Filip Wakuła


Broad Peak
Assistant Costume Designer
Maciej Berbeka realiza la primera ascensión invernal del Broad Peak en 1988, escapando de la muerte por centímetros. Andrzej Zawada, el líder de la expedición, anuncia un gran éxito. Una vez que regresan a Polonia, resulta que Maciej "solo" alcanzó la Cumbre Rocosa, situada veintitrés metros más abajo que el pico real.
Costume Designer
A well-known publisher - Melchior Wańkowicz asks famous writer Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz to create a reportage about "success a la Polonaise". Tadeusz goes with his assistant Diana on a journey to do a series of interviews and meet historical, distinguished personalities. The initial antipathy between Tadeusz and Diana turns into friendship first, and then into... Who will the pair of our heroes meet? How will their relationship develop? What successes and achievements of the young Polish state will they learn about? We invite you to watch Niepospolita (The Unique)!