Eligiendo la violencia como vía para luchar contra el cambio climático, un grupo de personas planifica un atentado contra un oleoducto.
An unsuspecting user is sent through a turbulent series of splash portals when his government-enforced dating app malfunctions in the bathtub. Storm is set in the near future, where everyone has to live by the government’s Federal Relationship Compatibility Act – a policy which ensures that citizens are matched with only completely compatible individuals. If an individual cannot find a match which satisfies the government’s strict algorithm, they will be sentenced to a life alone in a permanent facility.
En este especial de comedia original de Netflix, los comediantes Nick Kroll y John Mulaney, protagonizan este show como dos inseparables y extraños ancianos neoyorquinos, con curiosos pasados y un gran cariño por el atún.