Carlos César González


The arrival of Gabriel, a new priest to the town of Pátzcuaro, triggers a series of disappearances. Julián, a young blind man, is involved after suspecting the true nature of this being.
La Bruja
Upon arriving home drunk, Martin, an old farmer, offends his wife Nicha and his grandson. Under the influence of witchcraft, Martin and Nicha sleep without being able to wake up, while a witch murders their grandson; a fact that will cause great sadness in Nicha, leading to her death, leaving Martin alone, deeply drowned in alcohol.
Frida y Emiliano se ven de vez en cuando. Después de pasar una noche juntos, él le pide más de lo que ella está dispuesta a dar. La negativa a sus deseos tiene consecuencias trágicas para ella, igual que para demasiadas mujeres en México.
XXI Century Love
Alan, a lonely guy, meets Fernanda in the middle of a crowded avenue. After breafly doubting, he decides to ask her out.