Ben Bottoms

Nacimiento : 1960-12-03, Santa Barbara, California, USA


Joseph's Gift
Ashton Keller
Joseph is the youngest member of a large family that owns a successful garment business in Los Angeles. His father, Jacob, makes no attempt at hiding the fact that Joseph is his favorite son, resulting in the constant envy and resentment of his brothers. Eventually, in their bitterness, they plot revenge against this favored son. When Joseph accompanies his brothers on a trip to New York, they commit the ultimate betrayal, stranding him there, a virtual prisoner in a corrupt, modern-day sweat shop.
Angustia criminal
Claudia Parr, una bella heredera de una gran fortuna es víctima de un brutal intento de asesinato, tras debatirse durante semanas entre la vida y la muerte, finalmente consigue salvarse. Todos los que la rodean tienen un motivo para asesinarla: su madrastra, su hermanastra o su propio marido. ¿Quién podría ser capaz de planear su asesinato para apoderarse de la fortuna? Sólo el detective Harris podrá ayudarla y descubrir quién está detrás de tan siniestro plan.
Island Sons
Ben Faraday
A successful businessman in Hawaii disappears amid allegations of illegal activities. Years later his four sons bear the burden and repercussions of these allegations, as well, taking care of his legacy. Now when a stranger comes all sorts of things happen like a secret that their father kept from them and the truth of their father's disappearance.
Blinded by the Light
When teenager David Bowers renounces his home and family to run off with a quasi-religious cult, his sister, Janet, sets out to bring him back, very nearly becoming brainwashed herself.
Más American Graffiti (American Graffiti 2)
Secuela de la película de George Lucas "American Graffiti". La acción se desarrolla simultáneamente en cuatro épocas, entre 1964 y 1969, teniendo como escenario la América de la guerra de Vietnam, del movimiento hippie, de la revolución estudiantil y del comienzo de un movimiento de desencanto ante el futuro. A finales de 1964, John fue asesinado por un conductor borracho. Steve y Laurie son una pareja que vive en un estado de tensión permanente, porque mientras que ella desea estudiar una carrera, él quiere que se limite a ser una perfecta madre y esposa. A través de la música, Debbie y Carol se han introducido en el movimiento hippi. Por su parte, Terry "El Sapo" Fields ha desaparecido en combate en Vietnam, poco después de que Joe Young, el líder de Los Faraones, le prometiera incluirlo en la banda cuando regresaran de la guerra.
Stalk the Wild Child
Cal, as a Youth (as Benjamin Bottoms)
A young boy who had been abandoned as a child and raised by wild dogs is taken to a university where a team attempts to teach him civilized behavior.