Christelle Michel


Executive Producer
A teenager in search of recognition, a worker ready to do anything to hit the jackpot, a senior executive at the end of his career who wants to prove to himself that he's still alive. Three characters who are losing speed on the competition highway.
El horizonte
Line Producer
Verano del 76. Una ola de calor está provocando que el campo suizo se seque a toda velocidad. En un ambiente sofocante, Gus, que tiene trece años y es hijo de un granjero, ve cómo su entorno familiar y su inocencia se resquebrajan: está viviendo el fin de un mundo.
May the Night Be Sweet
8-year old Alice and her brother, the 5-year old Lucas accompany their parents to visit their beloved grandfather in the hospital where he is to be dying. All baffled, they observe the adults wearing each other down about a situation that seems so evident to the children. They decide to take matters into their own hands...