Arnaldo Martelli


El hijo del capitán Blood
Robert, hijo del famoso Capitán Blood, es un joven inquieto, amante de las aventuras. Arabella, su madre, quiere que estudie, pero él, seducido por las hazañas de su padre, decide embarcarse. Su madre, sirviéndose de un ardid, lo enrola en un barco con destino a Londres para que estudie en la universidad. Durante el viaje conoce a Abby y se enamora de ella. El barco es abordado por unos piratas, cuyo capitán, un antiguo enemigo de su padre, aprovechará la ocasión para hacerle pagar a Robert todo el odio que sentía por su progenitor.
Caravan of songs
In a luxury hotel in Miramare, a competition is organized between pop music singers. Famous celebrities and famous singers are invited.
Two Anonymous Letters
Il Cavaliere
When her sweetheart Bruno joins the Italian army, Gina, bored by her lack of social life, weds Tullio. She comes to regret her decision when Tullio proves to be a Nazi collaborationist. Casting her lot with the Resistance movement, Gina is forced into a difficult decision when the safety of ex-lover Bruno is endangered by the treachery of Tullio.
The Lady in White
The lawyer Giulio Gualandi plans yet another escapade in Viareggio while he is with his wife on holiday in Cervinia.
Destiny Unknown
Based on fact, Passaporto Rosso (Red Passport) details the plight of a group of poor Italian immigrants who are hired as railroad workers in turn-of-the-century South America. In addition to facing poverty, deprivation, and prejudice, the immigrants are also bedeviled by a raging fever epidemic. Finally achieving a measure of prosperity, the Italians are forced to confront tragedy once more when their grown children march off to WWI. Though Isa Miranda is top-billed, she has very little to do in comparison with male lead Filippo Scelso. Passaporto Rosso was released in the U.S. as Destiny Unknown.
La buona fortuna
Giuseppe, il garagista