Brad Owens


Band of Rebels
U.S. General Kilpatrick
A group of confederate soldiers uses their unique set of skills to travel behind enemy lines to take on deadly missions which reign havoc on the Union army.
Rocket Hunter: Rise of the Nazi Komet
From the rubble of bombed-out German cities came the madness of the Nazi rocket program and the creation of the Me163 rocket plane, also known as the "Komet." With skilled pilots in short supply, delusional Nazi doctors used blackmail and coercion to force those they deemed candidates to attempt to pilot these deadly machines. It became the mission of a group of American pilots to stop the Nazis from unleashing their maniacal plot, knowing that failure was not an option.
Kill Cavalry
El general estadounidense Hudson Kilpatrick es conocido por muchos como "Matar a la caballería", no por la cantidad de tropas enemigas que ha matado, sino por la suya propia, debido a decisiones descaradas que provocan numerosas bajas federales.
Rocket Hunter
En una de las misiones más peligrosas de las II Guerra Mundial, el piloto de un B-17 se presenta como voluntario para intentar sobrevolar Alemania con un Messerschmidt 109. Su misión consiste en prevenir el lanzamiento de los misiles V-2 con los que el ejército alemán está aterrorizando a Londres.
The War Riders
cheap ass civil war movie
General Kilpatrick
A Confederate Civil War captain faces challenges as the Union army storms through South Carolina, destroying everything in its path. When he is sent to the front lines his home life suffers, which only compounds the soldier's troubles.