Margaret Barker


Broadway's Dreamers: The Legacy of the Group Theatre
A study of the Group Theatre, a company that changed the face of American drama. The Group was founded in 1931 by Cheryl Crawford, Harold Clurman and Lee Strasberg, who were strongly influenced by the naturalistic acting of Konstantin Stanislavski’s Moscow Art Theatre.
Power (Poder)
Wealthy Matron
Pete St. John es un poderoso consultor político con clientes por todo el país. Su viejo amigo, el senador Sam Hastings, decide abandonar la política; entonces Pete entra a formar parte de la campaña del sucesor, un misterioso hombre de negocios, mientras que intenta desenredar la intriga en torno a la dimisión de Hastings. Pero hay intereses poderosos en juego y la conexión entre esas dos tareas puede ser más peligrosa de lo que aparenta.
Evening Primrose
Store Person
A young poet gets the brilliant idea to live in a department store, hiding by day, and courting his muse by night where it's quiet, and he can have all his needs met. But, to his surprise, he learns his brilliant idea's not exactly original; there are other residents who dodge the night watchmen, and who keep their existence secret at all costs. And one of them is a young woman who wants to leave, but is too frightened to go. And Charles finds that he wants to show her the larger world outside.