Claudia Osejo

Claudia Osejo


Claudia es actriz, directora y productora. Junto a Miguel León fundaron el estudio de Animación AnimHado, cuyo enfoque principal es el stop motion. Dentro del estudio se dedican también a la construcción de props, escenarios, utilería y marionetas, siendo proveedores de desarrollos de arte y utilería para otros estudios en Bogotá. Sus primeros cortos ¨Deterioro¨ ¨Sangre Raíz¨ y ¨Rompe Cabezas¨ han tenido selecciones en festivales a nivel nacional e internacional. Recientemente finalizaron el filminuto ¨Frames¨ y actualmente se encuentran en la realización de la animación y marionetas para el cortometraje Ocaso, ganador del FDC. Se encuentran en etapa de desarrollo de ¨La Turista de Ciudad Hongo¨ su nuevo cortometraje en stop motion.


Claudia Osejo


La tortuga de plástico
A turtle lives peacefully at the bottom of the sea, until an apparatus accident forces him to fight to survive and undergo the physical and environmental changes that human unconsciousness has produced.
La tortuga de plástico
A turtle lives peacefully at the bottom of the sea, until an apparatus accident forces him to fight to survive and undergo the physical and environmental changes that human unconsciousness has produced.
La tortuga de plástico
A turtle lives peacefully at the bottom of the sea, until an apparatus accident forces him to fight to survive and undergo the physical and environmental changes that human unconsciousness has produced.
Her in the middle of the city, transportation, pollution, and others. A journey facing a being with the city, the big antagonist that affects us all.
Her in the middle of the city, transportation, pollution, and others. A journey facing a being with the city, the big antagonist that affects us all.
Los Dulces Agrios
Alejandra Montesinos
Matilde, the nervous and silent maid of an opulent family, lost the key of the door and now is locked down with her boss and his repellent daughter.