Khristina Totos


Teacher #2
For ten year-old Madeline, it takes more than just day dreaming to survive school; it takes a friend.
The Custodian
Pixie Church
Detective James Quinlan has left his alcoholic wife, sprouting a bloom of insecurity, anger and self-motivation within him to expose the corrupt police force that surrounds him. He abandons his straight life to join his partner Detective Church in order to get on the inside of the circle of double-agents. He secretly sides with a reporter and an Internal Affairs lawyer to expose them to the press.
Cocodrilo Dundee
Michael Dundee es un amigable y rudo cazador de cocodrilos en el salvaje outback australiano que, por su original filosofía de la vida, es considerado como un héroe entre los suyos. Su fama llega a oídos de Sue Charlton, una reportera de Nueva York que decide ir a Australia para visitarle y, una vez allí, le convence para que le acompañe en su viaje de regreso a América.