First Assistant Director
In the 1990s, two brothers were accused of murdering eight women, one man and one child in the Serra dos Órgãos region. In the eyes of the suspects, Sergeant Téo realizes that the trial of the press, police and local society is fundamentally racist, and begins to have doubts about the conviction of one of them. Based on a true story, the film is a work of fiction about the famous case of the "Necrophil Brothers."
Second Second Assistant Director
En los años treinta, dos hermanas separadas por el destino se enfrentan a prejuicios y sexismo, una por parte de la alta sociedad en una gran ciudad y la otra por un grupo de renegados en el campo. A pesar de la distancia, saben que solo pueden contar el uno con el otro y ambos se impondrán a su manera y sorprendentemente.