Charles Vanel

Charles Vanel

Nacimiento : 1892-08-21, Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine, France

Muerte : 1989-04-15


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Charles-Marie Vanel, known as Charles Vanel (21 August 1892 in Rennes, France - 15 April 1989, in Cannes, France) was a French director and actor. He made his screen debut in 1912, in Robert Péguy's Jim Crow. His 77 year career comprised appearances in more than 200 films. Description above from the Wikipedia article Charles Vanel, licensed under CC-BY-SA,full list of contributors on Wikipedia.    


Charles Vanel
Charles Vanel
Charles Vanel


If the Sun Never Returns
The residents of a remote Swiss mountain village come to believe an ancient oracle in this drama taken from the novel by Charles Ferdinand Ramuz. With news of the Spanish Civil War on the radio, the people begin to believe the sun will not return and the world will be forever darkened.
Tres hermanos
Donato Giuranna
Una visión de los aspectos más controvertidos de la Italia de los años 80 a través de la historia de tres hermanos y su familia. En una granja del sur de Italia, una anciana muere y su viudo llama a los hijos, que acuden a pasar el duelo a la casa familiar. Son tres hermanos de distinta suerte y problemas. Raffaele Giurana es un juez de Roma que encara un proceso con ramificaciones políticas y que teme ser asesinado. Rocco, muy religioso e idealista, trabaja como consejero en un reformatorio de menores de Nápoles. Nicola es un empleado de una fábrica de Turín, donde está inmerso en un conflicto laboral. Mientras el marido de la fallecida y su nieta viven con aflicción la desaparición del ser querido, los tres hermanos no pueden olvidar sus inquietudes. Raffaele imagina su propia muerte, Rocco sueña con conseguir liberar a los jóvenes a los que asiste de sus problemas con las drogas y el crimen. Nicola se refugia en los recuerdos de su mujer.
La Puce et le Privé
Val Brosse, a private detective, receives Françoise, who confesses to him that she murdered her husband. The story is false, but Val, intrigued, decides to investigate.
The Lost Way
While the Easter holidays are over, a young woman named Cécile and her brother Pierre return to the family home. There they meet their grandfather Léon, an old communist militant who has shaken Lenin's hand.
Ne pleure pas
Le grand-père
Marc Lafarge, 13, is idolized by his brother Thomas, 20, future veterinarian and amateur boxer. Thomas has a soul of justice. Thus, returning home with Marc after a fight, he hits a little thug who has just robbed an old lady.
Alicia o la última fuga
Henri Vergennes
Alice Carroll le comunica a su marido que va a dejarle. Ante la insistencia de éste de que no lo haga, la mujer, que ya no soporta a su esposo, temerosa de que éste la retenga, huye en su coche a pesar de que está lloviendo torrencialmente. Pero en un momento de su fuga, Alice detiene el coche, ya que la persistente lluvia no la deja ver a través de los cristales del coche. De esta forma, ella va a parar a un lugar que desconoce, siendo acogida amablemente por el dueño de una mansión, el aristócrata Heni Vergennes. Éste la invita a pasar la noche en el castillo. Alice accede y se toma un somnífero. A la mañana siguiente, cuando ella sale de su habitación, encuentra el desayuno preparado, pero en todo el inmueble no hay nadie. Cuando quiere salir, se encuentra que ha sido encerrada.
Golden Night
Charles Fournier
After his family tries to kill him and he has been pronounced dead, Michel returns from the dead and sets about getting revenge on his family members. He sends each one a voodoo doll, warning of their fate. Wandering over the streets of Paris, Michel is the haunted and hunted, as he himself hunts his villainous kin.
La última esperanza
Jean Ritter
Eddy Batkin, en una fiesta en la que se consume droga, mata a un policía. El suceso acaba con la tranquilidad de su familia. Pero su padre Jacques, un importante industrial, se las arregla para hacer valer las circunstancias atenuantes y llega incluso a ganarse la confianza de la viuda del policía.
Excelentísimos cadáveres
Procurator Varga
En una región del Sur de Italia, un misterioso asesino mata sucesivamente a varios magistrados. Del caso se encarga el inspector Rogas, cuyas investigaciones lo llevan a seguir las huellas de Cres, un farmacéutico que ya había sido condenado por un caso de envenenamiento.
Siete muertes por prescripción facultativa
Pr Brézé
Es la historia de dos cirujanos, Pierre Losseray y Jean Pierre Berg, que con 15 años de intervalo, y en la misma ciudad de provincias, son empujados al suicidio por las fuerzas retrógradas de su profesión, personalizadas en el profesor Brezé, cirujano, miembro del consejo de la orden. En la lucha que el viejo Brezé mantiene contra ellos, están permitidos toda clase de golpes: chantajes, embustes, acusación profesional y campañas de difamación. Toda esta estrategia es incapaz de derribar la reputación de los cirujanos, el uno, figura aclamada; el otro, médico clínico adorado por sus enfermos, irreprochable y competente.
Es herrscht Ruhe im Land
Großvater Parra
The End of the Tether
An experienced but aging captain in command of the Sofala must hide the fact that he is becoming blind.
Le Reflet dans la mer
Baron Ucciani
Karl de Linken, an elegant young man, adventurous and unattached, arrives in the square of a small Corsican village perched in the mountains. His presence intrigues Baron Ucciani, who reigns supreme over Santa Lucia. The meeting with the baron and his young wife Maria could divert our hero from his original project: revenge ...
La noche más bella de mi vida
Il Presidente
Cuando llega la noche, un italiano que se dirige a Suiza se ve obligado a pedir alojamiento en un castillo. Durante la cena, el anfitrión y tres de sus amigos, todos ellos ex-funcionarios de justicia, invitan al huésped a participar en un peculiar juego y le ofrecen el único puesto vacante, el de acusado. Mentira y verdad se confabulan en una oscura farsa, que lleva a reflexionar profundamente acerca del imperfecto intento del hombre de ser justo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Don Mimo De Ritis
Tras cumplir una condena de dos años por robo, Tonino Russo, hijo de un pobre y honrado zapatero, y novio de una obrera llamada Ana, es desafiado en duelo por un compañero de barrio. A la lucha, que se realiza a navajazos y de la cual Tonino sale vencedor, asiste el miembro de la Camorra don Mario Capece. Sorprendentemente impresionado por el joven, le ofrece una plaza en su propia organización. A partir de este momento, empujado por una insaciable sed de poder, Tonino sólo se preocupa de subir lo más alto posible... (FILMAFFINITY)
La Nuit bulgare
A youngish sales employee of a computer firm is blackmailed into helping a group of mysterious Bulgarian industrialists who have come to his office. A government contract is being sought for a businessman who is in danger of bankruptcy.
Le Père Goriot
Jean-Joachim Goriot, a merchant who got rich during the Revolution, is obsessed with the love of his two daughters, whose social promotion he wants. He endows them richly, ruins himself to pay their debts, but Delphine and Anastasie do not return his affection and abandon him at the time of his death to run to a big ball.
Countdown to Vengeance
10 years ago, François Nolan and his brother have been betrayed by one of their accomplices after a break-in. During the fight with the police, Francois's brother was killed, and a cop disfigured by François. Now, François is back for revenge. As nobody knows who the traitor was, the former accomplices lose their head. The disfigured cop is also waiting for the right moment to take his revenge on François.
À la recherche de Jean Grémillon
Documentary about filmmaker Jean Grémillon.
La prisionera
l'invité au vernissage
Una mujer celosa se arroja en brazos de un fotógrafo maniático del control, cuya biblioteca privada está llena de fotografías sadomasoquistas que, a la vez, le repelen y la atraen.
Sobra un hombre
Un grupo de franceses son liberados por la Resistencia, pero sospechan que entre ellos hay un traidor.
Song of the World
Marinau le matelot
El guardaespaldas
Dieudonné Ferchaux
Un banquero huye a América. Allí contrata a un ex-boxeador, que le hará las veces de chófer y guardaespaldas. Adaptación de una novela del escritor belga Georges Simenon: “El mayor de los Ferchaux”. (FILMAFFINITY)
A King Without Distraction
le procureur du roi
A policeman and a serial killer play cat and mouse in an isolated mountain village in Nineteenth century France. The second film directed by the man who played the admirable lead role in Robert Bresson's A Man Escaped is a stylized and intense adaptation of a novel by Jean Giono. This police investigation in a 19th century village combines visual beauty with the rigor of the mise-en-scène—the vertigo of the criminal motivations indivisible from the refined graphics of the images.
Symphony for a Massacre
Cinco hombres deciden juntar una gran suma de capital para poder entrar en un importante trato, en el cual adquirirán una cantidad de droga que posteriormente les permitirá enriquecerse. Sin embargo, cuando el trato está apunto de realizarse, uno de los compinches intercepta el dinero y mata a uno de sus amigos para tapar sus pistas. Los demás serán entonces acosados por las dudas y la confusión general, generando una situación que sólo puede desembocar en una oleada violencia.
Rififi en Tokyo
Van Hekken
Van Hekkin prepara un último gran golpe antes de retirarse de la vida criminal. Para ello deberá viajar hasta Tokyo, que es dónde está un valioso diamante que es de lo más grandes del mundo. Para la misión ha reclutado a Carl Mersen, ex soldado y a Pierre Mérigné, un ingeniero que ha inventado una máquina para disolver el metal. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Steppe
Pére Christophore
Based on a Anton Chekhov short story, this slight tale has some good moments as the drama of a young boy's journey unfolds. The lad comes from peasant stock, and one day his family decides it would be best for him to go live with his uncle in the city. The only problem is that the city is all the way across the Russian steppes, and at this time in history, that arduous journey could only be undertaken by horse and carriage. Reminiscent of the American pioneer wagon trains heading West, the tale lacks any attacks from hostile forces but is filled with charming vignettes. In one part of the journey, the boy comes across some fishermen along a river, harpooning their catch for the day. In another segment, he is entertained when some folk dancers do a lively show. But in general, it is too long and unmomentous a journey to hold attention well for nearly two hours.
El secreto del Toisón de Oro
Father Alexandre
Tras la muerte del capitán Thémistocle Paparanic, viejo amigo del capitán Haddock, este hereda un barco llamado Toisón de Oro. Al llegar a Estambul, donde se encuentra anclado el navío, Tintín y el capitán conocen al señor Karabine, un hombre de negocios que insiste tenazmente en comprarlo a pesar de que se encuentra en un estado ruinoso.
La verdad
Maître Guérin
Dominique Marceau es juzgada por el asesinato de Gilbert Tellier, un músico lleno de talento recién salido del Conservatorio. Los abogados intentan encontrar un móvil que explique su conducta. ¿Pasión, venganza o accidente? Entre los testigos están los conocidos de Gilbert, los antiguos amantes de Dominique y, además, su hermana Anne, estudiante de violín y prometida de Gilbert. Los datos que van proporcionando los testigos permiten reconstruir las personalidades de Dominique y Gilbert y son más útiles que las elocuentes alegaciones de los abogados.
Gorilla's Waltz
Le Vieux
This is the third feature in a series about an intrepid French spy by the nickname of "The Gorilla," but unlike the earlier films, this time around Roger Hanin replaces Lino Ventura in the title role. A West German scientist has discovered a way to recover missiles shot into space, and the major Western powers are after his secret. Even though the scientist is willing to pass his discovery on to NATO, it is guarded by an elite, undercover West German police force. As foreign agents, including the Russians and Americans, try to get their hands on the secret, "The Gorilla" is forced into the affair by his surly, aging boss -- he has to make sure that the scientist's discovery ends up with NATO.
Island Fishermen
L'armateur Mével
Yan, captain of a fishing boat, falls in love with the daughter of his boss, to the great displeasure of Jenny, his jealous mistress.
Prisoner of the Volga
Ossip Semjonowitsch
Prisoner of the Volga
The Wreckers
In 1852, the famine on a desolate Britanny's island named Blaz-Mor, off the coast of Finistère. Some residents exalted hold responsible the young Moira (Renée Cosima), equivalent to a witch. The old Marnez (Charles Vanel), "head" of the island, is trying to restore calm and opposes Yann Le Heart (Henri Vidal), the fiancé of his daughter Louise Kermelen (Dany Carrel), who wants causing a shipwreck to save the island from famine.
The Mask of the Gorilla
Colonel Berthomieu
Géo Paquet, aka The Gorilla, breaks from jail. Now an escaped convict, the elite agent must infiltrate a dangerous gang working for a foreign embassy as their leader, a spy enjoying diplomatic immunity, can't be arrested by regular police.
No Escape
In Provence , Father Caillé runs a family pension backed by his daughter-in-law Cora and a maid. The old man persecutes Cora for her assiduity until the day when she, in a particularly violent confrontation, knocks him down before the eyes of Gino, an Italian pensioner of whom she is in love. The two accomplices will try to make up the murder.
Sinners of Paris
Léonce Pozzi, dit "Le Fondu"
Michel Piccoli plays a police inspector whose best friend is murdered on the orders of gang boss Charles Vanel. The inspector knows full well that Vanel is too crafty and well-connected to ever stand trial for his crime, so he carefully lays a subtle trap for his adversary. Unfortunately, both Piccoli and Vanel are thwarted by a pair of scheming females.
The Suspects
Commissioner Perrache
Commissaire Perrache, the chief of the D.S.T., the French domestic intelligence service, tries to neutralize a group of terrorists named the Partisans de la Métropole. He sends one of his best agents, inspector Louis Vignon, incidentally the husband of his charming secretary Lucette, on the trail of an illegal transmitter. But Vignon gets kidnapped by the gang and held captive on a boat off the shores of Monaco...
Le Feu aux poudres
La muerte en este jardín
En un país hispanoamericano, Shark, un aventurero europeo, se enfrenta a la represión encabezada por el capitán Ferrero. Tras varias peripecias, Shark huye en una embarcación con la prostituta Djin, el rebelde Castin, el padre Lizzardi y la joven María. En la huida, los prófugos tendrán que enfrentarse a los peligros de la selva amazónica y a las pasiones que se desatan entre ellos.
Escándalo en Milán
La irresponsabilidad de la prensa sensacionalista y su capacidad para ìdestruir reputaciones y vidas constituye la base de un convencional melodrama ìcon pretensiones. Un habilidoso guión y unas notables interpretaciones no ìimpiden que su obsoleta realización malogre gran parte de sus propuestas....
A Missionary
Père Gauthier
Native Drums
A team of doctors sets out through a steamy African jungle to check an outbreak of sleeping sickness.
Atrapa a un ladrón
A pesar de que John Robie 'El Gato' es un ladrón de joyas reformado, se convierte en el principal sospechoso de una serie de robos de piedras preciosas en los más lujosos hoteles de la Riviera francesa, así que no tendrá más remedio que demostrar su inocencia. Cuando conoce a la caprichosa heredera Frances, ve la oportunidad de desenmascarar al misterioso ladrón utilizando como señuelo las fabulosas joyas de la madre de la joven.
Las diabólicas
Police Inspector Alfred Fichet
El director de un colegio, el señor Delasalle, convive con su esposa y su amante, la profesora Horner. Pero las dos mujeres, cansadas de sufrir la constante tiranía y malos tratos del hombre que comparten, deciden que esa situación no puede continuar.
The Cheerful Squadron
Il capitano Hurluret
La vida cotidiana de un escuadrón de la caballería francesa a principios de siglo XX.
Giovanni Lamberti
The story takes plays during the annual Good Friday pageant in a tiny Italian village. Local priest Don Vincenzo faces a crisis when the girl selected to play the Virgin Mary shows up pregnant.
On Trial
Wolf Andergast
Hijo del gran fiscal Andergast, Etzel quiere revisar el caso Maurizius, cuya condenación se basó en suposiciones. Ese caso permitió a su padre, 18 años antes, comenzar una gran carrera, pero Etzel quiere tener la conciencia limpia.
Si Versalles pudiera hablar
M. de Vergennes
Durante un paseo, Luis XIII descubre un lugar encantador y decide construir en él una casa de campo que se convertirá en el Palacio de Versalles. Éste será el escenario en el que se sucederán, desde el reinado de Luis XIV (1661-1715) hasta la Revolución de 1789, una serie de intrigas amorosas y políticas protagonizadas por importantes personajes de la corte francesa.
El salario del miedo
Mr. Jo
La tensión entre cuatro trabajadores de una compañía petrolífera estallará durante un peligroso viaje durante el cual transportan nitroglicerina.
Noguère, an old patriarch, is about to die and decides to confess at last to a priest. He once lived alone with his son Juste, who helped him to farm the Mauvents land. One night Noguère fired at a couple of trespassers, hurting the girl and killing her fiancé. Giving Catoune, the girl, the shelter of his home, Noguère was forced - however reluctantly it may have been - to break the bad news to the fiancée. For all that Catoune recovered, settled down and later married Juste. After a while Juste left for the war and was soon reported missing. Noguère comforted the distressed young woman so well that she became her mistress. But Juste had not been killed.
The Last Sentence
Judge Marco Valsetti
Piero is the leader of a group of university students who lead a carefree life. Finding himself in trouble and in need of money, he turns to criminal means—receiving aid from Daniela, the daughter of a rigid magistrate.
Incantesimo tragico
El primogénito de unos honrados campesinos de la Toscana italiana baja a las fiestas del pueblo con el fin de casarse con Oliva, una bella y ambiciosa mujer que se convertirá en el diabólico instrumento de un tesoro maldito que ejecece su maleficio sobre quienes quieren lucrarse con él.
Il bivio
After the war, Aldo and his men became gangster. But now the times are changing and Aldo decides to became a policeman to help better his men in crime. He meets Giovanna and falls for her. But he begins liking his new job and after their first robbery, Aldo tries to leave his old accomplices...
Corazones sobre el mar
Nostromo Norus
Paolo Silvestri, nieto de un almirante retirado, y Massimo Falchetti, hijo de un rico magnate, son grandes amigos, estudian juntos en la Academia Leghom, y adoran el mar. Ambos se enamorarán de la misma chica, Doris, una guapa actriz, a pesar de que Paolo ya está comprometido.
The Fighting Men
Saverio Luparello is the manager of Sicilian baron Occipinti's estate. The cunning greedy man intentionally lets the land turn into a wasteland, hoping that his employer, discouraged by its low returns, will sell his earth to him for next to nothing. His plans are thwarted by a share cropper, Diego Costa, who farms his lot zealously and to good results.
En nombre de la ley
Massaro Turi Passalacqua
Un joven juez es enviado al pequeño pueblo siciliano de Capodarso. Su misión será aplicar la ley en una comunidad acostumbrada a regirse por las reglas de la mafia y a vivir en un estado permanente de inseguridad. Sin embargo, pronto tropezará con la corrupción y la falta de colaboración por parte de los vecinos.
The Woman I Murdered
During a singles meal, the phone rings. A woman claims a man, Jean-Louis. As a joke, the master of the house replies that he is gone forever and advises him to take the plunge. But she obeys and the suicide appears in the newspapers. Tested, the master of the house takes in the child of the unfortunate woman.
Woman of Evil
Laurent meets Louvaine and brings her back to his island.
La Cabane aux souvenirs
Laurangeais stays in a nursing home after his wife dies following an accident caused by Terrian, his adopted son. When he leaves he finds Terrian who is going to get married. He drags his future wife into a cabin and kills her.
Le Bateau à soupe
Le capitaine Hervé
Hervé is a tough sea captain in command of the "Duchesse Anne", a rum-trading ship. But the sea dog hides a tender heart and he allows Marie-Douce, a poor slum girl who dreams of seeing the wide world,on board. To have her accepted by the crew, he passes her off as his niece. A seasoned master like him, wise enough to ban alcohol use on his ship, should have known better : a beautiful girl on the deck cannot but unleash the savage instincts of all those men without women.
A wealthy man has two sons,one of them is legitimate,the other is not.The first offspring has had a life of luxury and he has become a lazy good for nothing whereas the youthful indiscretion has turned into an artist.He is nicknamed "Gringalet" .Now his father wants him to meet his half-brother ,his mother-in-law and the rest of the family. Gringalet will turn this bourgeois family upside down:they become nice,the big brother becoming a perfect businessman who stops scouring nightclubs to spend most of his time with his fiancee Josette.There's the rub,cause Gringalet is also in love with her.
Hanged Man's Farm
A large farm in Vendée. The father is dying and the three brothers and sister swear not to marry not to break up the field. Months pass. Francis, the eldest, took things in hand. For him, the promise to their father is sacred. So he does everything for his brothers and his sister Amanda are not tempted. However, the latter lets himself courted by a young man from the neighboring village ...
EL cielo nos pertenece
Pierre Gauthier
Pierre y Teresa comparten la misma pasión por la aviación. Con coraje y obstinación ellos sacrifican todo por el éxito de su empresa, batir el record mundial femenino de aviación de distancia en línea...
The Roquevillards
François Roquevillard
France, 1880. Francois Roquevillard is a respected lawyer in Chambery and the head of a family that prides itself on its impeccable morals. Francois's world rapidly begins to fall apart when his son Maurice elopes to Italy with Edith Frasne, the wife of an esteemed notary.
Le soleil a toujours raison
L'homme du mas
Tonio, pretty Micheline's fiance, meets Georgia ,a gypsy who makes advances to him.
Promise to the Unknown One
A young woman is in love with a young writer, winner of the Prix Goncourt. Married to a banker, she must face her husband's anger and the blackmail of a former suitor.
Haut le vent
François Ascarra
In 1906, François left the Basque country with his father, who had decided to settle in Argentina following an incident between him and Esteban. Having become a powerful industrialist, he returned to France in 1940 on the occasion of the signing of a contract. He learns that the Haut-le-Vent estate, occupied by his aunt Anna, is his. Greeted with mistrust by the villagers, he manages to make himself sympathetic and decides to stay on the estate with Gisèle, Esteban's daughter.
Business Is Business
Isidore Lechat
Isidore Lechat is a ruthless self-made man whose money allows him to humiliate the others, particularly a ruined noble: he wants his daughter to marry this marquis's son but the girl is in love with a young scientist.
The Black Diamond
A wealthy man's wife dies in a car crash; she is survived by him and their daughter. The father learns that he's not her biological father.
The Wonderful Night
le fermier
A couple of refugees arrives in a village: he is a cabinet maker, she's pregnant and the innkeeper refuses to give them a room; they wind up in the cowshed of a farm where she gives birth to her baby, the very night of Christmas.
Cristobal's Gold
Le Coronel - le chef de la police
Dupuy, the first officer of the Cristobal, a French merchant ship, is informed by cabaret dancer La Rubia that the Cristobal carries a priceless secret cargo of gold. Based on the novel by Albert t'Serstevens.
Law of the North
Robert Shaw slaughters his wife's lover and runs away with his secretary Jacqueline. Helped by a French trapper who takes them for film-makers, they hide in Northern Canada.
Yamilé Under the Cedars
Rachid El Hame
A Lebanese Christian girl of European origin is attracted to a visiting Muslim chief and rides off with him.When her Christian fiance brings her back,she is punished for her transgression.
Savage Brigade
Général Kalitjeff
The duel between a Czarist general and a lieutenant, over the general's wife, is postponed with war approaching. Years later, the rivals meet again but the general realizes his wife has been faithful to him after all.
S.O.S. Sahara
At a North Africa desert outpost threatened by Arabs, the French commander has added trouble when his wife visits and is captivated by a younger officer.
Southern Bar
Le capitaine Olivier
Baron Arnold, a businessman, takes his young wife to Africa where he instructs her to seduce Captain Olivier, an intelligence officer. But Olivier illuminates the baroness on the unsavory activities of her husband as a weapons dealer and entrepreneur of revolutions.
Legions of Honor
An officer is tried for self-inflicted injury.He is thrown out of the Foreign Legion .
The West
Jean Cadière
The film portrays the relationship between a female Moroccan student, who has been forced to leave her studies at the Sorbonne for financial reasons and works as a dancer in a Paris nightclub, and a French naval officer. However, on returning to Casablanca she is tricked into believing that he had the led attack on her village that wiped out her family. She begins to plot her revenge.
The Woman at the End of the World
A sailor falls in love with an innkeeper on a lost island.
Rail Pirates
Henri Pierson
Henri Pierson, the chief engineer of a railway line crossing Yunnan in China, must prevent the incessant attacks of a gang of looters.
Roger de Vétheuil
A wealthy industrialist, Roger de Vetheuil, married, feels assured of aging in peace. Then appears a blackmailer who accuses him of being a usurper, actually called Jean Pelletier, a mobster well known to police. Vetheuil, judging himself slandered, refuses to listen to his tormentor and goes to the police. The man speaks. The scandal is public soon ...
Abused Confidence
Jacques Ferney
Lydia (Danielle Darrieux) is a student, poor and orphaned, who pretends to be the daughter of a famous writer.
Troïka sur la piste blanche
Wife of an arms trafficker in Poland, Georgina is forced to help him. She will only be able to regain her freedom - and love - after a troika chase during which the trafficker loses his life.
Social Police
For years now, Chief inspector Gustave Picard has been trying to bring down Salviati, the dreadful leader of a drug-selling gang. Lucienne Préville, an informer who works for him, has infiltrated the gang but her position is dangerous. On the other hand, Scoppa, Salviati's former right-hand man, has started challenging his former boss. Will Salviati, the brutal public enemy, clear off at last?
Southern Carrier
A pilot on one of the air mail flights between France and its African colonies has a brief romance with his distressed cousin before he returns to the call of duty, and the rebels in the desert.
Alexandre Mérital
Alexandre Mérital, the leader of a political party, finds himself under attack from Frépeau, one of his opponents. The latter has indeed discovered that Mérital committed a theft in his youth. But Mérital will not be intimidated by his adversary's move. In his turn, he discovers that Frépeau was once involved in a financial scandal, which forces the plaintiff to discontinue the prosecution.
Commander Vassidloff
French-language remake of Port Arthur (1936): espionage, action and romance in the Russo-Japanese War, as the conflict threatens Russian naval officer Boris Ranewsky and his Japanese wife Youki.
The Seniors
A high school in the thirties: most of the students are leaving for the Easter holidays. However, one of them,Brassier, an A -student ,stays for sentimental reasons. He is desperately in love with the principal's wife who does not want to cheat on her husband, and, above all, does not want the young man to ruin his good prospects. On a night he calls on her, a theft is committed, in the principal's office. Although completely innocent, the good lad stands accused. He's got an alibi, but it would compromise the reputation of the woman he is in love with.
When her fiancé breaks off their engagement, Danielle leaves London and returns to her mother, Jenny, in Paris. With her business partner Benoît, Jenny runs what appears to be a respectable nightclub – it is in fact a place where wealthy men can buy the favours of attractive young women. Oblivious to her mother's professional and personal life, Danielle meets a handsome young man named Lucien, and falls in love with him – not realising that he is Jenny's lover...
They Were Five
Charles dit Charlot
Five unemployed workers win 100,000 Francs in the national lottery. Instead of sharing the money, they buy a ruin and build an open-air cafe. But difficulties come to split their friendly group apart.
The Flame
A woman of easy virtue rejects a proposal of marriage made to her by a rich lover. But when her son is taken from her to be brought up in the best conditions, she keeps thinking about him. When she finds him, twenty years later, she can not adapt to the environment to which he now belongs.
The Fear
Robert Sylvain
A lady who had a secret affair lives in fear.
Michel Strogoff
The Czar charges a man to deliver a message to the Grand Duke behind enemy lines.On his way he encounters a number of adventures.
The Green Domino
Nebel, a sculptor
Flight Into Darkness
Le lieutenant Maury
Un piloto de aviones de la I Guerra Mundial que no cuenta con demasiadas amistades entre sus compañeros entablará una complicada relación con un joven e inexperto aviador.
Les Bateliers de la Volga
In 1912, a Russian officer is wrongly accused of having stolen important papers. His only alibi being to have spent the night with the wife of a colonel, he allows himself to be condemned so as not to compromise the latter. He manages to escape and hides in the guise of a poor boatman. One day, the truth comes out, the colonel commits suicide and the lovers are finally reunited.
L'Impossible Aveu
A cabaret singer incites the man who loves her to perpetrate a burglary to avenge the one she loves and to whom the first has wronged. The case goes wrong but its instigator has time to confess before dying.
Roi de Camargue
A gypsy has cast a spell on Livette, the fiancee of Renaud, the proud guardian nicknamed, King of the Camargue. Renaud wants to punish the witch who frightened Livette. But then, meeting the gypsy, he is taken under the strange spell that emanates from her. She arranges to meet him in an isolated hut in the middle of the muddy ponds. Livette, warned of her betrothed betrayal, goes to the place where she is to meet the infidel. But Renaud changed the stakes that line the only fordable passage. And Livette dies, even more from Renaud's betrayal.
The Great Game
Pierre , a young lawyer, has enormous debts due to his mistress Florence and her whims of luxury life. Pierre has gone too far and put the family firm in jeopardy. They ask him to expatriate. To avoid scandal, Pierre joins the Foreign Legion. In Morocco, near the desert, Pierre goes with his comrades of the Legion to a bar-restaurant-brothel, owned by a shady character, Mr. Clement . Clement lives more or less with Ms.Blanche who is a fortune teller with cards, as a hobby. But Clement is also after his girls now and then. Pierre is still obsessed with Florence but he meets Irma , one of Clement's girls, who is the double of Florence except for hair color. Irma has had an accident and has lost part of her memory at a certain point of her recent past, and Pierre slowly persuades himself she is Florence, but cannot remember it. Advised by Ms.Blanche, Irma finally accepts to act as if she was Florence because she is falling in love with Pierre.
At the End of the World
Geroges Laudy
Versión francesa de la película Flüchtlinge (1933)
A man who suffers from the delirium of persecution and to the point of trying to strangle his wife is interned. His brother, needing his signature for his own business, gets him out of the asylum with the complicity of a false magistrate and against the advice of the doctor.
Les Misérables
Inspector Javert
Adaptación de la novela de Victor Hugo en tres partes. Un ladrón convicto, Jean Valjean, obtiene libertad condicional tras diecinueve años de cárcel.
A gypsy and a boatman fall in love with each other. They do not understand each other and make each other suffer. When, at last, their hearts are confounded, the young girl’s father kills the young man, thus accomplishing the implacable Bohemian law.
Case closed
The owner of a fairground shooting gallery, haunted by the crime he committed ten years before with the complicity of his friend and associate, is ridden with guilt. One day, as he is under the influence of alcohol, he confesses his crime. In vain, for nobody, including the police, wants to believe him...
Case closed
The owner of a fairground shooting gallery, haunted by the crime he committed ten years before with the complicity of his friend and associate, is ridden with guilt. One day, as he is under the influence of alcohol, he confesses his crime. In vain, for nobody, including the police, wants to believe him...
Dainah the Mixed
Shades of Othello loom in this engrossing exploration of class, race, and murder set on an ocean liner. Young Dainah encounters an engineer onboard who mistakes pleasantries for flirtation. When she disappears the next day, suspicion spreads not only to the engineer but also to Dainah's husband.
In the Name of the Law
The story is about a drug ring and the finally successful efforts of the Paris police to break it up. A young detective goes into a den in Paris' Chinatown, following a clue, and that is the last seen of him until his body is found floating in the Seine several days later. The only clue is a woman's glove. The dead man's friends on the force vow to avenge him, and receive information leading them to suspect one Sandra, a beautiful foreigner, played by the stunning Marcelle Chantal.
Las cruces de madera
Caporal Breval
Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, un grupo de reclutas franceses, entre los que se encuentra un joven estudiante idealista, se une al ejército para defender a su país. El infierno de las trincheras enfría poco después el alegre fervor patriótico de los jóvenes, que viven realidades terribles de la guerra, traiciones y decepciones. (FILMAFFINITY)
Faubourg Montmartre
André Marco, dit Dédé
Two sisters struggle to stay on the straight and narrow.
La Maison jaune de Rio
When a criminal named King Fu who has terrorized a city substitutes himself for a stage actor who looks like him, the staff and spectators at that night's show think the actor is giving an unusually good performance.
Dance house
Three men vie for a pretty young lady in a small Spanish port town: The boss of a dance hall who encourages her aspirations at performing, a married fisherman, and that man's unmarried younger brother.
The Yellow Captain
Gardian Mitifio
Accused, Stand Up!
Henri Lapalle
Paris, 30's declared professional rivalry between two stars of the musical, Yvonne and Gaby leads to dire consequences. Yvonne's body is found in the theater. Gaby's future is threatened against the judgment to which it is subjected, with a probable prison sentence.
Fernand (François)
An American couple, Douglas and Mary, are in the nightclub 'La Vache Rose'. When Julot and Nini are performing 'La Danse Apache', Douglas thinks that Nini is being abused and he comes to her defense. He doesn't know that it's all part of the dance. "Chiqué" is the first French talking picture produced in France.
This presentation of 'Waterloo', a film by Karl Grune about the last hurrah of Napoleon, is a fascinating companion to the Abel Gance epic 'Napoleon'. 'Waterloo' presents a tale of several people involved in the final battle. Napoleon and Wellington, of course, but also the Austrian general Blutcher (who is seen as a ladies' man - his scene with a flirty Countess about halfway through the film is priceless; as are his touching scenes with his plain wife (who he imagines to be a young and nubile girl when they get romantic) and some people within his regiment. Not simply a film of war, 'Waterloo' is a story of people, of lovers, of lost opportunities.
An Ideal Woman
Angel Call
Based on a novel by José Pérez de Rozas. In Seville, Angel Caal, a Parisian businessman, escapes blindness after a car accident, thanks to the dedicated care of Mercédès, intended for the convent. They fall in love and Mercedes soon discovers the temptations of Paris.
In the Night
A quarry worker gets married and lives his marital bliss, until an explosion at his workplace, a mine, disfigures him...
In the Night
L'ouvrier carrier
A quarry worker gets married and lives his marital bliss, until an explosion at his workplace, a mine, disfigures him...
In the Night
A quarry worker gets married and lives his marital bliss, until an explosion at his workplace, a mine, disfigures him...
Drei Tage auf Leben und Tod - aus dem Logbuch der U.C.1
Der Steuermann
a silent war movie by Heinz Paul
Le Passager
Apaches of Paris
Die weisse Sklavin
The Prey of the Wind
A pilot crashes and a beautiful countess of a castle nearby nurses him to health.
Mister Mustard's Millions
John Durand
When bored American billionaire Charles Vanel is amused by the happiness of poor railroad man Nicolas Koline, he offers him a wager: if Koline and his family can spend 20,000 francs a day (about $11,000 in current American money) for a year, then he'll give him a nice pension. The rest of the movie is about the poor man and his family's efforts to win the bet.
The Awakening
Island Fishermen
Faithfully reproduced observations of Breton fisherfolk in story of the man a local woman really loves who will not at first give himself to her because of his fondness for the sea that takes him away.
Heart of an Actress
Desire brings out the worst in an actress' suitors-- One a well-to-do patron of London's theatre set, the other a lovestruck loner on the verge of penning a play dedicated to her.
La Flambée des rêves
Claire is married to the elderly owner of a brewery. She seeks excitement with her childhood friend René.
Calvaire d'amour
L'Autre aile
French silent aviation melodrama.
The House of Mystery
Henri Corradin
Film composed of 10 episodes: 1.- L'Ami felon. 2.- Le secret de L'etang. 3.- L'Ambition au service de la haine. 4.- L'Implacable verdict. 5.- Le Pont vivant. 6.- La Voix du sang. 7.- Les Caprices du destin. 8.- En Champ clos. 9.- Les Angoisses de Corradin. 10.- Le Triomphe de L'amour.
The Hearth
Directed by Robert Boudrioz.
Raoul Mauduit
An Englishman, Lord Wheatley, purchases an island over which reigns the supremely beautiful Phroso, thus disposessing her of her land. Revolted, the islanders, supported by an adventurer who desires Phroso, rise against the new master. The English are saved by the British governor, also under the spell of gorgeous Phroso. The latter, for her part, is not wholly insensitive to Lord Wheatley's distinction. The imbroglio still worsens with the meddling of a dark horse : the neighboring sultan.
The Child of the Carnival
A foundling is left in front of the home of a rich aristocratic bachelor during the Nice carnival. The marquis adopts the child but soon finds that he cannot cope, so he employs a nanny who turns out to be the child's real mother. Just as the two have fallen in love and there is a happy ending in sight, the woman's husband - long thought dead - turns up.