Honoré de Balzac

Honoré de Balzac

Nacimiento : 1799-05-20, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France

Muerte : 1850-08-18


Honoré de Balzac was a French novelist and playwright. He is regarded as one of the founders of realism in European literature. Balzac's first project was a libretto for a comic opera called "Le Corsaire", based on Lord Byron's "The Corsair". In 1820 he completed the five-act verse tragedy Cromwell. After writing several novels, in 1832 Balzac conceived the idea for an enormous series of books that would paint a panoramic portrait of "all aspects of society". "Illusions perdues/Lost Illusions" is a serial novel written between 1837 and 1843.


Honoré de Balzac
Honoré de Balzac


Las ilusiones perdidas
Ambientada en el siglo XIX. Lucien, un joven francés, sueña con forjar su destino como poeta. Para ello abandona su lugar natal y se muda a París con la ayuda de su mecenas. Adaptación de la famosa novela de Honoré de Balzac, "Les illusions perdues".
Eugénie Grandet
Felix Grandet reina supremo en su modesta casa en Saumur, donde su esposa y su hija Eugenie llevan una existencia libre de distracciones. Extremadamente codicioso, no ve con buenos ojos a los pretendientes que se apresuran a pedir la mano de su hija. Nada debería dañar la colosal fortuna que oculta a todos. La llegada repentina del sobrino de Grandet, un dandy parisino huérfano y arruinado, pone patas arriba la vida de la joven. El amor y la generosidad de Eugenie hacia su primo hundirán al padre Grandet en una ira sin límites. Frente a su hija, estará más dispuesto que nunca a sacrificarlo todo en el altar de las ganancias, incluso su propia familia.
Francesconi: Trompe-la-Mort
Original Story
An impressive masked figure, Trompe‑la‑mort reveals his true character through his impalpable latent energy and a plot abounding in tragic twists of fate. An ambivalent character, both regal in bearing and warmly protective, cruel and yet loving, rapacious and indomitable even in the face of madness, this ’Machiavelli among miscreants’ destined to become chief of police, uses his conquests to advance relentlessly in the pursuit of his aims whilst keeping his hand closely hidden. Guy Cassiers, working for the first time with the Paris Opera, portrays a three-tiered society where some rise and others fall.
Bolshoi Ballet: Lost Illusions
Original Story
Lucien, a young composer, sets out to conquer the Parisian scene in search of glory. His success soon blinds him, and he betrays his friends and his love. Lost Illusions is a new ballet created in Moscow in 2011 by Alexei Ratmansky with dramaturgical advice from Guillaume Gallienne. This stylised adaptation of Honoré de Balzac’s novel features thwarted love, ambition, and disillusionment, with 19th century Paris as its backdrop.
The Magic Skin
Adaptation of Honoré de Balzac's "The Skin of Sorrow" or "The Wild Ass's Skin" (1831), said to be the last novel read by Sigmund Freud before his death. While reading it, he would have said: "This is the only book I needed".
La piel de zapa
Es 1832, y Raphaël está al borde del suicidio por su mala suerte. Tras un intento fallido de suicidarse lanzándose al río Sena, deambula por las calles de París y entra en una tienda de antigüedades. Dentro, un misterioso tendero puede ver el estado de desesperación en que se encuentra y le ofrece algo: una «piel de pena» que concederá todos sus deseos, pero a medida éstos vayan cumpliéndose su tamaño se reducirá, al igual que el tiempo de vida de su poseedor.
Nucingen House
Surreal gothic comedy about a gambler who wins a strange Chilean mansion and takes his frail wife there.
La duquesa de Langeais
Durante el período de la Restauración en una sociedad dominada por la hipocresía, por el peso de las apariencias y el dinero, la intriga relata los sobresaltos de una historia de amor sin esperanza, mezcla de pasión y rencor entre el general de Montriveau y la duquesa de Langeais. Adaptación de la novela "La Duchesse de Langeais" de Honoré de Balzac.
Zakuro Yashiki
The Japanese painter FUKAZAWA Takeshi expresses in pictures the novel written by Honoré de BALZAC “La grenadière”. Over 70 tempera paintings are beautifully brought to life and put together by FUKADA Koji for this Ga-nime that tells us the story of a mother and child in the 19th century, coated in a music that punctuates the whole experience. FUKAZAWA and FUKADA thus succeed in reproducing the ambiance of this mansion so dear to BALZAC, as the artistic pictures call to the imagination and the emotions of the viewer that only be so aroused by a Ga-nime.
Old Goriot
A poor but ambitious young man arrives in Paris and settles down in the boarding house run by Madame Vauquer. He soon gets to know the guests: Victorine Taillefer, a young lady her rich father refuses to recognize; Horace Bianchon, a medical student; Monsieur Vautrin, a mysterious and disconcerting man; Goriot, a rich merchant who spent all his fortune for his daughters, Delphine and Anastasie, to make a rich marriage. Eugène becomes friends with Goriot but while the former, thanks to his cousin Madame de Beauséant, is introduced in high society, Goriot, both exploited and scoffed at by his daughters, continues his descent into hell.
Balzac: A Life Of Passion
Biografía del escritor francés Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850), centrada, sobre todo, en su relación con las mujeres. A pesar de sus rudos modales, ajenos a cualquier sofisticación, y de su poco agraciado aspecto físico, Balzac ejerció una irresistible fascinación sobre ellas. No obstante, sólo dos mujeres fueron realmente importantes en su vida: su madre Charlotte, una mujer fría, manipuladora y autoritaria, que nunca le dio el amor que necesitaba; y la bella y encantadora Eva Hansa, a la que Balzac siguió por Suiza, Alemania y Rusia en una cruzada sin tregua para ganar su corazón.
La prima Bette
París, 1848. Tras la ruina de su familia, Bette Fisher vive con unos parientes, bajo la protección de su prima, la bella Adeline. Pero, al caer ésta gravemente enferma, la echan de casa y va a parar a un miserable barrio, en el que conoce al harapiento escultor Wenceslas Steinbach, con el que acaba contrayendo matrimonio.
Passion in the Desert
Young French officer Augustin Robert escorts artist Jean-Michel Venture de Paradis to Egypt during Napoleon's Egyptian campaign. Napoleon sent de Paradis to record Egypt's great monuments and temples that are destroyed by French soldiers in acts of barbarism. During combat, Augustin and Jean-Michel are separated from their regiment, and they start wandering through the desert fighting for their life. In one of the canyons Augustin meets a leopard he names Simoom and a strange bond between them appears.
Colonel Chabert
Colonel Chabert has been severely wounded in the French-Russian Napoleonic war to the point that the medical examiner has signed his death certificate. When he regains his health and memory, he goes back to Paris, where his "widow", Anne has married the Count Ferraud and is financing his rise to power using Chabert's money. Chabert hires a lawyer to help him get back his money and his honor.
Eugénie Grandet
When the daughter of the miserly cooper Grandet is up for marriage, both families Des Grassins and Cruchot want to marry their sons to her and her substantial dowry. But the girl shows more interest in the impoverished cousin, whom she entrusts her entire fortune to.
De Granšānu ģimenes noslēpumi
Albert Savarus
Adaptation of the Balzac story as told by Rosalie, a young girl in love with the idea of her extraordinary neighbor, Albert Savarus, and the lengths she goes to ensure their marriage, even after she learns he is in deeply in love to another woman.
La femme abandonnée
Tired of Parisian life, Louis de Nueil settles in a provincial village to rest from his hectic life. But he quickly gets bored. He then meets Fanny de Lussange, as beautiful as she is mysterious. The young man decides to court Fanny.
Edouard Frenhofer es un artista famoso y muy respetado, que vive cómodamente en la campiña francesa. A la edad de 60 años, considera que su carrera como pintor ha terminado, porque no siente ninguna inspiración para crear. Pero le queda por terminar un cuadro que lleva parado más de 10 años, el retrato desnudo de su musa, su mujer Liz. El problema es que ya no siente ningún tipo de entusiasmo por su mujer. La solución la encontrará en Marianne, la novia de su protegido Nicolás, que posará para él. Lejos de ser una mera versión acortada de 'La belle noiseuse' (1991), Rivette ofrece un nuevo montaje del mismo material con importantes diferencias de punto de vista. Aquí se trata más bien de la perspectiva de Marianne.
La bella mentirosa
Nicholas, un joven artista parisino, viaja con su novia Marianne a un pequeño pueblo de provincias para visitar a Edouard Frenhofer, un famoso pintor que vive allí aislado del mundo. Nicholas intenta persuadirlo para que pinte su último gran cuadro: "La bella mentirosa", con su novia como modelo.
Mistr Kornelius
Gobsek the richest and most stragity usurer of Paris. The Countess by Anastasi lays will Gobseck family diamond my husband, for the sake of debt her beloved Maxim. This rash act she reveals to her husband her love affair.
Lost Illusions
Via the New York Times: "The Hungarian director Gyula Gazdag has transposed the middle section of Balzac's "Lost Illusions" from Paris in the mid-19th century to the Budapest of 1968... it tells of Laszlo Sardi - Balzac's Lucien Chardon - and his efforts to launch his literary career amid the snobbery and sophistication of a big city."
Le curé de Tours
Father Birotteau and Father Troubert, both of whom are priests at Tours, have separate lodgings in the house belonging to the crabby spinster Sophie Gamard in that city. Birotteau is an other-worldly, gentle, introspective type; Troubert, who is ten years younger than his fellow boarder, is very much of the world: he is a careerist devoured by ambition.
Cousin Pons
The lack of spirituality and the limitations of the “respectable” bourgeois turn the values of art into a means of profit, into an object of vanity.
Eugenia Grandet
Adaptation of the famous Balzac novel
Le faiseur
Шагреневая кожа
Tu placer es el mío
En el siglo XVI, un noble de la Toscana organiza un banquete donde se cuentan historias inmorales.
Bratranec Pons
Wiktoryna, czyli czy pan pochodzi z Beauvais?
Intimità proibita di una giovane sposa
Amenazado por la vejez y la impotencia, un conde se casa con una chica amada por su hijo. Cuando el conde nota un romance entre los dos, reacciona fuertemente.
Theatre Play
Le Lys dans la vallée
Himself as Herself
The young hero seems the essence of maleness, yet he's troubled by vaguely feminine objects. Soon his masculine and feminine selves are intercut, as each of his identities appears to look and gesture at the other. The film, at once melancholy and transcendent, consists of a shimmering, nearly plotless evocation of gender identity in flux through haunting, densely interlaced images.
Plukovník Chabert
Los estimulantes
Una mujer no tiene más objetivo en la vida que llegar lo más alto posible, sin importarle los medios para conseguirlo ni el daño que pueda hacerle a los demás. Sin embargo, a pesar del poder y la riqueza que va acumulando, hay algo que jamás alcanzará: la felicidad.
Evženie Grandetová
La Cousine Bette
The Girl with the Golden Eyes
A man becomes obsessed with a woman, who is unreceptive to his advances. Jealous of her attraction to another, he becomes increasingly desperate. His frustration reaches a peak when the woman hints at another liaison.
Eugénie Grandet
Eugénie Grandet is set in the town of Saumur. Eugénie's father Felix is a former cooper who has become wealthy through both business ventures and inheritance (having inherited the estates of his mother-in-law, grandfather-in-law, and grandmother all in one year). However, he is very miserly, and he, his wife, daughter, and their servant Nanon live in a run-down old house which he is too miserly to repair. His banker des Grassins wants Eugénie to marry his son Adolphe, and his lawyer Cruchot wants Eugénie to marry his nephew President Cruchot des Bonfons, both parties eyeing the inheritance from Felix. The two families constantly visit the Grandets to get Felix's favour, and Felix in turn plays them off against each other for his own advantage.
Les arrivistes
Shagreen Leather
Poor and unhappy, Rafael leaves Pauline and tries his luck at the roulette, but loses his last coin. Fate gifts him with the miraculous "Shagreen leather" that fulfills all wishes. In his new, luxurious life he wins the heart of wonderful Foedora. But with the power of the leather comes a rule: for every fulfilled wish it becomes shorter, and so does the life of its owner. Using the leather abundantly, Rafael soon spends his time.
Eugenia Grandet
Original Story
A miserly father quashes his daughter's marriage plans because he thinks her fiance is a fortune-hunter.
Karriere in Paris
Mr. Frenhofer and the Minotaur
Peterson based this romantic piece on Balzac’s Le Chef-d'oeuvre inconnu and Picasso’s Minotauromachie. The film combines a story of the competition for the love of a woman with images of a young girl with a candle wandering through a corridor, a modern adaptation of the mythological Minoan labyrinths.
The Lovable Cheat
Theatre Play
Posing as a wealthy Parisian, Mercadet fleeces friends and casual acquaintances alike. He is forced into this life of crime to keep up appearances, so that his daughter Julie can land herself a rich husband.
The Royalists
The Marquis de Montauran was appointed to command the Chouans whose first two revolts were crushed. An aristocrat, Marie-Nathalie de Verneuil, is sent by Joseph Fouché to seduce and capture him.
Eugenia Grandet
Eugenia is a daughter of a wealthy but miserly man living a simple life in the provincial town of Saumur. Eugenia's inexperience leads her to fall in love with an unworthy man.
Father Goriot
An old merchant ruined by the dot its two ungrateful daughters, moved to the Vauquer pension in Paris. In after Balzac.
Vautrin the Thief
A famous convict Jacques Collin, alias Trompe la mort, or abbot Carlos Herrera, also called Vautrin, escapes from prison. Chance makes him meet Lucien de Rubempré, an impetuous and eternal lover who, when he is dismissed, collapses. Moved by this fragility, he takes him under his wing, and will do everything possible to ensure that his creature reaches happiness, even if it means imagining the worst shenanigans and other scams, with the help of a band of clever villains.
Colonel Chabert
The story of a French officer who is assumed dead during the Napoleonic Wars, but returns ten years later to a very different France, both on a political and personal level. The film is based on the novel Colonel Chabert by Honoré de Balzac.
La piel de zapa
Un hombre endeudado obtiene una piel milagrosa que hace que se cumplan todos sus deseos pero a costa de acortar su vida.
Twisted Mistress
Guy Carbonnel, a rich industrialist, has more eyes for rugby than for his wife Hélène. René Rivals, his long-time pal, takes advantage of it to court her but Guy is becoming suspicious so René has to find a way to deflect his friend's suspicion. He finally has an idea: he asks Lilian, a circus acrobat, to pose as his mistress. Lilian accepts and they embark on a series of eventful moments.
Wicked Duchess
Edwige Feuillère and Pierre Richard-Willm star in director Jacques de Baroncelli's adaptation of the Balzac novella The Duchesse de Langeais, which tells the tale of a Parisian socialite who is romantically pursued by a Napoleonic war hero. With a screenplay by Jean Giraudoux.
The Masked Lover
Early XIX century. Gloomy home lender Gobseck in a suburb of Paris — a silent witness of human tragedy and ruined lives. The power of money equalizes people of different classes and positions, forcing the usurer to ask humbly for a loan. But mountains of rotting goods, gold and silver scrap do not bring happiness to Gobseck. From his own greed he loses his mind and dies..
Un homme sans nom
The Man Without a Name
Honor of the Family
Intrigue and greed come between an immoral woman and the man who loves her. This film is believed lost.
Based on Honore de Balzac’s story of Madame de Langeais. Costume drama about the infamous loves of the countess.
Cousin Bette
Glanz und Elend der Kurtisanen
Balzac adaptation: Escaped convict moves into a brothel where he becomes father to a boy. But his advantageous position is eventually threatened by one of the whores who has fallen in love with the convict's grown up son.
Paris at Midnight
In a Paris boarding house, a mysterious stranger seems to somehow solve the problems and conflicts of the residents, all the while hiding a secret of his own.
An adaptation of the first part of Balzac's History of the Thirteen, centered on the secret society of the Thirteen and helmed by René Navarre in the titular role of the former convict who became a sublime father.
The Red Inn
Two young doctors, surprised by the storm, take refuge in an inn. A diamond broker joins them and, for lack of space, shares their room. At dawn he is found dead. A few years later justice is done.
The Eternal Flame
A 1922 film directed by Frank Lloyd.
Le Père Goriot
The Conquering Power
Young playboy Charles Grandet is sent to live with his miserly uncle after his father loses his fortune. He and his cousin Eugenie fall in love, but his uncle sends him away and tries to arrange a marriage more to his liking (and profit!). Will true love triumph?
The Man of the Sea
Nolff, a tough Breton fisherman is happy: his wife has just given birth to a son, Michel. His only wish is to make him a fisherman like him. But when he becomes a man, Michel becomes a good-for-nothing who spends his time in taverns.
Original Story
Loosely based on Balzac's novel "La peau de chagrin", the story revolves around a man who steals a small, magical figurine named Narayana.
Der Galeerensträfling
The Dream Cheater
An adaptation of Balzac's novel set in the roaring twenties, it tells the story of a young man who finds a magic piece of shagreen that fulfills his every desire. For each wish granted, however, the skin shrinks and consumes a portion of his physical energy. La Peau de chagrin belongs to the Études philosophiques group of Balzac's sequence of novels, La Comédie humaine.
Glanz und Elend der Kurtisanen
a slient movie by Robert Wiene
The Thirteenth Man
La storia dei tredici is an Italian silent film starring Lyda Borelli.
The Magic Skin
Ralph Valentine, a penniless pianist, goes to Paris to pursue his career. He is attracted to two women: Pauline, the sweet and innocent daughter of his landlady, and Flora Margot, a woman of loose morals who runs with a wild crowd. Because of his irrational passion for Flora, Ralph makes a bargain with Satan, who gives him a magic skin which gratifies every wish and shrinks, along with the well-being of its possessor, in proportion to the number of wishes realized. Ralph tries in vain to rid himself of the skin after Pauline commits suicide because of his vices. Just as the devil comes to lead him into hell, Ralph awakes with the skin in his hands in an antique store where he had gone to buy a necklace for Flora. He throws down the skin, and runs to Pauline and professes his love for her, happy that he had been only dreaming.
Maskierte Liebe
The Living Dead
Adaptación libre de "El coronel Chabert" de Balzac.
Eugénie Grandet
Eugenie Grandet has discovered where her father, a miserable old miser, keeps his treasure. Eugenie's cousin, Charles, is the bearer of a letter from his father to his uncle, Eugenie's father. The letter informs the miser that Charles' father, his only brother, is reduced to a state of utter ruin, and unless he can obtain immediate help, he contemplates suicide.
Madame de Langeais
El general de Montriveau está enamorado de la duquesa Antoinette de Langeais, que se niega a aceptarlo. Ayudado por el poderoso grupo de los Trece, la persigue hasta el monasterio donde se ha refugiado bajo el nombre de Sor Thérèse.
The Great Breach
The Count of Féredia, ex-officer of the Spanish army and prisoner of war, gains the favors of a young woman whose jealous husband spies relentlessly on their conduct. An adaptation of the Balzac story.
The Sealed Room
The Count sets out to make a private room for him and his Countess, built in such a way no one can see, hear, and most importantly, disturb them. But unbeknownst to the Count, his wife has set her eyes on the court minstrel. Based on Edgar Allan Poe's “The Cask of Amontillado” and Honoré de Balzac's “La Grande Breteche”.
The False Oath
An adaptation of Balzac's La Grande Bretêche
Les secrets de la princesse de Cadignan
"Don Juan woman", according to the expression of Balzac. A princess, a great seductress. Of a diabolical intelligence. This woman, who has had many lovers - almost all the male characters of the "Comédie Humaine" -, will finally find love. The real one. The great one.
“Vautrin” was adapted from Balzac in three parts: “La Pension Vauquer” partially adapted “Le Père Goriot”; “La maison du canon” and “L’adjuration de Vautrin” are taken from “Splendours and miseries of courtesans”.