En el verano de 1953, tras la muerte de Stalin y la deteción de Lavrenti Beria, el gobierno soviético promulga el decreto "Sobre la amnistía" que libera de los campamentos de trabajo a miles de presos. En una remota aldea del norte se esconden dos de ellos, el ingeniero Nikolai Starobogatov, acusado de ser espía inglés, y el capitán de un regimiento de reconocimiento Sergei Basargin, denostado por haber sido prisionero en un campo nazi y después de fugarse haberse reincorporado a sus tropas.
The main character of the film is an ordinary chauffeur Pavel, whose life is not very successful, despite the fact that he is a very kind and fair person. Finally, fate smiles at Pavel, he meets true love, but more and more tests fall to his lot, as if testing a simple guy for strength.
Based on the story of Boris Mozhayev “The Power of the Taiga”.
In the taiga village, where everyone is in sight, almost unbelievable happens — a local store is robbed. One of the rafters of the forest is recognized as a hacker. But some “inconsistencies” haunt the young precinct Vasily Seryozhkin. And in the end, he goes on the trail of the true participants in the crime...