Set in the 1980s, "Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In" follows troubled youth Chan Lok-kwun as he accidentally enters the Walled City, discovers the order amidst its chaos, and learns important life lessons along the way. In the Walled City, he becomes close friends with Shin, Twelfth Master and AV. Under the leadership of Tornado, they resist against the invasion of villain Mr. Big in a series of fierce battles. Together, they vow to protect the safe haven that is Kowloon Walled City.
Director of Photography
Kwok plays a cyber security engineer who develops an AI programme with the potential to disable the region’s entire networks, but then has to prevent it falling into the wrong hands.
Director of Photography
The sky above Hong Kong is not just heavy with clouds and rain, it also contains astral signs and dark omens in this esoteric neo-noir. In a radical and counter-intuitive move, rather than having the characters’ trajectories converge towards the end, the plot instead knits their fates together from the start. Crossing paths at the scene of a heinous crime in a brothel are the serial killer perpetrator and the upstanding detective chasing him, but also a delivery boy obsessed with blood and knives and an occultist feng shui master who had predicted the victim’s gory fate without being able to prevent it.
Director of Photography
Cuando Hong Kong se ve sacudido por múltiples asesinatos espantosos, la policía forma un grupo de trabajo para investigar. Jun (Sean Lau), una vez un brillante detective que sufrió un colapso mental, comienza su propia investigación. Eventualmente, la policía descubre que las víctimas del asesinato son todos los sospechosos de casos sin resolver.
Director of Photography
International narcotics officer CHOI , has been demoted by his superior officer MA to local duties after partaking in bribery in the line of work. He’s assigned to a death scene investigation by YAN where the deceased, YUNG’s body had laid undiscovered for eight years, and only recently discovered by maintenance workers during the renovation of an old block of flat. CHOI looks into CHAO as the prime suspect, and linking it to adultery with YUNG’s widow PING as an accomplice. The case soon comes under scrutiny by a high-ranking court prosecutor SANTOS. Under his inquiries, the investigator becomes the investigated, and CHOI’s actions fall under suspicion as all manner of inconsistencies come to light from his statement. YUNG was a man of many vices, with few crimes left untouched by his hand – rape, drug smuggling, blackmail and working alongside notorious gangster FAI WAI.
Director of Photography
El oficial de policía novato Yam Hoi (Mason Lee) es un recién graduado de la academia de policía. Debido a una ola de asesinatos en serie, Hoi está asociado con el hermano Chin (Gordon Lam), quien recientemente fue reincorporado a la fuerza. Sin embargo, el dúo no puede resolver los casos y en su lugar causa una serie de incidentes. Más tarde, Chin se reencuentra con un niño de la calle, Wong To (Cya Liu), quien asesinó a su esposa e hijo, y su enojo lo vuelve fuera de control. Hoi pierde torpemente su pistola, que es encontrada por el asesino en serie. Con el asesino acechando en la ciudad, una crisis se acerca.
Director of Photography
El maestro de Wing chun viaja a los Estados Unidos, donde uno de sus estudiantes ha molestado a la comunidad de artes marciales al abrir una escuela de Wing Chun.
Un policía de Hong Kong es apartado del servicio tras fallar en una misión para atrapar a un asesino en serie de policías. Tiempo después, el asesino reaparece en Macao e intenta de nuevo seguir su pista.
Director of Photography
La verdad, sobre la mesa (de operaciones): no hay mejores disparos que los del cine de Johnnie To. El maestro de la acción ataca de nuevo con Three, que arranca con un delincuente que, herido, es trasladado a un hospital. Allí, discurren tres puntos de vista: el de un médico, el de la policía y el del criminal, que quiere escapar. Encerrado entre las cuatro paredes del hospital, To libra una batalla sobre las fuerzas y debilidades del ser humano.
Director of Photography
Eric Liddell, el primer medallista de oro de China y uno de los mejores atletas de Escocia, regresa a China devastada por la guerra.
Director of Photography
In a construction site under the full moon, construction workers dig too deep and inadvertently wake up Joe (Alex Lam), a vampire that has been lying underground for a century. Dazzled by the vibrancy of a modern city at night, Joe wanders around and runs into Apple (J. Arie), a jilted girl planning to kill herself. Eager for a taste of blood, Joe follows her home and helps her and her grandmother get rid of thugs sent by a real estate developer who wish to buy them off. What started as a battle for property turns out to be a battle among vampires.
Director of Photography
Two assistants, Lee Xiang and Kat, start new jobs at the financial firm Jones & Sunn. Lee Xiang is an earnest young man who naively enters the world of high finance with noble intentions. Kat on the other hand has a secret.
This is a story in jail. A story about learning a "new life”…
Director of Photography
A thriller based on two real incidents: the 2003 Tuen Mun Road traffic accident that claimed 21 lives and the 2013 Yau Oi Estate suicide, where the female victim dressed in red leapt to her death on the day of the Chinese Ghost Festival.
Director of Photography
After dropping out of her university's dance crew, a working-class student finds inspiration in tai chi for her own unique style of street dancing.
Director of Photography
A brilliant detective is forced into early retirement after losing eyesight. Making ends meet by solving cold cases for reward money, he teams up with a rookie lady inspector to solve a case from her personal past.
What color represents 'Love'? Should it be the purest of colors--therefore, white? Or does everyone have their own color that signifies 'Love'? Is saying 'I Love You' merely three words often said without consideration, or is it a promise of commitment by which one should abide? A blizzard and a box of gifts change Dong's life. Safeguarding him with compassion is the person that he has grown up with, and the person he longs for, but every time their paths cross, the outcome is never the one for which they yearn. What does destiny hold for them?
Cuenta la historia del jefe de un cartel de la droga que es arrestado tras verse involucrado en un accidente automovilístico.
After his new bride dumps him at their wedding reception, a heartbroken actor winds up in the mountains, where he meets and falls in love with a widowed fan.
Director of Photography
En una gran compañía de banca tiene su pequeño despacho Teresa, que se dedica a la consultoría para todo tipo de clientes. El insaciable ansia de beneficios de la empresa la obliga a recomendar a los poseedores de pequeñas fortunas que depositen sus ahorros en inversiones de riesgo a sabiendas de que no es lo más adecuado para sus intereses. Buzzard es un delincuente de poca monta, aunque capaz de ejecutar actos de violencia, relacionado con las tríadas. Con el objetivo de ayudar a un amigo envuelto en problemas con la justicia, planeará robar a uno de los clientes de Teresa. Cheung Jin Fong, por su parte, es un honrado inspector de policía de clase media cuya pareja le conmina a adquirir una lujosa vivienda para compartirla con él. Además, su padre, moribundo, desea que se haga cargo de una hermanastra a la que ni siquiera conoce. Un botín de cinco millones de dólares limpios irrumpirá en sus vidas y los situará frente a complejos dilemas morales.
An original twist on an eternal triangle, where secret crush and unrequited love take on altogether newfangled meanings of their own.
Cuando Costello, un antiguo asesino francés reconvertido en chef, se entera de que su hija y la familia han sido asesinadas, promete solemnemente vengar sus muertes. La búsqueda de los asesinos le lleva hasta Hong Kong, donde consigue a unos matones a sueldo locales para que le ayuden. Sin embargo, el mayor reto al que se enfrenta Costello es la lucha contra su progresiva pérdida de memoria, provocada por una bala alojada en su cabeza. ¿Será capaz de llevar a cabo su misión antes de que sea demasiado tarde?
Two tactical unit leaders are forced to put aside their differences to help catch a group of robbers.
Director of Photography
Kei is the experienced leader of a team of pickpockets — also known as "Sparrows" in HK slang. He enjoys a carefree lifestyle taking photos. One day a dashing beauty, Chun-Lei, suddenly appears in Kei's viewfinder. Kei is mesmerized. But behind Chun-Lei's attractive facade lies a mysterious past and a mission to set herself free.
Director of Photography
A woman is revisited by the ghost of her ex-boyfriend, three years after a car crash took his life.
Director of Photography
Burn es un detective rudo de métodos explícitos y poco ortodoxos que le han provocado el repudio de sus superiores. Tras cortarse una oreja y ofrecérsela como regalo a uno de sus superiores en un acto de pura locura, es obligado a retirarse. Sin embargo, él tiene un don especial: puede ver la personalidad y los demonios interiores de la gente.
Director of Photography
Life has not been kind to drinking buddies Sam, Fai, and Mok as they struggle to make ends meet, until one stormy evening a mysterious old man appears before them in a bar with a ‘get rich quick’ scheme: an ancient treasure is buried under a high-security government building.
Director of Photography
Dos asesinos a sueldo, llegados a Macau para ejecutar a un colega que pretende empezar una nueva vida, se enfrentarán a un dilema cuando otros dos antiguos socios intenten trastocar su misión. Abierta la negociación, aparecerá un quinto asesino que pondrá en peligro la incipiente tregua. Secuela de su celebrada The Mission.
Election 2 se desarrolla dos años después de la original. El mandato de Lok, como presidente de la Wo Shing, está a punto de concluir y los principales aspirantes a reemplazarle se disputan el liderazgo. Wo Sing es la Tríada más antigua de Hong Kong. Bajo el mando de Lok, ha crecido hasta convertirse en la organización criminal más temida de la ciudad. Jimmy, un gángster culto, quiere levantar un imperio que tenga como base un negocio limpio y legítimo. Los suculentos beneficios de sus empresas sitúan a Jimmy como el favorito para convertirse en el nuevo líder de la Triada. Su popularidad también llama la atención de las autoridades chinas, quienes le ven como el candidato perfecto para limar asperezas entre las triadas y el gobierno central y que ambos órganos convivan en paz. Las autoridades permiten a Jimmy la entrada en el centro de negocios más importante.
Ha llegado la hora, como sucede cada dos años, para los miembros más veteranos de la tríada más antigua de Hong Kong –la Wo Shing Society– de elegir a su nuevo líder. Las rivalidades feroces emergen entre los dos candidatos a hacerse con el cargo. Lok (Simon Yam) es el favorito para ganar, pero su rival, Big D (Tony Leung Ka-Fai), no se detendrá ante nada para que eso cambie, incluyendo ir en contra de años de tradición e influenciar el voto con el dinero y la violencia. Una lucha por el poder que amenaza con partir a la tríada en dos. ¿Podrá la Wo Shing Society mantener el equilibrio entre sus métodos tradicionales de fraternidad y el mundo de los negocios del siglo XXI?
El Sr. y la Sra. To son ricos y creativos ladrones de joyas que se divorcian sin razón aparente después de un exitoso robo de diamantes. Un año después, está comprometida con el hijo de una mujer rica que, a regañadientes, permite que su hijo le dé a su prometida una reliquia familiar después de que ella firme una prenda.
Director of Photography
A former Judo champion is given the chance to redeem himself after he befriends a competitor and an aspiring singer.
Director of Photography
Una unidad móvil de televisión deja en evidencia al cuerpo de policía al grabar la vergonzosa actuación de unos agentes en una escaramuza con una organizada banda de ladrones. Para recuperar la credibilidad perdida, la policía realiza un despliegue de efectivos sin precedentes: la comandante Rebeca Fong se marca el objetivo de capturar a los criminales, parapetados en un laberíntico bloque de pisos. Además de, mediante una hábil operación de manipulación mediática, ofrecer un espectáculo sin precedentes a los 6 millones de habitantes de la ex colonia británica. Lo que Fong no sabe es que en el mismo edificio se esconde una banda de asesinos que carga también contra sus hombres. La operación se complica. Para colmo, entre las varias unidades policiales desplegadas surge un inevitable conflicto de intereses y la prensa, ávida de noticias, se impacienta... El show ha de continuar por encima de todo.
Un musculoso monje venido a menos que trabaja de stripper en un local de alterne, conoce a una joven policía en una redada. Más tarde, él la ayuda a ella a capturar a un peligroso asesino. Y ella en compensación lo ayuda a él a retomar su karma... o cambiarlo.
Un aspirante a violinista y un traductor profesional viven vidas paralelas y parecen ser perfectos el uno para el otro, pero de alguna manera el destino parece mantenerlos separados. Al vivir en diferentes unidades del mismo edificio de apartamentos, nunca se encuentran, porque cuando se van, uno gira a la izquierda y el otro a la derecha.
El PTU es una unidad especial militarizada de la policía de Hong Kong. Tras una persecución con una banda de ladrones, en la que uno de sus colegas cae en combate, el resto de la unidad retorna a sus hogares. En el transcurso de la noche uno de sus jefes, tras un curioso envite con un joven líder pandillero local, caerá victima de una trampa por la que será apaleado. De resultas de este incidente, él mismo perderá su pistola. Como queda poco más de un mes para su retiro, y esto le perjudicaría gravemente, convendrá con sus compañeros ocultar el incidente unas horas, mientras buscan el arma en posesión de los secuaces del jefecillo... La película derivó en dos nuevos capítulos, "Tactical Unit: The Code" y "Tactical Unit: Comrades in Arms", dirigidos por Wing-cheong Law en 2008 y 2009 respectivamente.
May is a martial artist and Chinese medicine practitioner who resides in a temple in Omei mountain. Under the threat of her lovelorn master, Misery, she decides to seek the help of infamous womanizer, Tiger Hung, who she had helped earlier, in order to experience heartbreak and master the "Heartbroken Sword" technique to defeat her.
On a splendid night, as elegant individuals lose themselves in dance in a ballroom, a rumor is born that one of the guests is HIV positive. Unprecedented fear and suspicion follow, with fallacies about HIV infection close up on its heels.
A car accident gives a spoiled, troubled young woman the ability to see ghosts, including one of a former classmate.
Follows the adventures of a compulsive Mahjong player named Andy and his aging mother, estranged brother, loyal ex-girlfriend, and a local gang.
En esta secuela de “Running Out of Time”, Lau Ching Wan reprende su papel del mejor negociador de la policía de Hong Kong: Sang. Esta vez deberá enfrentarse a un peligroso y meticuloso criminal que ha robado tres obras de arte y exige un rescate por ellas.
Director of Photography
Durante años, O ha vivido totalmente aislado en el mundo de los asesinos a sueldo. Su rígida e intensa disciplina le han llevado a perder todo tipo de contacto con la gente y más aún después de la muerte de su amada Nancy Pero su vida cambia el día que conoce a la inocente Chin, contratada para limpiar su piso. Sin embargo pronto el extravagante y salvaje Tok, entrará en la vida de Chin con la misión de descubrir la identidad de O para poder acabar con él y usurpar su puesto como número uno de los asesinos a sueldo.
A depressed, obese woman tries to lose weight in order to win back her ex-boyfriend with the help of a fellow Hong Konger whom she met in Japan.
Lost in the woods, the Emperor Qi (Anita Mui) stumbles across local chief Wu Yen, his predestined bride, only to accidentally free a promiscuous fox fairy who promptly falls in love with both of them, changing between man and woman to clumsily woo each, setting the scene for a constantly shifting triangle with the emperor torn between both the fox fairy and Wu Yen and the fox fairy after whichever one will agree to marry her/him first.
A trio of idealistic young doctors take on a corrupt, ineffective hospital management more interested in saving dollars than lives. Sub-plots crop up in the form of a love triangle, an electrical blackout, and a major car accident.
Director of Photography
Jimmy Tong is an expert blackmailer and thief who specialises in white-collar crimes. With his side-kick, Jimmy steals a personal diary belonging to a Yakuza leader Ken Sato intending to use its details as a platform for blackmailing and to extort money. Sato agreed to the uneasy deal and made preparations to pay Jimmy his exorbitant demands only for Sato's girlfriend Jenny to betray him and make off with the money to Okinawa.
Wah and Kinki both working at the same department of a computer company. Both of them are not getting on very well initially, but friendship develops when they get to know each other after a while. When Wah starts to realize his emergent fondness for Kinki, his ex-girlfriend reappears and plans to gain back his affection. In addition, he notices that his ex-girlfriend arranges a guy to pair up with Kinki. At the same time, his supervisor would like to lay him off at work.
Director of Photography
Wah, un inteligente criminal al que sólo le quedan 14 días de vida, decide dar un último golpe intentando apoderarse de unos diamantes, y así atraer la atención de la policía, y especialmente la del oficial San, experto en negociación y de métodos particulares. San cree que Wah está retándolo a un juego de sabiduría y coraje, y se pone ansioso para arrestarle...
Fresh from a prison term, a former Triad boss resides in a hotel in Macau, where he befriends its owner and her young son.
Jack and Martin are gunmen who work for two rival kingpins. Jack and Martin have been fighting on their bosses behalf for close to a year. When a truce is made both Jack and Martin are cut loose. The two men then decide to join forces and take on the gangsters who used them.
A low level gangster in Hong Kong gains new respect after saving a boss's life in a gang fight. Despite his wife's death in this attack, he appears to be moving up in the Triad family until he discovers the other bosses are not looking out for him when he is double crossed and the gangster he previously hospitalized in the gang fight comes back for revenge.
Lucky Coffee Shop is well-known for its egg tarts and tea. Waiter Sui, named as Prince Egg Tart, attracts lots of girls but only loves Candy. He and his friends, Nam, and Fok, all have love problems. At the same time, the coffee shop may collapse since the landlord is increasing the rent tremendously. Let's see how the lucky guys of the shop can revert this situation.
Director of Photography
A failure of a Triad who is desperate for money decides to accept an assassination mission. With his advance in money he decides to risk it in gambling, he becomes lucky and wins a fortune. With all this money he is not so sure that he wishes to do the murder anymore, he looks for a hitman to take his place. He finds a women willing to take the job but she ends up more trouble than he expected. He ends up falling in love with her and he is not sure about sending her to kill or to do the job himself and take the risk. During the next few days they will prepare to make the hit.
Director of Photography
Sigue las vidas de un equipo de bomberos de Hong Kong en sus desgarradoras misiones de rescate y sus dilemas personales.
Director of Photography
Las mujeres nacidas el 6 de junio son asesinadas en Hong Kong. Hay un lunático suelto. Ching, un psicólogo de la policía, parece ser la próxima víctima. Ella está sufriendo de sueños aterradores que involucran al mismo diablo. Todo se vuelve claro cuando el asesino se revela como el discípulo de Satanás, su cuerpo poseído, en busca de la reencarnación de la hija de Satanás en la Tierra.
Un piloto y mecánico de coches de carreras, al que han secuestrado a su hermana, se enfrenta a un complejo entramado de delincuencia con sus mejores armas: las técnicas de artes marciales. Para recuperar a su familia, Jackie no dudará en arrasar un taller de coches deportivos, un casino entero y su propia casa. Persecuciones a 200 kilómetros por hora, espectaculares accidentes y el amor de una bella reportera.
Director of Photography
A man re-evaluates his life after being given a second chance. When seedy cop Liu Chen-hai is shot, he is forced to do some soul-searching about his old life.
Renowned writer/director/actor/producer Wong Jing created this charming fantasy comedy, featuring a top notch cast. The sweet, lovable Anita Yuen Wing-Yee stars as an illegitimate daughter who inadvertently finds a pearl with a genie in it. Michael Wong Man-Tak is the genie who gives her three wishes, which leads to a lot of hilarity and even a little heartbreak.
Director of Photography
An adventure that delves into the dark caverns of the underworld and tells the tale of three chivalrous gangsters who attempt to escape the powerful clutch of their gang leader.
Director of Photography
Insurrection deposes the tyrannical first emperor of China during the evil Qin Dynasty. Warrior/general Xiang Yu and the cunning peasant Liu Pang join forces to win through civil war. Xiang Yu's weakness for Lady Yu combine with Liu Pang's treachery result in Liu founding the legendary Han dynasty
In the third and Final film of the Exiting Martial Arts Trilogy, Sam the Iron Bridge is now Governor of Canton.
Something like a jumbled, back-to-front version of Tai Chi Master and Fong Sai Yuk. Shifting focus on at least ten major characters makes whatever story there is hard to follow. But there's brother against brother, conflicts of loyalty, even disappointment in love. San (always good guy) is disappointed in his brother Kuang's (weak character) decision to join the Cult, and how the power has corrupted him. Chin Chen (good guy) resists his brother Chan's efforts to obtain the Classics. Chan tortures Chin by mistaking him for a pincushion then, with the help of his cranky but skilled old flame Hung and his daughter Tien, Chin trains San in the Classics, to fight Chan.
During a fierce war in ancient China, a princess and her two generals must escape from the Ha Hou rebels determined to bring the kingdom down. But when the princess meets an enemy prince, the two fall in love -- setting the stage for tragedy.
Director of Photography
Scientists install a micro chip, called Black Cat, inside the brain of a violence prone girl named Catherine in an attempt to refine and control her fits of rage. Their plan is to turn her into the perfect government secret agent "killing machine".
Star Chow is an officer in the Royal Hong Kong Police's elite Special Duties Unit (SDU). During a meeting with his senior officer, Inspector Yip, Star jokingly suggests he wishes to be reassigned to the traffic unit. Star immediately finds himself demoted to Constable engaging in traffic duty on the streets of Hong Kong. After being made the scapegoat for a failed high school terrorist investigation, Star hastily resigns from the police. He decides to enroll at the high school to launch his own private investigation. But Star realises the investigation won't be easy when he discovers that the bumbling, incompetent CID detective Tat is also undercover at the high school.
Director of Photography
Yuen Tak Wah (Andy Lau) has been practicing Taekwondo since he was a kid and becomes an expert at it with his best trick being the 720 Degree Whirlwind Kick. Wah later becomes a cop and uses his good skills to contribute in cracking cases which leads to the jealousy of Officer Cheung Yeung (Roy Cheung), the leader of the rival team. Cheung is also a Taekwondo expert who has a won a championship at the Hong Kong Police Force's Taekwondo Tournament.
David is sitting in a bar, musing over why he has bedded and left five or six of Asia's loveliest women in such a short time.
Director of Photography
A blundering Hong Kong police inspector, Ma Yu Long, goes under cover to investigate a high-class businessman, Teng Kuo Chiao, who was bribing city planning officer Ma Yu Yu to build roads to suit his needs and is suspected to be liable in Yu's death. In the meantime, Long courts Yu's high school sweetheart, Julia, who wants the inspector to cheat Chiao out of some money as part of the revenge deal.
After fleeing vietnam, John joins his brother on board his ship, running illicit goods into Hong Kong. The rest of the ship's crew are under the command of Keung and they have a sideline in pirating, targeting vietnamese refugee boats in particular. On one such boat, they come across Gary and his sister, who is promptly killed, along with the rest of the crew: Gary only being saved, thanks to John throwing him into the sips hold, where he hides, struck with amnesia, until they arrive in Hong Kong. once there, Gary manages to flee the ship, but soon finds himself wanted by both the pirates and the police, namely inspector Yeung, with John stuck in between his brother and his friend...
Director of Photography
Star Chow is about to be kicked out of the Royal Hong Kong Police's elite Special Duties Unit (SDU). But a senior officer decides to give him one last chance: Star must go undercover as a student at the Edinburgh High School in Hong Kong to recover the senior officer's missing revolver.
Hong Kong policewoman Yeung teams up with Taiwanese and Mainland officers to take down a gunrunning ring.
George Lam is a famous conductor, Maggie Cheung an auto-mechanic; he rides a portable bicycle, she a motorcycle. Somehow, together, they find time to deal with some troublesome teens (Jacky Cheung, Vivian Chow) and fall in love.
Action flick about illegal drug dealing in Hong Kong and the undercover cops who risk their lives and their relationship to capture the bad guys.
A romantic comedy starring Kenny Bee as a not-so-hot but righteous lawyer and Carol Cheng as a beautiful doctor who is called upon as an opposing witness in several court cases. Their love affair goes through numerous bumps for an entertaining climax.
Director of Photography
A vampire is repulsed by the thought of killing in order to stay alive. He becomes the local blood bank's best customer. However, when the bank runs out of blood, he must take a hard look at his situation.
A vampire is repulsed by the thought of killing in order to stay alive. He becomes the local blood bank's best customer. However, when the bank runs out of blood, he must take a hard look at his situation.
Director of Photography
When he is framed for being a spy because of his friend's illegal activities, David must escape from police, CIA, and assassins with the help of his cousin.
Director of Photography
Five hundred years ago, to practice witchcraft, a bat elf forces her sister, Siu-chu to lure strong men so that she can suck their blood. A priest stops Siu-chu from killing two guards by using his supernatural powers. After fighting, both parties are wounded. To help the guards cope with bat elves, the priest gives them string instruments, swords and thousand-year-old snow pearls. Unexpectedly, the guards swallow the snow pearls and it takes them five hundred years to resurrect……
Chu Lai-Ngor (Carol 'Dodo' Cheng) and her daughter Vivian (Vivian Chow) have now moved in with Alex Lui (George Lam). They're not married yet but she's calling herself Mrs. Lui now. Just when the ultimate housewife and ultimate nag Ngor thought she got rid of her competitor for Alex in the first movie, she now has more competition, in the form of choreographer director Joe (Maggie Cheung). Alex's cousin from Canada Ao (Hui Siu Hung) also present him with a bunch of problems and thoughts in his head with his kids and his perverted attitude. What will Ngor, Alex and Joe do?
Director of Photography
Kenny Bee works for a large Hong Kong corporation who's business practice is not exactly honorable. But he is being promoted to upper management with all its perks. Cherie Chung is a woman reporter working for Hong Kong TV station who is trying to expose the corrupt practice of the company Kenny works at. By chance they get together by being shoved into the same taxi while they're totally drunk. They again meet while grocery shopping, but they get robbed and Kenny can't go back to his home without money for the ferry. This starts a relationship between them, and from conscience, Kenny decides to expose the corruption within his company. Vivian Chow plays a secondary role as semi love triangle between Cherie and Kenny.
Kenny Bee works for a large Hong Kong corporation who's business practice is not exactly honorable. But he is being promoted to upper management with all its perks. Cherie Chung is a woman reporter working for Hong Kong TV station who is trying to expose the corrupt practice of the company Kenny works at. By chance they get together by being shoved into the same taxi while they're totally drunk. They again meet while grocery shopping, but they get robbed and Kenny can't go back to his home without money for the ferry. This starts a relationship between them, and from conscience, Kenny decides to expose the corruption within his company. Vivian Chow plays a secondary role as semi love triangle between Cherie and Kenny.
Director of Photography
Ng Yu Hon, a henpecked husband, takes a moral holiday each year. This year he falls for his Chief Accountant. Maggie Shaw and decides to take her along to Hokkaido under the pretext of business. Ng's nalive petty clerk in the Hokkaido branch. Lau Szu-hin, a cousin to Ng's wife Tan Niu, is under pressure to arrange this for his boss. Subsequently, impressed by Maggie's serious working attitude, he decides to get her out of this clutches.