Jean-Philippe Rouxel


Production Director
Just after stealing the urn containing the ashes of her deceased lover, Paloma, a drag queen, meets Mike, a quiet and gloomy trucker.
Pablo Legasa from the Paris Opera Ballet dances in the sky in live-action, to Erik Satie's Gnossienne No. 1.
Production Manager
Samuel and Agnes are blocked in an elevator just after Agnes has stolen Samuel's bag. In this enclosed space with no exit, the attacker and victim confront each other, before finally letting their masks drop.
Production Designer
Sabine y Natache tienen 22 años. Ambas viven muy unidas en su zona de confort. Pero un día a Natacha le surge una oportunidad: irse y abandonar a Sabine. La traición no será una buena idea.
Ama Gloria
Production Director
Cleo is six years old, has a myopic look and has been madly in love with Gloria, her nanny, since she was born. When Gloria receives a call and must urgently return to her home in Cape Verde to care for her two children, whom she has not raised, Cleo makes her promise to meet one last time. Gloria accepts and invites Cleo to spend the summer vacations on her island. A last summer that they will spend together, in Gloria’s family, before inevitably saying goodbye.