Becca Babcock


I Am Syd Stone
Molly the Maid
Mientras filma una película en un pequeño pueblo, un famoso actor pone en peligro su vida personal y su carrera al iniciar una intensa aventura con otro hombre.
Ransom is about a mother; Anne that comes home from work to discover her daughter has been kidnapped. Anne feels officer Jacobs has his own motives so she takes matters into her own hands. What she is about to learn next about her daughters disappearance is more than she had bargained for.
Gravity and Grace
Hannah is about to have her third miscarriage. Working as a social worker at the Mission to Seafarers, she discovers a stowaway drifting aimlessly in the harbour, and decides to give the young man shelter in a decommissioned, cold war era nuclear fallout bunker that is being redesigned by her partner Antonia to serve as an archive dedicated to hagiographic graphology (the study of the saints through their handwriting). Hannah then retreats to a secluded cottage deep in the woods to confront pain and illumination alone.