Stephanie Lodge

Stephanie Lodge

Nacimiento : , South Yorkshire, England, UK


Stephanie is an actress originally from South Yorkshire, now based in London. She trained at the Italia Conti Academy graduating with BA (Hons) in Acting in 2006. She has also attended Stella Adler Studio of Acting for a Chekhov course in the summer of 2012. Since graduating, Stephanie has worked in a number of theatre productions, and also co-founded new writing theatre company Descent with whom she produced a regular new writing event (hosted by stand-up comedian Tom Rosenthal), showcasing up and coming writers and their work. Stephanie has recently appeared in a number of feature films, including lead roles in horrors 'Don't Speak' and 'Bad Nun: Deadly Vows'. Other film credits include 'Hilda', 'The Looking Glass', 'Devil Djinn'. Stephanie is also a professional photographer specialising in actor headshots and theatre photography.


Stephanie Lodge


Cinderella's Revenge
Cinderella finds freedom from her wicked stepmother with the help of her fairy godmother. Only this time, they unleash a plan of bloody vengeance.
Jack And Jill: The Hills of Hell
After searching for her missing daughter, a lady will discover the deadly legend behind the famous Nursery Rhyme.
After waking up from a year-long coma, an insecure young man must fight his controlling father in order to discover what really happened to his seemingly absent mother, as the true consequences of his past actions unravel before him. Richard is stuck in a limbo of denial and lost in the past, thinking that he can essentially reverse it and bring back the dead – with deadly consequences.
In the near future, life-like androids with artificial intelligence have been created to help people with menial household tasks. The prototype, One, created by Roger Marshall and tested by his family, proves to be popular but flawed. Roger has been working on a new model, Two, whose improved features show promise of its super-human abilities. As tensions rise between Roger and wife Shelley, the androids malfunction and the lives of the whole family are soon in danger of Two's sinister plans.
Beneath the Surface
Después de sobrevivir al ataque de un tiburón en el que murieron su padre y su hermana, la vida de Lexy se convierte en una pesadilla continúa. Sin embargo, con la ayuda de un psicólogo, profundiza en los inquietantes flashbacks y gradualmente descubre la verdad de lo que sucedió esa fatídica noche...
Medusa: Queen of the Serpents
Después de ser mordida por una serpiente, la vida de una joven comienza a dar un giro hacia lo peor cuando un virus mortal ataca su cuerpo.
Conjuring the Genie
A young lady unleashes a demonic Genie from an amulet.
Rise of the Mummy
Un grupo de estudiantes de arqueología despierta una momia antigua. Después de quedar atrapados en un bucle temporal, la única forma de escapar es derrotar a la momia. A medida que aumenta el recuento de cadáveres, parece que la Momia tiene que recolectar las almas de quienes lo despertaron para poder caminar por la tierra, para siempre.
Bad Nun: Deadly Vows
Mandy Seers
Catherine y su familia se mudaron recientemente a una iglesia convertida. Al mudarse, han sido acosados por un acosador religioso desconocido, afirmando que son pecadores. Pamela, la abuela de Catherine pronto comienza a revelar que tiene secretos ocultos para la iglesia local, y no todo es lo que parece. Cada noche la monja regresa, y esta vez, busca reclamar más de un alma.
Don't Speak
Tras llegar a la granja de sus abuelos, una familia no tarda en darse cuenta de que todo el pueblo ha sido tomado por un monstruo desconocido. Pronto se convertirán también en su presa.
The Mermaid’s Curse
Un joven muchacho se enamora de una atractiva mujer que conoce en la playa. Cuanto más se siente atraída por ella, más entiende los peligros de vivir una relación con una sirena.
Kayla (BFI Worker)
Nearing her final year of school, Hilda’s aspirations hit rock bottom when she is forced to contend with the abandonment of her parents and the dependency of younger siblings. Determined to avoid the breakup of her family, she depends on dance to keep the enclosing chaos at bay. As people begin to vanish from Hilda's life, her only constant is music, but when it stops the silence is deafening.