Soufian is the former Thai boxing world champion and he still enjoys some respect on the street. But ever since his father died, he has been unable to motivate himself. Now he works at a welder’s workshop and makes sure his mom and little brother Elias are fed and clothed. Times are changing and there is new blood on the street. And Soufian can’t rest on past glories.
Production Manager
Dinamarca, en un futuro próximo. Un año después de un importante atentado con bomba en Copenhague, la radicalización política se ha intensificado y las tensiones étnicas están aumentando. A medida que se acercan las elecciones parlamentarias del año próximo, en las que el líder nacionalista Martin Nordahl espera una victoria aplastante, Zakaria se involucra con una organización radical, en la que se hace amigo de Ali.