engañan a sus esposas.
That Kid
Esta película puede entenderse como un contraplano de El niño salvaje de Truffaut (que fue productor de Ce gamin, là). Jean Itard, instructor del niño salvaje de Aveyron; violencia del adiestramiento y del esfuerzo desesperado del maestro por reducir el carácter extraño del niño inspirado por un ideal, ciertamente noble; y por otro lado, en Ce gamin, là; la puesta al día de “un trazar primordial”, un gesto (escritura o dibujo) que no viene guiado por ninguna intención, ni voluntad de representación, ni terapéutica, ni pedagógica, sino por la voluntad de saberse siempre en relación a los otros, aunque parezcan no decir nada.
Touch Me Not
A psychopathic industrial spy terrorizes a secretary late at night in a darkened high-rise office building.
Mathieu Grégoire es un escritor que vive felizmente en Spa con su mujer Jeanne y su hija Marie, que está a punto de contraer matrimonio. Circunstancias fortuitas lo llevan a descubrir a una joven que se esconde en la linde de los bosques que bordean la Fagne, unas llanuras baldías y desoladas batidas por el viento y donde las tempestades son muy fuertes. Mathieu deduce que la mujer, que no comprende ni una palabra de francés, ha debido de atraversar de forma ilegal la frontera belga. Dado que ignora su verdadero nombre, la llamará Belle. Con un ritmo rápido, la historia se desarrolla ineludiblemente, unida a los árboles, a las nubes, a la lluvia, al barro, al viento. Un extranjero llega a la Fagne, un compatriota de Belle. La presencia de ese hombre, que Belle acoje con temor, desencadena el drama.
Repeated Absences
François Naulet turns his bedroom into an island of drugs, loneliness and despair.
Repeated Absences
La mère de François
François Naulet turns his bedroom into an island of drugs, loneliness and despair.
El canalla
Simon, un abogado condenado por un crimen, se escapa de la cárcel y se refugia provisionalmente en casa de una desconocida. Poco después, se pone en contacto con su ex mujer y con su amigo Charles, sus cómplices en el secuestro del hijo de un empleado de un banco, por el que recibieron un rescate de un millón de dólares. Simon escondió el dinero de ser detenido y ahora se propone recuperarlo. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Bamboo Incident
l'infirmière française
A young Vietnamese boy's life is thrown into turmoil by the war raging in his country. The ten year old remains with his mother and baby sister as his father goes off to fight for the Viet Cong. During his father's absence, his mother dies from overwork and the inability to find proper medical care for her illness. He cares for his baby sister and struggles to earn a living by shining shoes and doing other odd jobs before his father returns. Both an American soldier and a Viet Cong regular are shown defending their country's political agenda. Also shown are guerilla tactics and bombings in this feature directed by veteran combat photographer Raoul Coutard.
Le Grand Amour
Pierre married Florence, the only daughter of a small industrialist. 15 years later, he is the boss, but his middle-class life worries him a lot. When a new young and lovely secretary comes, he starts dreaming.
El arte de vivir... pero bien
Alexandre, un honesto y alegre campesino, vive oprimido por su autoritaria mujer, que le hace trabajar como un esclavo. Cuando ésta muere en un accidente automovilístico, el granjero decide quedarse libre e inactivo en su cama. Su perro es el encargado de traerle la comida y el periódico. Pero este preciado descanso se interrumpe cuando Alexandre conoce a una hermosa joven...
Marie Soleil
La guerra de los botones
Los niños de dos aldeas vecinas francesas mantienen una rivalidad eterna que les enfrenta en batallas donde los botones son el precio de la derrota.
Le Septieme Jure
Genvieve Duval
In a moment of madness a respectable pharmacist kills a young woman who is sun-bathing by a lake. When the murdered woman's boyfriend is falsely accused of her murder, the murderer is chosen to serve on the jury. Based on Francis Didelot's novel "Le Septième Juré".
Voto decisivo
Genviève Duval
En un momento de locura, Grégoire Duval, un farmacéutico respetable, mata a una joven que está tomando el sol junto a un lago. Incapaz de asimilar lo que ha hecho, Duval huye de la escena del crimen y se comporta como si nada hubiera sucedido. El asesinato es atribuido al amante de la joven, Sautral, que ha sido arrestado y que pronto será juzgado ante un tribunal de justicia. Al enterarse de que ha sido nombrado miembro del jurado en el juicio de Sautral, Duval es impulsado por su conciencia para salvar al hombre inocente. Por desgracia, la ciudad ya ha tomado una decisión acerca de la identidad del asesino y parece que nada podrá hacer Duval para cambiar el veredicto... (FILMAFFINITY)
Cleo de 5 a 7
La Vendeuse de Fleurs / Actress in Silent Film
Cleo, una joven cantante, espera impaciente los resultados de un examen médico. Cuando una adivina que lee las cartas le revela que tiene cáncer y que puede morir, su inquietud aumenta. Tratando de ocupar su tiempo a la espera de los resultados, Cleo conoce a un joven soldado, a punto de partir para hacer el servicio militar en Argelia, al que confía su temor a la muerte.
Le pèlerinage
The Fiancés of Macdonald Bridge
La vendeuse de fleurs
A subtitle warns, "beware of dark sunglasses." Anna and her lover, whose looks in bowler and bow tie are reminiscent of a young Buster Keaton, kiss chastely on a bridge overlooking the Seine. He dons sunglasses and waves as she runs down a stairway to the river's edge, then watches in horror as she's knocked flat and loaded into the back of a hearse. In vain, he gives chase. Disconsolate, he buys a large funeral wreath and a handkerchief from sympathetic vendors. He removes the glasses to wipe his eyes and realizes they are the cause of all his woe. He replays the farewell without the glasses.
Women's Prison
Alice Rémon ou Dumas
Alice Rémon, a pharmacist, is a prostitute who managed to leave the streets by getting married. Her husband dies one day, poisoned. Her mother-in-law, who hates her, accuses her of murder.
Every Day Has Its Secret
Olga Lezcano
Ô saisons, ô châteaux
Narrator (voice)
A short documentary on the chateaux of the Loire in France was commissioned by the French Tourist Bureau.
Visto y no visto
Une admiratrice à la fête du village
Montpaillard presume de ser la localidad más tranquila de Francia, como reza el cartel en la entrada del pueblo. La única amenaza a su paz es Blaireau, un furtivo que tiene en jaque al ayuntamiento, y al guardabosques, al cual deja en ridículo cada vez que éste le quiere atrapar. Por otra parte, la hija de los Chaville ha llegado al pueblo y su profesor de piano, el joven y tímido Fléchard, está enamorado de ella, pero para su desgracia, a Arabella le gustan los hombres de acción y en el pueblo sólo hay mojigatos.
Los miserables
Adaptación de la novela de Victor Hugo, con Jean Gabin en el papel de Jean Valjean.
During the First World War, the Empyrée Montmartre, a Paris music-hall, is dedicated to patriotic revues whose star is the charming Mitsou. The young artist is not without talent but she is mainly well-connected. She is indeed the cherished mistress of Pierre Duroy-Lelong, a rich industrialist. One night, thanks to Petite-Chose, an ebullient singer-dancer and her co-star, she gets to know a handsome army, Lieutenant Bleu. Mitsou falls madly in love with him and Lieutenant Bleu is physically attracted to her. The trouble is that Bleu comes from a distinguished family and cannot put up with her lack of culture and artistic bad taste...
Almas perversas
Catherine, una ingenua chica de veinte años que acaba de quedarse huérfana, llega a París con una maleta y un dato: el nombre de André Chatelin, renombrado cocinero y dueño de un restaurante en Les Halles, que, además, hace veinte años estuvo casado con su madre. Chatelin, para disgusto de su madre, la acoge en su casa. Poco a poco, la cándida apariencia de la chica deja paso a un comportamiento inquietante. Duvivier desconcertó al público con unos personajes femeninos tremendamente amorales y sórdidos.
Black Dossier
Yvonne Dutoit
The title of this French noir drama translates to The Black File. Jean-Marc Bory plays Jacques Arnaud, an idealistic young investigator who comes to work in a small French town. He is soon involved in a mysterious case incriminating a town notable. Arnaud devotes himself to the case but the upshot of this is rather surprising to all concerned, not to mention the audience. Like Cayatte's previous efforts, Le Dossier Noir is based on the proposition that the phrase "French justice" can at times be oxymoronic.
No Exit
The scene is a tawdry hotel room in Limbo, where several damned souls are gathered. At first, the group fails to comprehend where they are or why they're there. When the horrible truth dawns upon them, they carp and snipe at one another, blaming everyone but themselves for their dismal fate.
House of Ricordi
The film covers a hundred years in the lives of the Ricordi family, the Milan publishing house of the title, and the various composers and other historic personalities, whose careers intersected with the growth of the Ricordi house. It beautifully draws the parallel between the great music of the composers, the historic and social upheavals of their times, as well as the "smaller stories" of the successive generations of Ricordi.
Nuestros tiempos
Comienza con tres pequeñas historias: "El beso", "Los enamorados" y "Disculpe, pero..." Los episodios principales son: "Mara" con Danièle Delorme e Yves Montand. Una prostituta se enamora y decide cambiar de vida. "El niño" con Lea Padovani y Marcello Mastroianni. Unos padres desesperados por la pobreza deciden abandonar a su hijo pero no saben dónde. "Escena en abierto" con Vittorio De Sica y Elisa Cegani. Un actor y una actriz muy mayores se vuelven a ver después de varios años. "Casa ajena" con Michel Simon y Sylvie. Un párroco intenta convencer a una anciana para que no se suicide. "Don Corradino". Vittorio De Sica interpreta a un conductor de autobús napolitano que no permitirá que el reglamento de la empresa interfiera en sus conquistas amorosas. "La cámara de fotos". Totò interpreta a un vividor que trata de seducir a Sophia Loren con la excusa de hacerle una foto.
Si Versalles pudiera hablar
Louison Chabray
Durante un paseo, Luis XIII descubre un lugar encantador y decide construir en él una casa de campo que se convertirá en el Palacio de Versalles. Éste será el escenario en el que se sucederán, desde el reinado de Luis XIV (1661-1715) hasta la Revolución de 1789, una serie de intrigas amorosas y políticas protagonizadas por importantes personajes de la corte francesa.
Le guérisseur
Isabelle Dancey
Les dents longues
Eva Commandeur
El joven periodista Louis Commandeur multiplica las intrigas y las traiciones con tal de lograr sus propósitos.
Desperate Decision
Ireland, 1922. In the midst of a national uprising, Catherine, a young orphan employed in household chores, goes in search of her brother whom she has heard in a dream calling for help.
Love, Madame
Self (uncredited)
Madame Célerier is determined to marry off her son François to a rich and haughty woman but François has other plans.
Une ancienne élève (uncredited)
"Olivia" narra las nacientes pasiones que despierta una adolescente inglesa enviada durante un año a estudiar en una pequeña escuela parisina. (FILMAFFINITY)
Venom and Eternity
In this experimental film, Isidore Isou, the leader of the lettrist movement, lashes out at conventional cinema and offers a revolutionary form of movie-making: through scratching and bleaching the film, through desynchronizing the soundtrack and the visual track, through deconstructing the story, he aims to renew the seventh art the same way he tried to revolutionize the literary world.
Without Leaving an Address
Thérèse Ravenaz
A woman in Paris hires a taxi driver to locate her ex-lover, father to her newborn child, who left her without leaving an address.
Lost Souvenirs
Suppose lost and found objects could talk... But they can! At least four of them... : -A statuette of Osiris remembers how two ex-lovers, a model and a good for nothing who claimed to be an Egyptologist, met again one Christmas Eve. -A violin has things to say about Raoul, a humble policeman who lost Solange, a widowed grocer he loved, to a god-dam seducing busker also named Raoul. -A scarf was witness to an eerie romance between a young madman and girl he had saved from suicide. -A funeral wreath lets us know how it caused a young woman to believe her lover dead. After having told their respective story, the objects return to their customary stillness.
Bed for Two
Robert Bobin has been an assistant accountant for twenty years now and, although meek and obedient, is getting weary of his monotonous, limited life. He tries marriage but, unfortunately, Blanche, the nurse he marries, proves to be a shrew. One day, a miracle happens : Michèle, a young orphan and fellow-worker gradually develops tender feelings for him. But will Robert be able to overcome his mediocrity and grasp this unexpected opportunity to find happiness?
Agnes of Nothing
Pushed by her husband to settle in the family castle, Agnès finds her sister-in-law Alix there. Her husband Carlos, often absent, loses interest in his wife and gradually approaches Agnès who will end up giving up this relationship.
Minne is a very imaginative young lady. She pretends to have had lovers and can't think of anything better to do other than... to tell Antoine, her husband, the day she marries him. Bad beginning for the couple... As the marriage is not consummated for years, Minne feels frustrated and tries to find elsewhere the carnal knowledge she does not find at home. But Antoine is a kind-hearted man and on the occasion of a trip, a sexual balance is at last found between the two partners.
A provincial ingenue leaves her mother’s tobacco shop with dreams of a life in the Parisian theater, only to become entangled in relationships with a lecherous aristocrat, his starry-eyed nephew, and an old ham actor.
Primeros minutos de un documental autobiográfico inacabado que Clouzot tenía previsto rodar en Brasil durante su viaje de bodas con Véra.
Cage of Girls
Micheline, who fled to Paris with the man she is in love with, finds herself on her own when he abandons her. She lands in a reformatory from which she manages to escape.
Gilberte dite 'Gigi'
Gilberte is a sixteen year old girl raised by her aunt and grandmother to be a demimondaine. But she's not ready for that yet, and spends her days in lessons and in teasing Mamita's old friend, the rich playboy Gaston LaChaille, and following his affairs from afar. But when Gaston throws off his latest mistress, it looks as if Gigi just might be ready to begin her destined career.
Impasse of Two Angels
Stage actress Marianne has decided to give up her career to marry wealthy nobleman Marquis Antoine de Fontaines. As a wedding present, Antoine gives his future wife a precious diamond necklace, which is coveted by a gang of crooks. Jean, one of them, is given the mission to approach Marianne and steal the necklace from her. The only trouble is that when he meets her, she recognizes him as the man she once loved.
Cruise for the Unknown One
Kohlman, the attorney for the Fournil bank, diverts money from the institution. To hide his malpractices, he imagines to remove the director, the young and overconfident Clement Fournil, during a cruise at sea on the yacht Emile Frechisse.
The Chips Are Down
La noyée
"Les jeux sont faits," is a fantasy film based on a screenplay by French existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. A society heiress and a resistance fighter are tragically killed at the same moment and meet in the afterlife. They are offered a second chance at life if they can prove their love is real or be doomed to roam the earth as ghosts.
The J3
A student
During the Second World War, in occupied Paris, a group of high school students is more active at selling cigarettes and silk stockings than at studying. But the day a new philosophy teacher takes charge of their class, things begin to change. It must be said that Mademoiselle Bravard is not only a gifted educator but a charming young woman as well. Thanks to her, all the students end up passing their finals.
Le Capitan 1ere époque : Flamberge au vent
France under Louis XIII. 1615. The Duke of Angoulême is at the head of a group of gentlemen who are conspiring to drive the Florentines out of court, of whom Concini is the all-powerful leader. A cadet from Gascony, Adhémar de Capestang, who was later to become the Capitan, left his native province to come and try his luck in Paris. Along the way, he saves a young girl, Gisèle d'Angoulême, from a masked individual who wanted to kidnap her.
A drifting woman hangs out in the suburbs of Marseille. A young engineer picks her up drunk and takes her to the hospital. He does not know then that it is the Countess Armance de Lunegarde, driven from her home and performing as a gummy in third-rate music halls.
La camarade de Félicie (uncredited)
At the beginning of the 20th century, the destiny of Félicie Nanteuil, a young girl from the provinces who became a big star on the stage thanks to a comedian who committed suicide out of love for her.
The Little Ones of the Flower Platform
Bérénice Grimaud
A brave bookseller raises his four daughters alone, all of whom he employs in his shop. They are especially interested in their sentimental stories. Rosine, the youngest, falls in love with Francis, fiancé of Edith, the eldest. But Francis pushes her away and Rosine announces that she is going to commit suicide. Bertrand, a young doctor, decides to stop her by watching over her. After a few adventures, everything finally works out. Edith keeps her fiancé, the father, from whom the adventure has been hidden, returns to the usual course of his life and Bertrand and Rosine find themselves alone.
The Beautiful Adventure
On the very day of his wedding, Valentin Le Barroyer sees the one he was to marry fly away. Hélène has always loved her cousin André, to the great displeasure of her aunt who had combined the failed marriage. The two lovers take refuge in the Dordogne at the home of Hélène's grandmother who believes them to be really husband and wife. Valentin finds the young couple too late, he only has to console himself with a friend of Hélène's.