Gary Cookson


Dos tipos geniales
Race Track Bettor
Dos bribones intentan engañar a su jefe, pero éste, que es mucho más listo de lo que ellos piensan, les tiende una trampa contratándolos para que se maten el uno al otro.
La gran locura americana
Jeff Steele ("Success Wanters")
La película consta de tres cortometrajes que parodian las películas de desarrollo personal, las telenovelas y las historias policiacas.
The Tenth Level
Lab Technician
Inspired by the Stanley Milgram obedience research, this TV movie chronicles a psychology professor's study to determine why people, such as the Nazis, were willing to "just follow orders" and do horrible things to others. Professor Stephen Turner leads students to believe that they are applying increasingly painful electric shocks to other subjects when they fail to perform a task correctly, and is alarmed to see how much pain the students can be convinced to inflict "in the name of science."